Synchronous Hearts

I think I’m going to love this game, I really like the songs !!! Is the composer the same as Snow Drop’s, cause I could sense some similarities to the style . It’s like old school techno mixed with modern pop, it’s so cool !

You could have posted under my topic of the same name, you know.

Originally posted by Epyon:
You could have posted under my topic of the same name, you know.

Sumimasen, I don't mean to be rude or anything but I looked at your profile and you didn't post this topic yet, tee, hee, hee [img][/img]!!!

[This message has been edited by Serio (edited 11-01-2001).]

I can 't find it either

Yeah, I am going to buy that game too ^O^

Originally posted by Kurutsu:
I can 't find it either [img][/img]

Yeah, I am going to buy that game too ^O^

I'm going to buy it too [img][/img]!! By the way, you've said that in this game, the girl's hearts will be in sync with each other... exactly what does that mean? that if one of the three girls in the game are angry or feels bad, the other two will feel the same?

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 11-01-2001).]

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
This title is far far future, of course, but we thought people would like to know we acquired the rights. [img][/img]

Well it is nice to know what's planned in the future. One of my friends was drooling when they first announced Diablo 2. He then tended to go a little insane during each delay. Then when he was absolutely sure it was coming out, he took his vacation and I didn't see him for awhile. I don't think any humans saw him for a few weeks except for maybe the pizza delivery. [img][/img]

If anything, being tempted like this gets us excited about those coming products and makes us fight all that much harder to see them actually come out at some point. After all, if go out and start talking to our friends about a game that won't be out for a long time, those friends will probably want to find out what's up right? [img][/img]

I know exactly what your talking about I went nuts when I saw Final Fantasy 10 (FF10). I’m soo eager for that game i went browesing like a mad man, I’ve downloaded movie clips to see the game in action, damm it looks so cool. I’m also waiting for Metel Gear Solid

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
The girls' hearts are shared, allowing you to "zap" from one girl to another at various points... even in the middle of a conversation! However, the ability to "zap" is not always "on" - it depends on what each girl is doing at a specific time of the day as to whether or not you can "zap" to her from whoever you are playing at the moment. So, their hearts are "in sync" because they are shared, allowing you to switch from one girl to the other while you play. The paths are determined by who you are playing and what choices you make at various points - it's very complex.

This title is far far future, of course, but we thought people would like to know we acquired the rights. [img][/img]

Sounds very complex ^_^;. Bu the more complex, the more fun it will be to play the game, right [img][/img]?
Hmm, by the way, are you (the player) a male character who meets the girls, or are you controlling the girls, not any male main character?

From what I understand, you play the three girls. That’s what makes the “zapping” part key. (And up’s the replay value tremendously.)

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
You start the game by choosing one of the sisters to play. As the game progresses, you can zap from one to the other at various times - there are other periods of time when you cannot zap between them, of course. In other words... the three sisters are living their lives daily, and there are times when you can change to a different sister and play her while she goes about her life, etc. The lives are occurring simultaneously, just like real life, so it is very complicated! [img][/img]

Hmm, so we follows them while they're living their lives and makes decisions for them during the game? And I assume that deepending om which of the sisters who makes what choice decides how the game ends?? Hmm... If it's as complicated as you've described, it may take a _very_ long time to find all 27 endings... which is very good, of course [img][/img].

And also, this game seems to have a large cast of characters...

Originally posted by Serio:
[quote] Originally posted by Epyon:
[b]You could have posted under my topic of the same name, you know.

Sumimasen, I don't mean to be rude or anything but I looked at your profile and you didn't post this topic yet, tee, hee, hee [img][/img]!!!

Yeah, I did, just under the original name. Check page 2. You can't miss it. It's under the name Doushin.
[This message has been edited by Serio (edited 11-01-2001).][/b] [/quote]

[This message has been edited by Epyon (edited 11-01-2001).]

Oh, I only check the only the threads that have new replies.

I love that zapping thing, like in EBE ! Having the rights acquired is a good thing hehe. Some people don 't like playing with a girl, I prefere playing with a guy because he usually sarcastic, what do you prefere ?

Originally posted by Kurutsu:
Some people don 't like playing with a girl, I prefere playing with a guy because he usually sarcastic, what do you prefere ?

Hmm, never really thought about it. Then again, I havn't played many games where the character you played was a girl except maybe for Water Closet. (Or well, X-Change sorta.) I'm not sure it would make all that much difference to me, I tend to get so involved in the game that the gender of the character I'm playing as is peripheral. (Yes, even during sex.) If anything, it does offer a different type of perspective of things.

Originally posted by Kurutsu:

I love that zapping thing, like in EBE ! Having the rights acquired is a good thing hehe. Some people don 't like playing with a girl, I prefere playing with a guy because he usually sarcastic, what do you prefere ?

I prefer my avatar to be a guy...It makes me feel more involve and I could relate to the character...However, I do like the game's concept and I do prefer SyncHearts over the other games that r announced.

Well I don’t really care if my “avatar” is a girl or a guy, but I agree that playing from a girl’s perspective certainy’s more interesting…

Why do you think it is more interesting to play with girls ? I agree with ReijiShizeyo 's point of view, I can ‘t see myself being a girl (poor Takuya haha) having a sex with a guy (or a girl), it sounds a bit disgusting ^_^’

Originally posted by Kurutsu:
Why do you think it is more interesting to play with girls ? I agree with ReijiShizeyo 's point of view, I can 't see myself being a girl (poor Takuya haha) having a sex with a guy (or a girl), it sounds a bit disgusting ^_^'

Why? I myself think it would be an interesting experience to experience what poor Takuya did... after all, as guys, we don't really know what kind of life women have... or what kind of difficulties they have to experience as women. And after all... Takuya DID learn something during his four days as a woman, ne?? [img][/img]

Don’t know how much we’d learn. If any of us (males or females) suddenly switched genders, there would be the period where we hide since we wouldn’t want people to see us like that followed thereafter with the “self-exploratory” period as we start examining new body parts. (After all it’s different feel to it if you handle someone else’s body rather than your own.) It might be days before we leave our rooms…

And I doubt in real life that if you had such a quick gender switch that everyone you knew would suddenly be hot for you because in their heads, they would still remember your original gender and that’s a rather complex thought to be having during sex. (And philosophical question, if you change genders, have sex, then change back, would you still be a virgin?) I don’t care how cute or horny my friend becomes if he’s turned into a girl, I’m not gonna sleep with him/her (okay, now I’m getting myself confused. )

But irregardless of all that, I do agree that it would be an interesting experience to be switched. I’m not exactly saying enjoyable, but interesting.

LOL, I don 't think the switch could be interesting, that 's why I think those who change gender are crazy, and please don 't EVEN meantion shemales :eek (they are a thread to manhood )

Good thing there ARE girls in bishojo games right ? And I agree girls are more interesting than guys :open_mouth: I wish there were more guys like Arubatu-san or Kojiroh, they were coool !

Originally posted by ekylo:
Don't know how much we'd learn. If any of us (males or females) suddenly switched genders, there would be the period where we hide since we wouldn't want people to see us like that followed thereafter with the "self-exploratory" period as we start examining new body parts. (After all it's different feel to it if you handle someone else's body rather than your own.) It might be days before we leave our rooms... [img][/img]

Yes, it would be MANY days before we left our rooms... and just think of what silly excuses we'd be using when we try to explain to our families or our friends when they wonder why we've stayed in our rooms for such a long time [img][/img] And just think of what... erm... interesting things we might discover while we were in our rooms [img][/img]

And I doubt in real life that if you had such a quick gender switch that everyone you knew would suddenly be hot for you because in their heads, they would still remember your original gender and that's a rather complex thought to be having during sex. (And philosophical question, if you change genders, have sex, then change back, would you still be a virgin?)

Haha, I doubt that everyone would attack us like sex-starved manics if that happened... but after a certain time, who knows? After a certain time, everyone would have gotten used to the thought of you as a woman, and who knows what might happen then? [img][/img]. And as for the virgin thing... Well, I guess that if you was a man and suddenly turned into a woman and lost your virginity as a woman, you could say that "you aren't a virgin as a woman, but as a male, you are", sounds kind of confusing, ne? [img][/img]

I don't care how cute or horny my friend becomes if he's turned into a girl, I'm not gonna sleep with him/her (okay, now I'm getting myself confused. [img][/img] )

Well... if his/hers body were _real_ then why care about it? A body is a body you know [img][/img]

But irregardless of all that, I do agree that it would be an interesting experience to be switched. I'm not exactly saying enjoyable, but interesting.

Well, I'm not either saying that it would be enjoyable, but certainly interesting... and it could also be fun in some ways [img][/img]