That's a nice cover

After months of not visiting the Peach princess website I came across the Demonbane preorder page:

And I must say that’s a great cover, is simple but manages to draw attention to it; maybe it’s the use of the white background or how well the logos and title integrates.

I found the description interesting too:

The Cthulhu mythos-inspired, giant robot-powered Deus Machina Demonbane is one of the most influential visual novels of the decade, inspiring multiple sequels, novels, and a TV anime. A cult classic that helped put game maker Nitroplus on the forefront of Japan’s entertainment scene, JAST USA is proud to bring this great game to the eyes of the English speaking world for the first time.

But I think it could be made simpler: "Cthulhu? yup, giant robots? yup. beautiful girls? yup. come get it all today geeks! :mrgreen:

Another thing that caught my attention is that this is the first product description page I’ve seen without any ero scene preview, maybe the marketing (approach) will be different?

The one sure thing are my 40 dollars going to Peter Payne once it’s released so I can have that cover next to my dvd collection :slight_smile:

Yeah the cover is really nice.
Onfact looking at the cover, one cannot imagine it being a dark themed eroge.

Oh god! T-that cover… I’m getting s-so hot! Ughhhhhn! I NEED THAT COVER INSIDE ME! :lol:

That aside, I’m looking forward to Demonbane and intend to preorder it once it goes golden master.

i pre-ordered using money order but haven’t payed yet
i plan to pay when it goes gold

Demonbane sounds like it will be pretty sweet. Hope it’s out in time for ACen …

Wow. A lot more subtle than I thought. The emphasis is on the art instead of the logos. Nice. I hope JAST and Nitro+ keep this up. It’s a beautiful cover. :smiley:

Preordered this a while ago, but wasn’t JAST supposed to be working on Jingai Makyou as well? There hasn’t been any news about that one, has there?

Doubt that’ll happen.

It’s a nice cover, but is it any surprise that they’re using the same cover as the Japanese regular edition release? Didn’t exactly require any creativity on JAST’s part…

Olf had a nice post on the various Japanese Demonbane covers, btw: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6118&p=94080#p94092

Maybe Otakon?

Yeah, cover looks good. Game sounds good. It’s something to look forward too.

i have a question to anyone that played the game is it pure VN or are there any other elements like rpg or anything else

The safest bet would be on AX, where the deal was first announced, so they can distribute it at Comic Con and Otakon afterwords. Of course that only gives them about three months to finish up, so if they don’t announce Golden Master by early June then an Otakon release will be a lot more likely. I can’t imagine them waiting to release it until after the Con season is over, unless it’s that far from being finished. That’s assuming that it’s actually going to be released this year, though the fact that they are working with the guys who had translated about half of it before hand should increase the likelihood of a release this year.

It’s just a VN.

what are the dates for ax, Otakon, and comic con (which one will they be at)

AX is July 1-4, Comic Con is July 21-25, and Otakon is July 30- August 1st. As of now they’ll be at AX and Comic Con, though they will likely be at Otakon as well (just can’t find an exhibitor listing for it yet).

FYI, we talked about the cover in this previous thread robo.

i would rather have it come out in late july early august because i have no job right now and my birthday is around then

They were there last year. (possibly in the form of J-List, I forget) So they’ll probably be there this year.