The downfall of Xbox?

Well, the important thing to remember is that it isn’t accurate to say “Microsoft isn’t fazed by the reaction”, but rather “Microsoft claims they aren’t fazed by the reaction.” These are not the same thing at all :slight_smile:

I would be very surprised if they were not seriously reconsidering their plans now. I don’t expect the XB1 to have this online requirement for single-player games more than six months after launch (if it even launches with it!) - I expect them to quietly turn off the whole system and patch the OS to remove the de-authorization and re-add a requirement that the disc be in the drive.

I’m not a console owner myself but I’d personally prefer internet activation to needing to have the disc in the drive - discs get damaged over time if you have to keep moving them around and it’s a huge pain to keep the discs handy. It’s just the online requirement that bothers me - I don’t mind being online to activate something,just don’t force me to be online to PLAY it.

That said, console gamers are probably used to this so I doubt it bothers them as much.

From my perspective as a PC and more specifically eroge player, if a game requires the disc to be in the drive I will usually either find a crack for it or image the disc. If a game requires activation I don’t bother doing anything unless I can’t play the game because of the activation (and this hasn’t happened to me yet)

Microsoft changes their mind … -policies/

Given that every gaming site in the world was announcing the next generation battle would be between the Wii U and PS4… Microsoft had no choice. This my friends, is why competition is good. If XBOX1 was the only major game system, we’d have been forced to just eat shit and die. I’m sure the third party game devs told M$, if no one was gonna buy the XBOX1, they weren’t gonna make games for it.

That being said… NO REGION LOCKING!? Does that mean I can import iDOLM@STER 3 and all it’s DLC from the comfort of North America?

Oh XBox fans, please make up your mind already: … -cut-plans

Now I have to wonder. Did Microsoft originally incorporate these restrictions because the game developers wanted them to? I think Microsoft also had a shared interest in eliminating used games (since the console business is almost entirely royalty-based) but it would be interesting if they opposed it, were pressured into it by the developers (maybe to get some of the exclusives) but deliberately announced the DRM in an extremely clumsy way to guarantee it would generate the outrage it did - so they could go back to the developers, say ‘see, we told you so’ and get rid of it.

It’s just that I don’t really see Microsoft walking back such a fundamental part of their business model so rapidly otherwise. Microsoft doesn’t move that quickly!

Microsoft reveals another reason why the Kinect is mandatory for the Xbone: … ng-in-Mind

Looks like it was 100% internal Microsoft. They just fired their scapegoat.

If he can transition into being the head of Zynga just like that I feel like Microsoft made the right choice!

What are you talking about? I’m sure he wanted to spend more time with his family up at the Farmville upstate. He’s gonna run a great company, there’s lot of room for him to run around. It’s - really, he’ll be happier there. We promise. … egatively/

I’m sure having Microsoft call Japan a ‘tier 2 country’ will do wonders for Xbone sales in that country.

Comparative to Sony and Nintendo, XBOX has always been a poor performer in Japan, so I don’t think MS is going to lose any sleep over it. If it wasn’t for the genre breakers like The iDOLM@STER and whatnot, XBOX would have failed even harder. Given that such games aren’t XBOX exclusives anymore, and were rare perfect storms, it will be hard for MS of Japan to keep afloat unless such mega hits appear on the XBOX1. … -xbox-one/

Well, this is a different approach, doesn’t seem like a good one, but… … ss-owners/

Well, it’s:
a) true
b) odd for Microsoft to be talking about

Because a console nowadays is basically a cheap, powerful PC, it makes a lot of sense to use it as such. It’s just odd that Microsoft would be supporting that kind of thing because a modern console is typically a massive loss-leader designed to make up the difference with game sales (which is why these devices are typically very locked down.) Unless Microsoft is hoping it will be able to sell a lot of business software to these companies at inflated prices I don’t actually see why they would be doing this.

This is probably not going to help dispel the rumor of the Xbone’s Kinect spying on you :mrgreen: : … skype-nsa/

The Kinect is now an optional part of the Xbone … ut-kinect/

…not sure if that means a Kinect-less version of the console will be released or just that the Kinect can be turned off but still…