The end of Atlus?

Things aren’t looking good or the guys who brought us the Shin Megami Tensei series, Growlanser series, Etrian Odyssey series, Catherine, and many other greats :cry: . … ankruptcy/

Never mind… :oops: :smiley: … ankruptcy/

Sega now owns Atlus. … new-owner/

Good or bad?

Tentatively not too bad? Better than them going out of business and there’s far worse companies than Sega.

Just hope Sega’s general tardiness when it comes to localising titles doesn’t carry over >_>

As long as the people who localized Persona 3/4/Arena also localize 5, I am good. Keep yer mitts off the localization teams Atlus has built up, Sega. Just do it.

Didn’t Atlus drive itself into bankruptcy, and lie about the high operations costs? SEGA will either (A) have to take money from other parts of their company to maintain that inflated upkeep, or (B) cut costs somewhere/somehow to make Atlus pay for itself. Atlus was spending beyond it’s means and corporate monitors watchers saw they were cooking the books. SEGA can’t keep their mitts off, because Atlus was screwing itself and I doubt SEGA will want it happening to them. As I also understand it, marketing to the non-Japanese markets was sucking money out of Atlus.

IMHO: Don’t blame SEGA for anything that has to be done. Blame Atlus for shitting themselves into a corner. SEGA is trying to staunch the bleeding before there’s death.

As I recall the people accused of misconduct are the ones who bought Atlus a few years ago. Atlus itself seems to be fine. (Of course, they would say that, wouldn’t they?) And given that the Japanese market is slowly shrinking, and the MegaTen series is gradually becoming more and more a breakout success, I’m also skeptical that overseas is a boondoggle.

However you have got a point. This wouldn’t have happened if everything was fine. It’s possible that the golden days of MegaTen in English are already numbered. I’m not inclined to believe that (it moves hundreds of thousands of units) but, well … It’s kind of hard not to worry. P5 isn’t even out in Japan yet.

And dammit, Persona 4 Arena ended on a totally massive cliffhanger. Hell, the entire game is obviously tying the settings of 3 and 4 together, and then laying the groundwork for the inevitable Persona 5.