TCI- Happy & Best... huh?

Um… either I’m being really really dilligent in my pursuits, or I’m having horrible problems. You see, I seem to be unable to get happy endings, I just get BEST endings (and evil Ending 1 and 15).

No spoilers here, nor mappings… just questions that the instruction booklet doesn’t seem to answer. I did it all without help (not even from Peachprincess) and I’m glad I got my 100%, but they’re still little things that bother me:

I have Yuki’s best. (on the first try, too)
I have Mai’s best. (on the first try… the paintbrush scene almost messed me up)
I have Kyoka’s best. (partay!!!)
I have Makoto’s best. (they made her so beautiful with the sunset background)
I have Ayumi’s best. (umm… moon?)
However… I can’t get their “happy” endings. Ack! I’m almost tearing my long hair out!

As for the other endings…

I have Debutante Ending. (freaky)
I have Nanami, Natsumi, and Kumi best endings (they don’t have Happy endings, apparently).
I have Evil Ending #1 (and it made me sick to my stomach… I vowed NEVER go get that ending again… EVER. Made me feel bad for two days that I would even THINK of making such a horrible choice)

and of course… the ever so annoying Ending #15, which just upsets me nowadays, 'cuz it means I have to backtrack to find out what I did wrong.

So, people… please help me out… is the difference between “happy” and “best” the same question for all the characters, or is it different for each? That way, at least I have an idea of where it is.

At first, I thought it was the two questions near the beginning “Yes, or no” to having a Girlfriend and “yes, or no” to the question if the guests are pretty… but I followed my mappings for best endings and seem to get Tranquil Days over and over!

Oh, and then there’s the elusive Ume-san ending, which I seem to NEVER get, no matter how lazy, lustful, or uninterested I get in the game. I heard that it’s short… does that mean that I don’t make it to day Three? I know that with Ayumi’s Evil ending I don’t make it to later days, should I expect the same from this one?

One more thing, my viewing room has all of these extra files now, and says 100% on the top, but it’s still missing some snaps, like everything under Ayumi’s moonlight scene. Some repeat, but with blood… would this be the case for that? What’s up with that? Does 100% just mean 100% of the normal game, or 100% includes Happy Endings and such (again, I’ve gotten NO Happy Ending, but I’ve got 100%).

Some pictures in the “extra” section just freak me out… like the two extra characters and the picture of Taka-bo watching TV with someone else… I guess that’s the Ume-san evil…

Well, that’s my large amount of questions so far… dilligence has its rewards and pains. I guess when I get to enjoy being with a character, I don’t stop to think about anything other than their best ending. That’s the trouble with “playing the part” too well… you forget that it’s a game and you already got that ending and that the goal is now to unlock the pictures :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Well, if anyone can help me, post, okay? Thanks.


EDIT- One more thing. My memory room has all the scenes except for the very last one on the bottom right. Who’s supposed to go there? I got everything else… just filling out the empty slots now, basically.

[This message has been edited by Justin Bailey (edited 11-10-2001).]

Originally posted by Justin Bailey:
Um... either I'm being really really dilligent in my pursuits, or I'm having horrible problems. You see, I seem to be unable to get happy endings, I just get BEST endings (and evil Ending 1 and 15).

Odd but I'll try and go over what you ask. (But remember, I'm not an expert, I'm a geek with too much time on his hands. [img][/img] )


So, people... please help me out... is the difference between "happy" and "best" the same question for all the characters, or is it different for each? That way, at least I have an idea of where it is.

At first, I thought it was the two questions near the beginning "Yes, or no" to having a Girlfriend and "yes, or no" to the question if the guests are pretty... but I followed my mappings for best endings and seem to get Tranquil Days over and over!

You've got the general idea. I'm not sure without knowing your choices but I'm guessing you're probably mixing these things up instead of sorta separatng them. You need to think of these two question along these lines:

Do you have a girlfriend?
If you say yes to this, who could you possibly be refering to? Someone you just met a few days ago or someone you've known a long time? Am I, in effect, taking myself "off the market" by saying so?

Do you think they're pretty?
You're being asked your opinion about the guests, so who are the guests and who aren't? How would each group feel about the response to this questions?


Oh, and then there's the elusive Ume-san ending, which I seem to NEVER get, no matter how lazy, lustful, or uninterested I get in the game. I heard that it's short... does that mean that I don't make it to day Three? I know that with Ayumi's Evil ending I don't make it to later days, should I expect the same from this one?

If I remember correctly, you do tend to wrap everything up before you would most of the other endings. It could also be refering to the number of choices you make along the way. I think the Ume-san one had you making less overall choices than many of the others.


One more thing, my viewing room has all of these extra files now, and says 100% on the top, but it's still missing some snaps, like everything under Ayumi's moonlight scene. Some repeat, but with blood... would this be the case for that? What's up with that? Does 100% just mean 100% of the normal game, or 100% includes Happy Endings and such

Yes, it means you have 100% of the CGs but not all the rows in each file directory are filled up. You can kinda seperate them into various "subsections" in the directories. H-scenes, backgrounds, transitions etc. However, the number of images didn't come out so that each directory is completely filled. (And you don't want pictures added just to fill those slots do you?)


Some pictures in the "extra" section just freak me out... like the two extra characters and the picture of Taka-bo watching TV with someone else... I guess that's the Ume-san evil...

Errr, more or less.


EDIT- One more thing. My memory room has all the scenes except for the very last one on the bottom right. Who's supposed to go there? I got everything else... just filling out the empty slots now, basically.

Again, not all the spaces ended up getting filled up. There is a completely blank spot in the lower right corner. (After Ayumi 5)

Whew, that was a lot. Um, hopefully this answered your questions. If not, I'm sur Kumiko-san or one of the others will be along shortly to show you where I've lead you astray. I never said I was perfect. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 11-10-2001).]

Thanks, people.

BTW, as soon as I pay off my college tuition, I’ll purchase another of the Peachprincess titles. They’re a little on the expensive side (I could get a PSX title for less), but the games are high-quality and have a great storyline. Consoles (Gamecube, mainly) will be sucking my cashflow away, so I can’t buy another game until later… oh well.

Well, I refuse to look at the guide for Ume-san ('cuz that’s cheating), I just had questions about the empty slots, is all. Thanks.

BTW, thanks for the responses. Now I have all the Happy Endings. Turning point…heh heh… I guess hitting the “skip” button made me miss that sentence, heh heh.

I’ll figure out on my own how to get the Evility with Ume-san ending (but I know it’s a bad ending 'cuz the booklet says so)… thanks to everybody for their support.

Basically, now I know that some empty slots in the Memory room and in the Viewing room won’t get filled up (at least, after the Evil Ending #2). That just confused me for a little while, since I expected all the picture slots to have something.

Glad we could help. But yes, please pay your college tuition first. We like to support PeaPri as much as possible but there are other things that need to get done before-hand.

Four times as much, Kumiko? Geez.


I would never pay $200 for any game (though I came close to that when I got Konami’s DraculaX for the PCE).

However, for me, an average gamer, it is easier to spend $20 or $30 than to spend $50. Sorry, it just is. If I could afford it, I’d purchase all the products offered here. However, I need eating, bus, and date money.

This kind of stuff is what upsets me, because I wouldn’t like to see the Bishoujo market die. Importing games and then downloading a translation patch or a FAQ has been the bane of my existence, and I’d hate to see titles not make it to the Western shores due to channel cut-offs.

I apologize for my impertinence, Kumiko. Sorry.

I remember the good ol’ days when I’d wander in front of a store and see some game that looked cool and bought it.

Now that my tastes have partially changed, some games just cannot be picked up by walking by some shop.

Considerations are becoming greater (which genre of game, gameplay hours, replay, multiplayer, console/pc, price).

Now I might buy games on a sheer guilt trip. That’s scary.

In any case, I’ll see what I can do. I am an officer of my university’s Anime Club, so maybe I can get some sales your way. No promises, though. At least I’ll let people know you exist and do good stuff.

Yours truly,
Justin Bailey <–NOT A REAL NAME… do YOU know the reference?

[This message has been edited by Justin Bailey (edited 11-12-2001).]

I’ve brought my games into my local comic store for demonstration on my laptop, and there are those who simply just don’t get it and dismiss it as porn, and those who have really warmed up to the Bishoujo games I’ve shown. Tokimeki Check-In! went over really well, and the fact that the shopkeep is a good friend of mine who is just an absolute Otaku case and gotten everyone else to really like Anime, plus the very upbeat opening theme helped to really make the game impressionable. The Bishoujo games sure do need our support, but it needs to gain much larger exposure and it’s our prerogative to help it along. You know, watching TV or playing a game by yourself is fun, but being able to watch a show or play a party game with lots of friends is a lot more fun :slight_smile: