For those who are interested…
I’ve encoded the OP animation of Leaf’s latest release Tasogare into a 17 meg Mpeg and had uploaded it at the following place.
login :- orochi_gerbera
pw :- kdash
File type :- rar
Files :- TasogareOP.rar-TasogareOP.r06
Interesting thing is that the OP does not seem to be produce by Leaf itself,rather from the quality,it seems to be produce by staffs of KSS.It is 15-kin (Nudity) BTW and is the best OP animation I’ve seen in recent years for the genre.
PS :- The kanji for this game('N"√û) means “Who” and is pronouce as “Da-re Ka-re”.But Leaf want people to pronouce it as “Ta-so ga-re.” (¬Ç¬Ω¬Ç¬ª¬Ç¬™¬Ç√™) which means “Dusk”.Do not know why,but after getting all the endings and understanding the story,I still do not know what the connection between “Who” and “Dusk”…
[This message has been edited by Orochi (edited 03-18-2001).]