The Bishoujo Industry

I was just curious, how does an individual or more get involved in the business. I see on tech tv, all the time, commercials for getting into the video game business…but what about the bishojo business itself? How does one write a script for an bishojo game idea? Whom does one send such a script to? I wonder this since most, it seems, sellers are just that in the States…sellers… and in some small sense designers that bring the games from Japanese platforms to English platforms. But what else is involved in the business of constructing and formulating a game such as those you find here at PP?

I would say that for the most part, if you want to write a bishoujo game script in English, you will have to make the entire game yourself… now, if you can draw and draw well and draw according to instructions and on time there are people (like me) who will hire you on for our own small endeavors.

Heh I see those ads too when I watch tech tv it seems that’s all the commercials they show, that and girls gone wild But to answer your question there’s really not any companies in the US that makes their own bishoujo games. They do localizations of games that have already been released in japan.

Yes, wanfu2k1, he stated that himself in his post. His question is how to get involved in the bishoujo game industry. In Japan, obviously.

Or he could do homebrew US Bishoujo gaming if he can get enough talented people together for it… It would be interesting to see the Japanese reaction to US commercial Bishoujo games…

You could do what most English-developers do and make them for free. This is probably a good idea since you’re getting the experience and there’s no real deadline. You can organize yourself a team to start making them. I don’t think there is a market for English-made games, but by all means be a pioneer (arr, matey) and break-through the industry. It’s a pretty open idea right now so you can do whatever you want

Yes that is interesting. I’ve always been curious about the industry. Are there any books out there that explore the genre of bishoujo games? I am just curious since I’ve been a big fan of the games for ages… first game was Nocturnal Illusions and been a fan ever since. So have to say I wonder about this field of games.

Originally posted by AngelofDeath:
I don't think there is a market for English-made games, but by all means be a pioneer (arr, matey) and break-through the industry. It's a pretty open idea right now so you can do whatever you want

This seems wrong to me. I don't think the problem is English-made games, I think it's that the Japanese creators have been doing this for a long time; I'm not sure English-made games would be up to the standards of Japanese games. Certainly it could be done; there are plenty of opportunities to tell stories that Japanese don't do very often, or that attempt to recreate the atmosphere of someplace outside of Japan.

I know someone who is good at storytelling AND drawing, I swear, if only she knew how to do a bit of programming, she’d make her own business. lol

As the one who is doing homebrew shareware, as I said, it’s very difficult to find artists. Especially because, as a startup in an unknown genre that may or may not be able to make any sales at all, you don’t have much money to go around. Even the cheapest commissioned artist will charge $20 a picture. Multiply that times 40-100 CGs for a full game and… well, do you really think I have that kind of money? Not to mention that the guy who will work for $20 a picture is nowhere near as GOOD as the japanese artists you’re used to.

I really wouldn’t go the commisioned route, your almost going to have to hire them and frankly $20 a pic is pretty silly… I know artists commisioned for art books (not art books as in the type related to Anime and manga, but more like a western form of manga in a true book style) might make 10k from an entire book… and those artsits are the high end of the scale (you don’t get asked to do such a book without being fairly well known)…

Though I’ve never really dealt western artists who draw in an anime style and soem such artists I have seen (like fred gallagher who does megatokyo) have a disdain for provocative art… But anyways pay them a flat salary for an entire piece of work and it’s bound to be better for you in the long run…

Well, a professional will give you a discount on a large volume, but it’s still going to work out to more money than the $100-200 I can afford to pay anybody at this point in the game. So I’m left with my own artwork. Which is… getting better. But nowhere near japanese game quality.

And people keep disappearing on me! I’d worked out a deal with a guy to do my backgrounds… he got about 3/25 done and then poof! vanishes off the net. (Hope he didn’t decide to vacation in Thailand over christmas or something…)

I can just about do a girl. I can not do a background. If he doesn’t turn up, my schedule is pretty screwed.

Originally posted by papillon:
Even the cheapest commissioned artist will charge $20 a picture. Multiply that times 40-100 CGs for a full game and... well, do you really think I have that kind of money?

Actually, I think you might be surprised. Excuse me because this is none of my business, but I think actually you might be able to afford it, in a manner of speaking.

Sure, you couldn't do $20 * (average of 70) = $2800 all in one shot. That's just ridiculous.

But supposing you paid the guy when the images were done? And he only finished a few a month - so it worked out to maybe $80-100 a month?

I go through more than $50 a month on coffee alone. (What can I say? I'm in IT.) If I seriously cut back I could easily halve or even eliminate that. Tighten a few other expenses and I could easily come up with $100 a month for something like that. (Obviously I can't speculate about your finances ¬_¬)

The problem with this is of course that the game's art will take more than a year to finish.

You really don’t want to know what state my finances are in, no. I’m self-employed, ie unemployed. I don’t buy anything (except SOME food) that isn’t on sale or I don’t have plans to resell/make money off, quickly. (Want a customised loligoth dollfie? She’ll be listed on ebay soon Also, dollfies make good drawing models. Double use!)

Which is why I’m doing a short game and hoping I can convince people to pitch in and support it, thus providing a larger investment pool for the NEXT project, and so on.