Super Uber Spoiler Thread ***NOTHING BUT SPOILERS***

Something I stole from 2chan.

Wanna post a spoiler to something, just because you gotta do it? Put it in this thread. Random spoilers all around. See if you can resist NOT reading anything in it.

Don’t blame anyone else, for you succumbing to reading the posts here. :twisted:

All spoilers should be FACTUAL. Don’t make stuff up. Ruins the fun.

First post from me?

In Final Fantasy VII, Aeris dies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shonen’s route is set in 2034. Also, “Takeshi” in Shonen’s route and “Shonen” in Takeshi’s route are the same person.

Chris Northfield is actually a girl.

In MOON.: “¬Ö???¬Ö”

Suzumiya Haruka gets hit by a car.

Snape kills Dumbledore. Voldemort kills Snape. Harry (or the Elder Wand) kills Voldemort.

Tsukimiya Ayu is an ikiryou.

Asuka is 20 years old.

LOL! I actually read your post, because my curiosity got the better of me. :stuck_out_tongue: For revenge, I will post UBER spoilers in hopes you read my reply. :twisted:

In book 9 of the Haruhi Suzumiya light novels, it has been strongly implied that Kyon is actually God and not Haruhi. Haruhi is actually an “avatar focus” that Kyon uses to manifest his own subconscious over reality. That is to say, Haruhi is only God, because Kyon wants her to be God.

Walter is the mysterious traitor, Alucard kills Anderson, Schr√∂dinger kills Alucard, and Heinkel kills Walter. Ain’t Hellsing grand?

Angelica dies in the Gunslinger Girl manga. Not enough for ya? Jan really loves Rico. He named her after his dead sister (Enrica) and after Angelica died, broke down and hugged Rico when she claimed Angelica meant nothing to her despite their friendship. Of course Rico, thinks being hugged by Jan was FAR more important than anything else in her existence. Can you say Henrietta Part 2? I know you can.

goddammit !! I’ve fallen from grace and succumbed. Oh well. Where is it said Asuka [I’m assuming you mean langley Soryu is 20] proof nao.

Necron from FFIX is actually the true spiritual manifestation of the Iifa tree

He must mean another Asuka.

Asuka Langley Soryu was born on 4 Dec 2004… that makes her 14 or 15 years old.

Oh… Nero is the reincarnation of Virgil in Devil May Cry 4.

Animated GIF:

(Note: I did not make the above image. There are one or two jokes in it I don’t agree with, but it’s too good overall to pass up)

The drug was a governmental experiment. Max kills them all and goes to jail but gets released. Mona Sax doesn’t really die. Vlad backstabs you in the sequal.

Drillbit Taylor catches a samuri sword and loses a finger, the bully gets arrested.

Dr Arbuthnot kills them all and runs for president.

He is the one.

Al’s marriage gets fixed, Sam Beckett never returned home.

Maximillian Cohen discovers a mathematical sequence that explains everything. He puts a drill into his brain to prevent others from obtaining it.

chiaki is actually a time traveler from the future in Toki wo kakeru Shoujo

GLaDoS is still alive.

Darth Vader IS Luke’s father, and Princess Leia is his sister.

Akito is a woman.

Bruce Willis is a ghost.

Eli Vance dies.

Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze.

The fourth Hokage is narutos father.

Tidus comes back at the end of FF X-2

and gotta say it : the caek is a lie

The butler did it.

Frodo decides to keep the ring. Gollum bites his finger off and falls into the crack of doom without any help from Frodo.

Prince Humperdink lives.

Utena isn’t a prince.

I’ve got your crack of doom right here!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: :twisted:

Fukamori Arata is the prince of Seven Central. Fukamori Shizuka is the princess of Wisley. (Princess Waltz)

Mari, Hina and Mayu are daughters of Urashima Taro, a Japanese myth character. Otohime, the mistress of Ryugu Mansion, is their mother.(Little My Maid)

Cid, headmaster of Balamb Garden, is soreress Edea’s husband. Rinoa is a sorceress too. (Final Fantasy VIII)

Sephiroth kills Aeris. (FF7)

Crono is killed by Lavos and his friends resurrect him by going back in time and replacing him with a doll made up to look like him. (CT)

George Milton, an intelligent and cynical man, shoots Lennie Small in the back of the head.

In Watchmen, Ozymandias killed the Comedian. Nite Owl and Silk Spectre screw like rabbits. The Comedian is Silk Spectre’s dad. Doctor Manhattan kills Rorschach.

In Devils Devel Concept, the twincest are vampires that hunt vampires. Katana’s has split personality that kills people. Mei is the canon ending and kills all the other girls outta literal demonic yandere madness: so no harem for you! She’s either a really powerful blood demon or the queen mother of vampires. I still can’t figure it out. Either way, you get to screw her like rabbits.

In Tales of the Abyss, Asch dies. Then Luke dies. But no worries, cause the two merge after saving the planet from certain doom. Luke-Asch then returns to Tear and the gang. Tear finally cries for the first time when she sees him resurrected. We know she’ll get screwed like rabbits.

In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Emil is really Ratatosk, and his entire personality and physical appearance are illusions and lies created to hide this fact. In fact, the REAL Emil looks and acts nothing like the fake one… oh… and the real Emil died with his parents. The core on Marta’s head is a fake. Evil Lloyd is really Decus. Also Lloyd was the one who REALLY saved Marta. She never learns of this, and thinks Emil did… but Loyd figures it out and keeps it hidden. In the canon ending, Ratatosk gives the Emil personality his own body, so he can stay imprisoned while Emil and Marta can screw like rabbits (which may or may not be disturbing, considering their age).

You know, that’s also the impression I got from watching the anime. It just seems to make more sense and explains why all the other characters think he’s important.

In the movie, the Titanic still sinks.

In the Battlestar Galactica remake, the first Earth the Colonialist discover is not the real Earth. They find the real Earth in the last episode.

So… there’s really two Earths. Also the series takes place 150K years in the past. Oh… and Virtual Six and Virtual Baltar are REAL angels from God.

The culprit is Takano Miyo.

Kohaku is the actual mastermind behind everything.

The voice Kurou hears in the bookshop is actually Al Azif’s from another time.

Rider’s actual master is Sakura.