TCI- After much trying... I still can't do it.

I can’t re-do the Ume-san ending, and it’s been so long that I’ve actually forgotten what it was all about.

I even looked at the guide (four hints… oooh) that requires the 4-digit code. Not only do I feel dirty (I promised myself I wouldn’t cheat by using it to get this last ending) but I’m dissappointed, since the “hints” are stuff I already knew. Here’s the gist of it:

1. Be a lazy bum and skip work whenever possible.
2. See girls as sex objects.
3. When Ume-san asks you to let him do the futons on day 2, be an ass and help him, but only out of spite.
4. He’s an old man… okay.

Um… not only did I already know these things, but now I am even more confused as to how to get his ending. So, therefore, since I’m already dirty, I might as well ask the Forum. Okay, here’s what I believe I should be doing… someone stop me if I’m wrong (these aren’t all the choices I made, but they’re the ones I remember, showing my mentality as I made each).

1. I chose to clean the bath, since it’s an easy chore that leaves me inside the inn… plus I avoid Mai.

2. I don’t have a girlfriend, because I’m interested in all of the pretty girls, so I’m an idiot as a result.

3. If there’s a choice that requires that I either work or hang out with the Trio, I have usually taken it, except for the choice at the Garden. This one throws me off, since if I go with the Trio I’ll trigger Kumi or Natsuki, but if I stay, then I’m being responsible by helping Ayumi.

4. I show no real interest in the Twisted Duo (should I?), mainly 'cuz I’m a lazy bum that doesn’t care… and if I see them and take Sake to them, it’ll trigger their ending as a result.

5. I don’t see Kyoka at the supermarket, because I’m in the inn doing something… so I COULD take her to her room, but I choose not to in order to do less work.

6. When Ume-san wants to do the Futons on his own, I offer to do them out of spite… he argues with me for a while and we break the task in two.

7. I play PingPong and cards with the trio. Ping pong because I get to nap beforehand (and to skip out on working for Yuki or accidentally raping Ayumi or triggering Nanami’s stuff), and because if I play cards with the trio then I don’t finish cleaning up the inn, which shows my lazy perverted ways. In the card game, sometimes (depending on my choices) I make the girls strip… but all that does is get me Ending 15.

I try to stay at the inn whenever possible, rather than going outside and doing stuff. After all, I don’t even want to be seen, right?

Apparently the last choice (who do I call to dinner) is almost meaningless, though I choose the Trio choice since it either makes me get to the dinner late because of Yuki, or it gets me a scene where I peek into the Trio’s room.

One more thing… is there any actual “Game” hint that I may be in the right path? I forget. See, with some characters, you know you’ve got the right path if stuff happens at times (Makoto’s night show, Ayumi and the Travellers, Yuki being at the river, etc.) but I don’t recall any “hint” in-game that I may be on the way to get the Ume-san ending. None at all.

I do recall something about a box of tapes… but I don’t recall if it’s in the ending or sometime halfway.

I’m trying to minimize the number of choices per day, but that’s pretty hard, too.

Well, there you have it. I’m trying to be lazy, perverted, and spiteful in order to get Ume-san’s ending… but all I get is Ending 15. Help?

One of the most important things you need to trigger is on the first day, and it doesn’t involve you fooling around with the Trio. That’s the biggest hint toward attaining Ume-san’s ending, because that’s the one thing that consistently tripped me up after going through everything else, triggering all the other flags and still did not discover Ume-san before the end of the second day. Once you get that one on the first day, and it happens pretty early on, you’re pretty much set.

I’m really going to have to start playing the game again because my memory on how I got the endings is shot full of holes right now.

Anyways, your third choice sounds off to me. As you noted, if you go to the garden, you tend to start on Kumi, Natsuki or Ayumi so avoiding the garden seems best. I can’t remember the other choices at that point but one thing to realize is that although you’re trying to skip out of working as much as possible, sometimes you just have to work, it’s unavoiable. The only other thing I can think of is that on the Ume-san path, I don’t remember playing cards with the trio at all. So whether you make the girls keep their promise if they lose the game or not, if you’re making that choice at all means your not on the right track.

Um… okay… I’m still on Day 1. It’s nighttime now… and no matter what set of choices I’ve done, I’m still forced to clean the bath at night.

I made a couple of different choices this time… but I still work at night.

I cleaned the bath.
I claimed I have no GF.
I then went to the Kitchen (instead of to the other places… though going to the Main Hall sounds equally as lazy, but then I don’t get to DECLINE Makoto’s request).
At night, I went to the Lazy Place (Employee Room), and chose the lazy boy choices… which means I slept a lot.
At night, Ume-san asks me to clean the bath, and I’m forced into it, I can’t decline it.

Now, Kumiko’s latest reply claims that I can “skip all work and interaction”. Well, I still have to work at one point. I’ll let you know if I get this ending once and for all.

EDIT- Okay, I got Ending#2.
I feel sick… seriously. I had forgotten the Evil. Never again will these eyes see that ending again. It is wrong on too many levels.

However, now I am thoroughly done with the game… and can put it away for a while, until the time in which I have forgotten and will attempt a run without my extensive notes. It is finally over… now I can study for my exams, like normal students do.

Justin Bailey = Samus Aran

[This message has been edited by Justin Bailey (edited 12-06-2001).]

That should be fine. The point is try to avoid working at all if possible, but if you’re forced to work you don’t enjoy doing so. Just as long you don’t volunteer to do work.

It’s all over… I got it.

The level of wrongness is far greater than I remember, probably because I am now awake enough to see it all.


But now I’m free of the evil grip of the game, and can move on… at least for a little while.

Thanks go to everyone who helped.

Justin Bailey = Samus Aran