Tell us about yourself!

I was thinking it would draw us closer and give us some insight into each other.

What is your occupation? why did you choose it? What was your college major? what is your relationship status? any non-nerd hobbies?
Me: Im a microbio major who will hopefully be in med school soon. Im single . I really enjoy fishing despite the fact that I rarely ever do it. :mrgreen:

Heh, I guess I’m game for this. As for myself, I am a “professional bum” (i.e. I’m unemployed and not really looking for work, but do have some income) and part time student (I’ve only been taking Japanese). I didn’t so much choose this path (aside from deciding to learn Japanese) so much as circumstance brought me to where I am now. It is a bit complicated, as well as something I’m not really comfortable talking about openly on a public forum. I have yet to pursue any kind major as of yet, but due to my passion for roses I have considered horticulture and botany lately. In regards to my relationship status, I have been single for approximately ten years, and don’t see that changing anytime soon with the way my life is currently. Hmm, as for a non-nerdy hobby, I like to go to the shooting range when I can. I don’t get to go nearly as often as I’d like because of the cost of ammunition (well, aside from .22 rounds). That and because of how long it takes to clean the guns after a trip to the range since I am extremely meticulous about it (to the point some might think me a bit neurotic).

I’m 21 years old, 22 soon. I’m currently studying Aerospace Engineering (if everything goes smoothly I’ll graduate in October). After that…well, I’ll probably have to study for a few other years, and then get a job, possibly outside of Italy.
While having many non-nerd friends, I’m quite nerdy in almost anything I do. Apart from playing cardgames, roleplaying games, wargames and, of course, bishoujo games, I also practice medieval fencing. Since playing the warrior in D&D wasn’t enough, I moved on to the real thing :mrgreen: Finally, I’m currently engaged in studying Japanese. I’ve decided to learn how to speak a total of four languages during my lifetime, and this would make the third.
I’m currently single, and probably will remain so until I finish studying. First of all, I don’t have enough free time to seriously dedicate myself to romance. Secondarily, i still have to find a girl interesting enough to catch my attention. Anyway, I’m fine the way I’m right now. All in all, I consider myself quite an happy person, and that’s what matters.

From 1996 to 2002 I served in the US military. Spent 2 years in Italy (La Maddalena). Spent the remaining 4 years in Japan (Yokosuka). Earned a degree in Computer Science (major) and Asian Studies (minor) during that time. I stayed in Japan until 2006, working as a translator and programmer for two console companies, which I’m not at liberty to reveal due to NDA’s. :stuck_out_tongue: In 2007 I took employment with an American software company that has nothing to do with Japan or gaming. Sucked major balls, but paid big bucks for minimal work. In late 2008 I quit that and joined another software firm as lead programmer and translator for it’s Japanese licensors, which I still hold. Lets me travel to Japan a lot for long periods of time.

I spend most of my professional free time maintaining contacts and associations I made while working with video games: doing oddball commissions or lectures that deal with applied game theory or market speculation. Due to the later I also invest on the side (helpful advice: one can never go wrong with guns, drugs, and oil).

I spend my non-professional free time playing games (ero and mainstream), doujin contributions, and attending the annual Twins Days Festival as a volunteer – which incidentally starts again next month (it’s like Heaven).

@Narg: How does that work? Do they just say go to italy private, and one day suit up soldier its off to Japan?
What made you choose a CS major?

And the obvious question; just where did your huge twin fetish come from?

Pretty much. When I left bootcamp, I went to my rating school. Then they sent me where ever there was an open assignment: which happened to be in Italy. I actually got to choose Japan after my first 2 years though… figured I wanted to see the other side of the globe. Liked it so much, I stayed there for lots more. :wink:

Communications (radio and computers) was my specialty in the military. Figured it be easier to get a degree in something I already knew. Same for Asian Studies, since I was dating Japanese girls when in Japan. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually dated twins one random night. Didn’t get to sleep with 'em mind you, and it was done simply as a joke to see people’s reactions on the street, but it opened my eyes to the Truth of the Cosmos. 8)

Just turned 21 this May, and have a degree in Business Management. Right now I am looking for employment, and plan to do M.B.A after a few years. Most of my hobbies are nerdy (DUH!!!) I like to develop comics and manga, am a decent cook, and a gamer. I am single, ever since I got dumped few months back :roll:
Oh, and I am seriously into Martial arts, mainly Judo, TaeKwonDo, and most of all Ninjutsu.I was also into a couple of sports team during college days. I love (hard) rock, especially 80’s stuff.
Oh and here something interesting : " I got my first adult game at age 14."

A lot of people with Italian experience here;

I have two words for you : Giorgia Palmas

I’m single have no job was an electrician`s helper. But all I did was help put wall plates on, unpacked lights if possible put them together, put fans together to be ready to put up. Hobbies are (not really sure if they are) reading books, play video games and will eventually start my story that still in my head but doesn’t want to come out yet. I drink but no beer.

[Narg] Truth of the Cosmos?

Almost 29 year old and master in chemistry (in US terms I guess it means “major” in chemistry), I work in some random company that makes flavours for drinks(the disgusting thruth behind this is that there are countries where people drink stuff like “corn flavoured drinks”…).
I almost got a PhD but fortunately I gave up after 2 years (it’s already difficult enough to get a job with all the diplomas I have).

Of course I’m single since I discovered the perfection of 2D girls :lol:

Non-nerd hobbies ? Does my dream to train lolis to become submissive maids counts ?