Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

Why the fuck is Dante NOT in this god damned game? Huh? HUH!? Someone should shoot the lead developer for this [u]MAJOR[/u] oversight.

That aside… the otaku nerd in me LOVES this game, but the hardcore fighter in me does not. :expressionless:

Don’t get me wrong: best fighter on the Wii by far. Only the mighty Samurai Spirits Anthology, could possibly be something someone likes more (and only if they’re a hardcore Samurai Spirits fan).

But compared to BlazBlue and KoF12… not so much…

That’s ok. I will get it. =)

No DANTE??? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Bleh, Maybe I’ll get it, after seeing the reviews and stuff.

Dont they realize how much they’ve lost by not including dante? Awell, I dont own a Wii so it dont matter to me XD, makes me wish I owned one though.

It’s absolutely insane that Dante isn’t on the roster, but Alex (from SF3) is in there. I’m also upset that Tekkaman Blade (aka Teknoman in the US) isn’t there for the Tatsunoko side either… although I suppose that’s because the original Tekkaman is there. :expressionless:

Well at least this game is finally coming to Western shores, now that Capcom has gotten the Tatsunoko licensing issues worked out.

Maybe they’ll be in the sequel or something…

Hey It has Ken the Eagle from Gatchaman too. Ya Dante is a major oversight but you have to take your victories with your defeats. (like all Fighting Games :mrgreen: )

Maybe its because Dante is uber cool or virtually unbeatable. Or maybe its har bringing together all the moves and styles and weapons and guns???

American version of the game has several new characters not found in the Japanese original: one of them being Tekkaman Blade. :o

Here’s hoping Dante is a hidden boss. :twisted:


Nothing is more embarrassing than getting 0wned by a girlish three feet housecleaning robot with a magnetic plasma containment field custom mounted on a broom.

Also… what sane robot inventor gives his housecleaning unit a mechanism as hot as the sun to sweep floors? :stuck_out_tongue:

The same people that try to harness that same power to light a mere lightbulb?

Sanity and common sense don’t seem to be beloved bed-fellows of scientific progress. I mean, people actually think it might be a good idea to let other people plant chips in their heads…

Anyway: I agree with the first post here. One of their “key” mascots who just happens to wield various menacing blades, pistols, and shotguns… and he is on the cheerleader squad. SMT Nocturne had Dante for crying out loud! Inexcusable…

heh… my neighbor is buying a Wii for just this game. :stuck_out_tongue:

The official Euro-American site has been updating with the new characters: http://tatsunoko.vscapcom.com

[b]Roll’s lolitastic theme song[/b]. Same song she had in Marvel versus CAPCOM, only with 500% more kawaii. :o

One thing that is bothering about this game… the ending were short anime clips. I’m wondering if CAPCOM will dub or sub them. I hope it’s sub’ed. CAPCOM tends to be hit or miss when it comes to English voice acting. :expressionless:

Which I don’t understand… the DMC games are all fairly well dubbed and the industry is now both old enough and large enough to be able to find decent voice actors. Not to mention the simple fact that the VA industry has also grown quite well this past decade or so. There is enough talent in the VA market for bad dubs to be inexcusable…

… and really, I am beginning to prefer many bad English dubs over the original Japanese. I don’t remember it being this bad when I had to live and die off the original Japanese. Now… one more smotheringly “deep”/hyperactive man or screechy woman and I’m going to lose it.

The VA searching for DMC - English and Japanese - was actually performed by CAPCOM Japan. Says it in the credits. :slight_smile:

If SF4 is any indication of CAPCOM USA ability to find VA’ing… I’m gonna have to say I’m not pleased. Take a look at Juri in the upcoming SSF4 for example. Another matter is that many of the Tatsunoko characters have never been VA’ed in America - or when they were, very poorly. Part of the TvC nostalgia, is that the Tatsunoko cast have a history (not to say that Capcom doesn’t). Tekkaman’s voice is like Micky Mouse’s voice. A fan will recognize that in an instant. TvC is not only aiming at the hardcore fighter fanbase, but also the harcore anime fanbase as well - the press release by CAPCOM keep pointing that out.

Now I’m not saying that Micky Mouse’s voice can’t be mimicked in Japanese… it is… but CAPCOM doing it right? If how they handled Megaman’s voice is any indicator… I’m ready to puke. Imagine that guy as Zero for TvC. :stuck_out_tongue:

If they give an option to pick between Japanese and English voices: I’m on board. I’m getting the US version. If not? I’ll just wait for the Japanese. CAPCOM still makes money… but CAPCOM USA loses out. In the gaming market that’s a big deal. I know I’m not the only one… there’s at least a dozen others in a fighting game mailing thread I’m in. So if CAPCOM wants to make that 1 million copy sold mark, it’s gonna be harder with FUBAR VA’ing.

Purists can be assholes… but it’s our money.

Bird Missile VS Bird Missile



Game is out tomorrow. There’s some things people should know though, in case they’ve been out of the loop:

#1: The animated endings were removed. New endings using “static illustrations” were made by UDON.

#2: Most mini games were removed.

#3: Some theme songs for certain characters were removed and replaced, due to music licensing issues.

There ya go.

Now the meat and potatoes of the game - the fighting - are still all there an intact. You also get a shit ton of characters that weren’t in the Japanese original (like Zero and Tekkaman Blade). It also has an online mode, unlike the Japanese version.

Me? I hate the cut content, but I’m still getting it. It’s got Tekkaman Blade and Zero and Online Features for godsake! :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s ok.

I will get free trading cards with TvC from Gamestop store, I hope so.

Why cut the Animated endings? Having seen a few on youtube they were pretty cool. I bet it has to do with the new Characters added for the English version to keep Consistency.

I’m happy. :o


I very much doubt they expected to sell many copies of the game in the US. (This is basically why originally Tatsunoko said “no way”, some of the properties were unknown in America.) Given all the other hoops they had to jump through just to get it out, that they added extra characters to make up for the stuff they cut is already pretty good.

It would be delicious. :stuck_out_tongue: