TCI Font Problem in Win98!!

Hi, I’m a newbie to this forum, but no stranger to bishoujo gaming. Anyway, the problem I encounter is very weird. TCI (and X-Change, for that matter) gives me that WinXP font problem in Win98!!! It never used to, but I reinstalled the OS on both a custom Athlon XP 1800+ and an IBM ThinkPad 380XD, and I keep getting the dreaded font problem. Am I missing something? I have Japanese language support for IE and NJStar Communicator installed, and I just recently installed the Microsoft Japanese IME to see if that would work, but still no go. I know it’s a small problem, but it’s a real headache trying to figure out why the fonts stopped working!

I’d appreciate any and all feedback - especially if you can figure this problem out! :slight_smile:

[This message has been edited by MugenHAN (edited 08-21-2002).]

Hello, I’m no expert in the matter, but… did you say Japanese language support? The games are in english so unless, of course, you’ve brought the japanese versions directly from Crowd, so Japanese language support are as far as I know unnecressiary.

If I got it all wrong, thne I aplogize

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-21-2002).]

I’m aware of this, but it’s kinda strange that Win2K and WinXP need East Asian fonts installed for a US conversion, don’t you think? So, I decided to try and go with the flow on this one and repeat what these users did (as much as one can do in Win98). It would make sense, because I recall that the font used in these games is reminiscent to the font used for English characters in Shift-JIS. Maybe it’s just me. O_o

Boy, do I feel stupid. ^^

I figured out what was causing the problem. Whenever you install MS Office 2000, it adds a font to the system called “Arial Unicode MS”. Also, if you opt to install International Support with Office2K, it overwrites all the fonts installed with Internet Explorer, thus removing a vital failsafe.

For those of you who use Office2K and experience this problem, here is the solution:

Locate the “Arial Unicode MS” font in your Fonts control panel applet. Delete it with no regrets! Make sure you still have “MS Gothic” installed. The fonts should stop rolling off the edge of the screen!

However, if you get a rather ugly serif’ed font in TCI (but it doesn’t roll off the screen ^^), it means that the “MS Gothic” font is missing or corrupted, in which case I would suggest removing and reinstalling Internet Explorer (with Japanese Display Support).

If you are planning to reinstall your entire system, install Internet Explorer BEFORE Office2K, so that you can backup the “MS Gothic” font. When Office 2K is installed, replace “MS Gothic” and remove “Arial Unicode MS”. If you actually do use “Arial Unicode MS”, then just delete it before playing and restore it from the Recycle Bin after you’re done playing. Hopefully, this helps other poor souls like me who use Office2K. Ganbatte ne!