Tales of Series... Namco loves us again!!!

The 3DS remake for Tales of the Abyss? Confirmed for US and European release in 2011. English voice acting for the skits is highly hinted to be included this time around.

Not enough? Tales of Graces F is also confirmed for US and European markets in 2012.

If they do well, Tales of Xillia is a no brainer.

Isn’t those news like months old? Graces F was announced like 3 months ago probably.

As long as I get Xillia i don’t mind.

I had completely given up on Namco, so stopped paying attention to them. Only iDOLM@STER 2 was of interest to me. :o

I’m glad Graces is finally coming. They had me worried when the website said Platform: TBA. I thought maybe they would screw it up and port Graces F back to Wii or maybe onto 360.

Tales of the Abyss is my favorite game Tales game and if I had a 3DS I’d love to get it without cords chaining me down. After I do more research I would decide to get it, from initial things I saw of the battery I am reluctant to jump on. Tales of the Abyss could change that, however.

From my game playing, the battery life isn’t all that bad. Although to be honest, most of the games I’ve been playing were DS games… not 3DS games… because launch didn’t exactly have anything for me to pick from.

On a side note: Soulcalibur 5 is also in development. Takes place 17 years after SC4. Some characters will be the [u]children[/b] of the old cast. Really interested in seeing what happens to Amy.

She still gonna be a loli? If not, is she still a pettanko? Or is the new fencer fighter the child of Amy? Raphael you devil. :twisted:

I haven’t enjoyed a Tales game since Destiny 2 (ps2). :frowning:

I haven’t enjoyed a Tales game since Phantasia, and I’ve played like 3. :((

Spotted this while looking at another bit of news: Japan Gets the Best PS3
That is one nice looking PS3 they are putting out for this Tales of Xillia game that I know nothing about since I’m a PC gamer. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s weird. Namco is always threatening that Tales of sells poorly, and they’re going to kill the franchise, yet it gets royal treatment with the console makers. How many third party game serires get custom designed consoles?

Then again, this Namco, who promised Soul Calibur 4 would be the final chapter of the “eternally told” saga. Not that I’m complaining about SC5 – I joined the letter petition, and SC5 is supposed to have a 100% serious story (no stupid endings).

I suppose all the “doom and gloom” about iDOLM@STER 2 can be ignored as well. I’m expecting the Vita and/or 3DS versions one day. :smiley:

If Namco actually gave a st about Tales in the US they would see that a lot of us are willing to throw money at them to keep them coming. But my god, they keep f***g it up and them complaining about it.

Unfortunately, there is a difference between caring about something and being willing to spend money on it. One of the pitfalls of being in the content business is listening too much to what your customers tell you they want, because sometimes people are inaccurate judges of their own desires.

The number of people willing to say “bring X over! I want it!” who don’t actually end up buying it in the end is significant enough that you have to take it into account. How many JRPG fans wanted Sakura Taisen to come over? Then when it was actually released, how many actually bought it?

Popularity doesn’t always translate into sales. In the case of many anime, the “popularity” of something in the fansub circuit actually tends to undermine its ability to make money (because people “already have it”). And in the case of video games, it often turns out that the grass looks greener on the other side: when a title finally does make it across, the reasons why it got passed over become apparent now that people are actually reviewing and playing it, rather than getting their info through the filter of a language barrier.

Sakura Taisen 5 was a good game, but not a great one. The writing was a bit too silly in parts for my tastes. If we’d gotten the game five years ago, it would have (maybe) fared a lot better. The competition was much less, but the market buzz it would have gotten would also have been a lot less. Quirky Japanese games didn’t really make it big until after Disgaea.

But it was released in 2010, and so ST5 was competing against games like Persona 3/4, Odin Sphere, and Mass Effect 2. And I’m sorry, but it doesn’t win that fight. Maybe a different game other than ST5 would have helped (since ST5 is the weakest), but going back further in time is an even shakier bet. Lunar gets away with it because people fondly remember it. Sakura Taisen? Its window of opportunity seems sadly to have passed. If a licensing decision had started with ST1 and occurred several years ago, it might have been a very different story.

I know. I came off a little to harsh in my post. I can understand that they have to be careful with how they actually plan on bringing games over. I just think the Tales series would actually carry over very well. I think that is just the Tales fanboy in me saying that. I had hopes that they would port the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia and then they dropped it. I played the 360 version and would have gladly dropped the money for the PS3 version also, but that might have just been a few people that wanted the PS3 version. And then the Tales games that America wants, can’t really judge from the official forums because it is usually the same people spamming over and over, they just leave in Japan. I hope they bring Tales of Xillia over. I do know I will be buying the other 2 Tales titles that come out.

It looks like we Tales fans old and new are showing our love in return:

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/2012/03/ … ent-139921

Hopefuly this means it’s only a matter of time till an announcement for a localization of Xillia and/or Innocence R (and considering Sony needs help selling Vitas, that may be a good start).

Look what’s coming next year:


Excuse me while I resume my dances of joy :smiley:

There haven’t been as many cool JRPGs this console generation. I’m kinda annoyed. Hell, there haven’t been ANY MegaTen console releases. And while Devil Survivor is okay, I want Persona 5, dammit! And I want to see a new MegaTen game made using PS3/360 levels of power and graphical fidelity.

But the team refocused on the handhelds. During a downturn, I guess it makes sense. And they went back to the most successful part of the franchise - Persona - and did enhanced remakes of … the entire series. That seems like it did really well for them, and I can’t argue with the business sense. But it still leaves me kinda meh.

Well if that’s true. I am happy. Been waiting too long to play xillia.

jrpgs is only reason why i even got a ps3 in first place.

Huzzah! Not too surprising, considering it’s one of the best selling and the highest rated Tales of in Japan. Also has a sequel in the works (that’s the first technological Tales of setting). :o

But still, Namco isn’t exactly known for releasing all of 'em in the West, so this is great news. Sadly, I don’t own a PS3. :frowning:

Could the impossible happen?

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/2012/09/ … ct-x-zone/

Yes, I know this isn’t a Tales game, but it could sort of count since some of the Vesperia characters are in it.

It seems Namco Bandai has plans to announce more Tales localizations besides Xillia:


http://gematsu.com/2013/04/tales-of-xil … gnet_52680