Synchronous Hearts

Originally posted by Kurutsu:
LOL, I don 't think the switch could be interesting, that 's why I think those who change gender are crazy, and please don 't EVEN meantion shemales :eek (they are a thread to manhood [img][/img])

Heh, why does the thought of people changing genders seem so strange to you, Kurutsu? Have you never in your whole life thought the thought "Hmm... I wonder what it would feels like if I were a woman"?? I'm sure that everyone ask himself/herself such a question at least once during his/her fife... it's a "curiosity thing"... Males and Females are almost completely different, so both wonders now and then how it would feel like to be of the opposite gender, I'm sure...

Good thing there ARE girls in bishojo games right ? [img][/img] And I agree girls are more interesting than guys :O I wish there were more guys like Arubatu-san or Kojiroh, they were coool !

Arubatsu-san?? Kojiroh?? Never heard of them, who are they??

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well... if his/hers body were _real_ then why care about it? A body is a body you know [img][/img]

Heh, true but it would have to do with one's mental concept of the person. My best friend wore glasses for years and it wasn't until much later that he eventually switched to contacts. Because the glasses became so much a part of my "image" of him, when he wore contacts, I sometimes caught myself acting differently with him, as if he were a stranger at times.

And if you think about it, it's really easy to extend this concept with some of the games. Minoru in Snow Drop sees Kyoka as his childhood friend, the bossy, nosey friend who he grew up with who happens to be a girl. Her femininity, a more recent development in terms of how long they've known each other (I may be taking liberties with the "childhood friend" part.), doesn't fit his mental "image" of her. I mean, he's almost shocked when he "realizes" she is a girl. It's not that he suddenly woke up and realized she has breasts, but his "concept" of her needed to be changed.

Um, heh, sorry, wandered away from topic after Kumiko tried to bring us back to it…

I do look forward to it because I can see a lot of replay value in this title. And yes, it would be nice to have full voice for once. I always felt it was odd hearing only the female characters whenever I played.

Oh, and I don’t think “Amy’s Fantasies” would have been a good choice for what you were looking for Jason4. I havn’t played it yet but from what I’ve heard and the descriptions I’ve read, it’s pretty much her decent into sexuality on her journey to find her step-brother. I don’t get the impression that it’s a game where she overcomes obstacles to find her “true love”. But like I said, I havn’t played it so I don’t know for sure.

Darn, wandered from topic again. Sorry. Getting senile already…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Arubatsu-san?? Kojiroh?? Never heard of them, who are they??

Damn, it looks like I forgot to reply to some threads, I should browse older topics again to say if there are other (sorry for having you wait).

I am not saying I never thought about it but it doesn 't look right for me to see myself kissing a guy or something.

Arubatu-san is the guy of Desire and Kojiroh is the guy of the EVE games like EVE Burst Error and ADAM the double factor.

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Getting back on topic... [img][/img]

Crowd must've sunk quite a lot into the development of this title. By the way, Kumiko forgot to correct a comment someplace in all of this... "zapping" adventures are not really anything like C's ware's "multi-sight" concept. Zapping adventures are much more free-for-all. Synchronous Hearts will be a nightmare to work on - we can see why Crowd didn't really want it to be done. Wonder how many technical problems we'll have?

This game has FULL voice... ALL voices, including every single supporting character, male and female! To put it into perspective - normally, CG is by far the biggest file. Well, for SH, the CG file is like 160 MB... and the voice file is like 500+ MB! (ouch!)

It also has full sound effects, facial animations, quick save, the ability to go backwards through the script (including zaps between characters being noted) and a host of other features.

You've never played any adventure game this complex... that's probably pretty safe to say. [img][/img]

AAAAH, looks like a must have game, you made me drool Kumiko [img][/img] But what do you mean by the sentence: Zapping adventures are much more free-for-all ?

[This message has been edited by Kurutsu (edited 11-07-2001).]

Originally posted by Jason4:
Although I don't want to deviate too much from the topic, I feel I must weigh in on "the girl's perspective" topic.

I agree that a girl's perspective is much different from a guy's. The one game that I have played that had this was Amy's Fantasies. When I bought the game I thought that it would be neat to have a female heroine for a change. That quickly changed. I felt that she was just as if not more perverted than some of the guys. Her actions and her speech was done in such a way that it was so similar to a guy's. Except instead of "giving" it, she was "receiving." To me, that was the only difference.

I haven't even finished the game because it is too painful to go through. The most disgusting scene that have seen in that game was the part where she is in school and is tricked by the principal and is raped by a bunch of guys. I wouldn't have minded this so much but she began to like what was happening to her and afterward she seemed like she was saying: "Oh well" That part really ticked me off. I have never felt more disgusted in my life!! [img][/img]

So you can see that I haven't had much good experiece where the main character was a girl. [img][/img]

I like the game, interested in selling it to me ?

Originally posted by Kurutsu:
Damn, it looks like I forgot to reply to some threads, I should browse older topics again to say if there are other (sorry for having you wait).

Don't worry, everyone forgets things [img][/img]

I am not saying I never thought about it but it doesn 't look right for me to see myself kissing a guy or something. [/B][/QUOTE]

I see what you mean, but still... would you think the same if you were a woman? The only other alternative would be to turn into a lesbian... not that it would be THAT bad, of course [img][/img]. Hmm, I wonder how people would think of a person who turned into a woman and then got together with an another woman? Would they think of that "him" as a lesbian or a homosexual or simply think of it as normal? [img][/img]

Arubatu-san is the guy of Desire and Kojiroh is the guy of the EVE games like EVE Burst Error and ADAM the double factor.

Ok, I see... haven't played those games, so...

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
C's ware's multi-sight system is basically a linear adventure game that requires you to play a character perspective until you reach a certain point and then switch to another perspective, or to play the entire story from one perspective and then replay from another perspective to eventually see the entire true ending and have everything explained.

Zapping adventures are not like that at all. A zapping adventure allows you to "zap" between characters. There are periods where you cannot "zap", yes, but that's like less than 50% of the total game time. The games tend to be complicated because you have to be in one character at a certain time and place for certain events, or have to be in a certain character to respond to certain conversations in order to unlock certain paths and events. It's a "free-for-all" since you are not forced to follow a specific storyline or path.

Hmm, you mean that if I, for example, doesn't "zap" to one of the girls during an "important" event during the game, it might mean that I won't get the same ending I might have got if I had "zaped" to the girl during that event? But I can still chose to play through the whole game as just one of the characters? But doing so would have some consequences, right?

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Umm... more or less, yes. [img][/img] Lots of things have consequences, including who you are playing at various decision points or events (in other words, who you may have "zapped" to prior to the event occurring.) The girls' lives parallel, but are generally separate. Miho-chan is the youngest, Maki-chan is the middle sister, and Ryoko-san is the eldest. Their parents died when they were younger, and it effected all three of them in different ways due to their different maturity levels and personalities. They've always "shared" their hearts, though - that is, what one feels very strongly, the others also feel at the same time. So, for example, if one girl is having sex and gets very aroused, her sisters also probably feel something at the same time due to the strong emotional outpouring and their "synchronous hearts". [img][/img]

Hmm, that last you said reminds me of a manga I once read... The manga were about a pair of twin sisters, if I remember correctly... and they were "in sync", so to say, because that they could feel if the other of them had sex... feel exactly EVERYTHING, which could put them in some _really_ embarrassing situations [img][/img]. Can the same thing happen in SH?

Miho-chan is in high school, Maki-chan is in college, and Ryoko-san works for an office as an "office lady" (or "OL"). So, in the morning, Ryoko and Miho might leave together but quickly separate, with Miho going to school with her friend Kei-chan and Ryoko-san catching the subway to the office (and perhaps getting "groped" either on her way to work or on the way home - you know how it goes... [img][/img] )
[This message has been edited by Kumiko Kamiyama (edited 11-08-2001).]

Heh, you mean that kind of like in X-change, they may get in trouble on the train or the bus?? Hmm, interesting... three different personalities, three different lives and three different maturity levels .. And all of those things decides how the girls react to the event in the game??

Well one manga that showed that kind of twins was Hot Tails in English, don’t know what the original title is. This is taking it a step further since there’s always been the concept of twins being so close. (The idea that with identical twins, they are actually one person seperated into two bodies so they would feel what the other feels naturally.) Even G.I. Joe had a pair of twins like that…er, without the sex though…as far as I know…I really wish I hadn’t thought of that…

Heh, I’m guessing all those things you list do affect the events…as well as you since you go around making choices right? But it should be interesting, and take quite a while to see everything in the game since you’ll want to go through the individual choices of the characters plus see what happens whenever you “zap” over to one of the others. I’m guessing it’ll keep me occupied and out of trouble for awhile.

Spectator Beholder:

Hey thanks Spectator. No, I wouldn 't think the same way if I was a women, you see girls are much more emotional, they give each other kisses to greet and hug each other very (how should I say…) while guys just shake hands.
In my opinion it is much more ugly to be gay than to be lesbian. I once saw a movie clip of two japanese girls having sex, and well it was nice to see, really.

Those games are really great !!! Buy them ASAP !

Damn, will Himeya do that promotion thingie again ? You know, buy one game and get one for free.
Too bad you don 't like that game, I think the game is great, just loved those songs.


AAh, so it doesn ’ work with flags like in EBE you mean.
Oiii, don 't talk too much about the game o_O !!

Originally posted by Kurutsu:

Hey thanks Spectator. No, I wouldn 't think the same way if I was a women, you see girls are much more emotional, they give each other kisses to greet and hug each other very (how should I say...) while guys just shake hands.
In my opinion it is much more ugly to be gay than to be lesbian. I once saw a movie clip of two japanese girls having sex, and well it was nice to see, really.

Hmm, Well, that may appear like "to be gay is more ugly than being lesbian" for us MEN... but for the girls, that'd be an another matter, I think (because that some girls once said to me that they think that "gays are cute", or something like that ^^;; [img][/img]. A proof may be the "shounen-ai"-thing... Shounen-ai are mostly made for females, if I remember correctly... But then, again, Shounen Ai isn't all that bad, from my point of view... just watch "Gravitation" sometime, I can almost gurantee that you'll like it [img][/img] (Hmm, that reminds me that when my anime club watched the first parts of Gravitation, the majority of those who asked for more were the girls of the club...).

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 11-09-2001).]

Hmmm, I think also part of it is that some people don’t think of lesbian interactions as “sex” while gay interactions are. I was remembering the discussion from “Chasing Amy” where they touch upon the subject. (Actually, it may have been a “virginity” talk since I remember they went from “breaking the hymen” to “penitration” but still something along those lines.)

And I also think there’s also part of the idea of “multiple partners at once” as well. (My friend gave a good argument for this but it was years ago and I don’t remember all of it.) Among guys and some girls, the idea of having more than one woman involved in sex with a partner is okay but if you throw in two guys with one girl, it’s less okay. And you can extrapolate that to some extent because the idea of maybe “3 on 1” is okay but the instant you put in more than 1 guy, even if it’s “2 on 2”, it’s not. (Sorry, my friends argument was way more coherent and I’m doing a poor job of it. Plus he drew stick figures! )

Yeah, I 've heard of that too Spectator but luckily I am a guy so I don 't think gay people are cute Btw Kumiko, what do you think of gay people ?
Lesbian sex does not interest me, only seeing two girls kissing each other, that is nice drools

Has anyone heard anything new about this since the last seen post? I have seen this game listed under the name ‘Same Hearts’ now in several of the of the General Product Catalogs from Jast USA but it does not seem to be available yet anywhere I am searching. Was it put in the 2003-2004 Catalog too soon or does this mean it will be out sometime between now and a year from now?
My main confusion comes from the fact that all the other games listed are out or we know will soon be out such as Brave Soul. Can anyone tell me if it is out somewhere or will it not be out until next year?

Kumiko’s seceret Identity has been posting over at the G-Collections BBS.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

Originally posted by woodelf:
I don't belive Dave is Kumiko.
But then what I belive may not be true.

I think it's long been confirmed, so unfortunately you have to give in to the truth. Think Lamuness mentioned it, but I"m not sure.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I think it's long been confirmed, so unfortunately you have to give in to the truth. Think Lamuness mentioned it, but I"m not sure.

The confirmation of this fact, was considered a topic shift so random that it is what spawned The Off-topic Thread. It's in the first few pages. Yes, Lamuness confirmed it - if I remember this right, I said I at first disbelieved Kumiko was real, then ladyphoenix said she did too, and so Lamuness fessed up.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I need DEVINE protection if I try to read that thread from the begining. None the less it is interesting to compare what was thought back then and now. We still are waiting for games the PP expected to have out in a few months something like the way G-collections are cranking them out.
What went wrong? or Right? with PP and G-Collections and other game providers.

You don't need to read from the beginning, just at the beginning. It's in the first 2 or 3 pages. I swear. I think it's in the first.

Dude, is it that big of a deal to know who’s who?