The #b-games chat thread

I thought this would be a great thread to let members know when one would be around #b-games, and would like to discuss bishoujo game strategies, speculation, news, and just kick up one’s feet to relax.

I get out of work after 7 p.m. EST most of the times, so I can be found in #b-games at on most weeknights.

On weekends I can mostly be found in there whenever I remember to log in.

Why bother? People barely talk there, and mostly idle away.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Why bother? People barely talk there, and mostly idle away.

Why bother?

Why not? I think organizing a list of our usual attendance times could promote discussion groups, and would generate good community rapport.

Good luck, then.
However, I have a negative experience of the channel in general.

The Sakigake debacle?

Not at all. That’s why I said “in general”.

It’s as I said. People rarely talk there, and idle away. When you try to talk, it’s as if talking to a void, and having to wait a long time to get a response, if you even get it.

This is part of why IRC in general sucks. Idlers who have nothing better to do than… well… idle. It’s so pointless.

Well, IRC is like a pub.

If you’re not hanging out with your mates, you’re picking up chicks.

And honestly, there’s very few chicks to pick up in IRC.

Obviously chat would be livelier when there is a recently localized Bishoujo game. All other times it could just be off-topic unrelated discussion, because as a Bishoujo gamer, Bishoujo games isn’t my whole makeup, and I believe it isn’t yours either, so we could trade anecdotes and insights about each of our other hobbies.

I run an IRC channel that is as small as #b-games, and people talk a lot there, and don’t idle, except for one or two persons, sometimes.

I view IRC like a big IM room. So I find it annoying when no one responds for a long time. If you’re not going to chat, you might as well leave, is my personal policy.

Come on man, Idleing is cool. All the cool kids do it, You want to be cool right, I mean it man, it’s the cool thing to do, so stop being lame and just go with the flow of idleing pop culture.

errm, ok before anything like a flame war happens, please calm down…just a warning

Originally posted by Kagami:
The fewer the number of people in a channel, the harder it is to match up timing between people who want to talk. So, unless it's a really huge channel, IRC does tend to be more enjoyable for people who can leave it running all day long, making random comments when they feel like it, and checking it occasionally for responses and chatter while they do other things, than for people looking for immediate interaction when they log in.
Small-population channels are more like message boards with the option for occasional very fast posting, so it's true that for a lot of people, just sticking to message forums may be more logical/efficient.

I'm an old fogy who grew up with IRC and work and play at a computer all day, so I just leave IRC on all the time out of habit. :P

[This message has been edited by Kagami (edited 05-24-2005).]

So why don't I ever see you in #b-games anymore? :D