
I got inked before my ex’s prom this last friday. The kanji for honor on my right shoulderblade. I think loyalty will go on my left as benevolence, bravery, justice, politeness and veracity will go down my spine. What do you think?

Tattoos are bad.

uhh… ehh… tattoos would be harmful to your body.

I agree with Benoit.

prom? Are you 18?

[ 06-15-2006, 03:31 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

If you know that you’ll still be happy with them when you are 30 or 40, then go for it mate. I don’t have any myself and probably never will, but hey its your body if its makes you happy, then more power to you. :smiley:

I’ve got tattoed the Uesugi warflag’s “bi” kanji on my right arm a few week ago. All black, a perfect work.Boy, get some hot baths quickly, these’ll help you in fixing colors!

IMO, one or two might be alright. getting 10 of them is a little extreme I think. Stretch is right though, when your pushing 40 with a wife and kids would all that stil interest you? Probably not, but it’s your
body after all.

Yup, one is enough. At least 4.5 centimetres big, otherwise it’ll look just like a stain, IMHO. :slight_smile:

Hmmmmmm…It’s the 1st time i’d read this…no… really…
If tattooes are kanjis,then have you heard of “Kanji Magic”?
It a magic trick or not that uses kanjis as a medium for the spell to work…and it is also said that if the kanji is written in blood (usually the blood of its user),it becomes more powerful than a normal one.

I don’t like tattoos and won’t get any, but if you like this then go for it, they sound pretty cool, and kanji always look good.

Well…I have a few myself…kanjis that is…
One is the character of “FADE” and the other is “Shadow”…It was carved on both my shoulders…(one on each side)

[ 09-21-2006, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]