The downfall of Xbox?

Well, Microsoft has revealed their new console to be called the Xbox One…and between the anti-used game program and that it apparently has limited offline play it doesn’t look good for this upcoming console :x . … ompatible/ … onnection/

Yea… been watching the shitstorm turn into a Category 5 Cataclysm. :lol:

Did you notice how Sony and Nintendo stock went up after the announcement of all this? Microsoft is ALREADY losing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, this is too funny. Guess I will never be getting one. Not like I cared much for any of the games that came out of the system anyways.

[list][]Mandatory internet connection[/]
[]Mandatory install[/]
[]Mandatory DRM[/]
[]500 GB non-replaceable harddrive (taking into account mandatory install and how big games are nowadays)[/]
]Press conference was more focused on how you can watch TV with it than the fact that it can be used to play games. (you can buy a set top box for like $15 nowadays)[/]
]Take a drink each time the word ‘experience’ is used in the press conference[/*][/list]

*thanks stromiv! … 4233.phtml … 4231.phtml … 4209.phtml … compatible

The no backwards compatibility isn’t exactly a surprise. As for all the rest, what came out today was so confused I have no clue what to believe. Sometimes Online? What the hell, Microsoft? Always Online is easy to understand. It’s dumb, but easy to understand. Likewise, no online requirement at all is equally easy to understand. But sometimes online? What does that even mean? Nobody has any idea except Microsoft, and MS went to great lengths to be as vague as possible. Witness the stories saying “No used games!” then an official reply on Twitter from an MS employee who says “that’s inaccurate you can play used games with no fee, I asked them to change that story”, but then an official ‘we’re not announcing anything yet’ non-statement that seems to contradict that …

Their messaging was so badly confused that I can’t even tell whether or not I’m boycotting this thing on principle. (The only real red-line for me is presuming to charge an activation fee for used physical copies, or making physical copies be tied to an online account, as a system-wide policy. I can understand supporting publishers who want to shoot themselves in the foot that way - telling them they can’t sell their products in a certain way is not really all that different from telling us we can’t use them in a certain way - but as a system wide thing? Fuck that and fuck you.)

“The new console also supports multitasking - for example, while watching a movie, you can bring up your web browser in a side panel and surf the web at the same time.”

wow, what innovation! i wonder how they came up with it

And Microsoft is not making things any easier for indie game developers while Nintendo and Sony have been: … -xbox-one/

I can see the way this is going, and I really really doubt MS is actually going to be able to make work what they’re trying to make work. I predict one of two things:

  1. The ‘Sometimes Online’ requirement just disappears entirely between now and release, or

  2. What they’re saying about ‘trying to work out a scenario for used games’? They fail.

At least, if what happened to Sony is any indication. (Back when they were releasing the PSP Go they wanted to do something about all those UMDs people had. They announced they were looking at some sort of trade-in program, but eventually months later canned the whole thing because it just wouldn’t work. (Translation: they didn’t want to pay the price required to do the work to make it happen.)

The Xbone’s announcement helps Nintendo in more than just stocks: … ne-reveal/

Seen the new ads yet? :wink:

Everything about this is glorious. Please MS, please keep digging the hole deeper and deeper.

Reading between the lines, what they seem to be trying to do is actually kinda cool. They seem to be trying to push digital downloads into a resellable model, where they can keep track of who has access to what in the cloud. I predict they’re going to have an enormously difficult time making it work, but if they actually succeed that would honestly be kinda nifty. Problem is there’s tons of issues related to the fact that the scenarios get hopelessly complex really fast.

For example, this one-time code in the box with the game that’s been bandied about. So I use this code and add the game to my account, now I can play it even without the disc in the Xbox. They say they want to enable lending the game to a friend, though. So the simple way to do this is to say that you can’t play the game while someone else is using the copy you purchased.

But then there’s this ‘used fee’ that they seem to be talking about (where you can pay to add it to your own account). So let’s say user X buys the game, then he lends it to user Y for a few days. On bootup, Y’s Xbox One contacts the net and says “game copy [ID] is now being used by user Y” so Xbox Live will block user X from starting the game up, until he either puts a copy in the drive to re-authorize or buys it online. So far, so good.

But then things just get more complicated from here. User Y likes the game, so he pays the fee to full-unlock it. Should X be able to start playing the game again immediately? So then Y returns the game disc to X. X puts the game back in the Xbox One, it reauthorizes him and he can play it again. Then awhile later user X sells his copy to user Z, who puts it into his Xbox One and plays it. Which of X and Y should still have access to the game? And how is Microsoft going to tell the difference between X lending the game to Y, and X selling the game permanently to Z? And further suppose Z is one of those individuals with no internet access who’s using the system MS has said they’re thinking about implementing for people with no net access. Now the game can’t phone home at all to tell MS it needs to perform any cascade invalidates.

I don’t think there are any clean easy answers to these kind of problems. There’s only messy complex architecture. So I think MS is going to have real trouble making this whole crazy scheme work.

Microsoft has more to say about the Xbone…it does not help … -xbox-one/

The leadership at Microsoft are so pigheaded nowa days.

First no Start Button in Windows 8 (and evidently no real one in the 8.1 patch)… and now all these XBOX ONE stupidities.

[]No mandatory DRM[/]
[]No online requirement[/]
[]Used games okay[/][/list]

Very smooth, Sony.

Don’t forget this video the released along with the announcement :lol: :

Microsoft just got burned :mrgreen:

That was funny.

Another advantage the PS4 has over the Xbone: … gion-free/

Microsoft has heard the backlash against the Xbone…and aren’t bothered by it :shock: … e-backlash