Survey for research project on lolicon community

I am beginning a research project on the views and political habits of the online “lolicon” community. As part of preliminary research, I’ve created a short survey to gather some data on the views of its community members. It’s only 10 questions long and is completely anonymous. I would appreciate any members of this community who identify as “lolicon” taking it. The survey is located at:

Thank you for your time and cooperation. If the community expresses interest in it, I look forward to sharing the completed project’s findings.

While I definitely don’t identify as a lolicon, I would be quite interested to see how this turns out. Provided you get enough people to participate, I look forward to seeing the results.

You may want to try posing this at the “lolicons r us” website:

You’ll likely find plenty of people there willing to answer your questionnaire.

Taken 8) Tried to be objective.

The problem with self reporting is that ever when taking anonymously people tend to lie, so I hope you’re paper isn’t hinging on this survey.

Indeed. Would be better if you had some way of getting a hold of indivisual people you can verify some way, ie something more than a name or email.

Wouldn’t help. In fact, it would probably make it worse, but in different ways. People lie in surveys all the time, you just can’t really do anything about it. And with a topic as controvertial as this one, you’re going to get inaccurate answers no matter what you do.

You would find very few people willing to do this face-to-face, where they have to look the survey-taker in the eye, and know that the survey taker will be able to figure out who wrote down what without any real difficulty. So your responses will be even more full of lies than if you allow anonymous entries. And you’ll get far fewer responses, so the errors will affect the results more.

It should also be kept in mind that being anonymous can also make people more honest. So I’d say that it balances out to some extent.

I’m always honest when I take a survey (no need to waste time in gratuitous lies), but still hoping I’m not the only perv… err, erogamer from Italy taking your survey :stuck_out_tongue: .