The Incredibly Aging Man

A 500 year old Smurf is old, you know. All the Smurfs you see are 100 year old, and they have a mentality of 16-20 year olds. The Great Smurf is 523 years old, if I remember correctly. And he’s starting to age a bit. And then we haven’t even talked yet about the cartoon-only grandmother and grandfather (I referred to the ‘comic book’ version), who are both something like 900 years old. I’m not sure about that, but they were mature when the Great Smurf was about 100. So I guess it’s a good guess if it’s not accurate.

Originally posted by Benoit:]A 500 year old Smurf is old, you know. All the Smurfs you see are 100 year old, and they have a mentality of 16-20 year olds.

You mean many 16-20 year olds act like Smurfs that are aged about 5 years old. My other question is what color do they turn when ripe. [img][/img]


Originally posted by SCDawg:
I wonder why it is whenever someone says Smurfs among many questions continually comes the one of if there was only one female Smurf and there were both kid Smurfs and baby Smurfs but she was not the mother who was? Sorry one of those things that just started to bug me for no real good reason.

No! You fool! You just HAD to look at the man behind the curtain, didn't you? WHY?

Originally posted by woodelf:
That is scarry. My question is why was she having sex at that age? And who was the father???

"Brainy" smurf has the brains. "Builder" smurf built things. "Brawny" smurf did the fighting.

I think it's pretty obvious who their papa was...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
"Brainy" smurf has the brains. "Builder" smurf built things. "Brawny" smurf did the fighting.

I think it's pretty obvious who their papa was...

Arny, the Governator?

精神 の 神

Originally posted by Seishin:
Arny, the Governator?

Maaai nayme ees Aaahnie Smahf.

Man do I feel old at the ripe old age of 37 reaches for cane lol

Ooooooohhh, I remember BASIC! I remember trying to copy a BASIC program from a magazine that would make my dad’s Commodore 128D play the Beatles tune “Let it be”, but there was some kind of typo in the magazine, so after typing like 4 pages of BASIC, it wouldn’t work. And I didn’t understand BASIC well enough to figure out the proper command.

We had some kind of Pong system for the TV, I remember, my dad bought it when he was in the UN forces in Libanon, I think. One “wheel” on each end of the little machine. It worked find until my scientific curiousity caused me to dismantle it irreparably, and it was thrown away afterwards

I was in Disneyworld with my family in 1987, during summer break. I mostly remember the EPCOT center. I wonder how many times I took that “ride”.

Ouch, my aching old bones…

I remember a house in Florida, somewhere other then Disney area, I think they called it Xanadu House of the Future which was a cool place, all rounded walls, actually looked like a house out of the original STAR WARS.

I remember one of the big deals in this house was a ‘computer in every room’ and showing how it will be in the kids bedroom where they can and will use it to do the homework, while if I remember right, ‘mom’ was using another computer to control the climate of the house, turn on the sprinklers and turn on and off the gas fireplace. That was around 1986 or so that I remember taking that tour, before the internet of today and the ability to buy food online and the start of houses that are computer controlled, which they inauspiciously call HAL.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 04-19-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I remember a house in Florida, somewhere other then Disney area, I think they called it Xanadu House of the Future which was a cool place, all rounded walls, actually looked like a house out of the original STAR WARS.

I am quite happy with my MANUAL controled home.
But do you notice most of the time you have pictures of the future like Star Trek, the homes or living spaces don't have a warm happy home feel.

PS. Gasp I am day older than yesterday. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 04-19-2004).]

Originally posted by woodelf:

I am quite happy with my MANUAL controled home.
But do you notice most of the time you have pictures of the future like Star Trek, the homes or living spaces don't have a warm happy home feel.

PS. Gasp I am day older than yesterday. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 04-19-2004).]

Yeah I am happy without computer controllede everything too, and I have noticed that in those shows. You either have something with the feel of a hospital room or something that looks like it would only cost about a million or so dollars. Rarely anything friendly, inviting truly a home feel to those places they show. The price to pay for computer controlled houses?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 04-19-2004).]

Ahh, Basic. I remember a bit about how I learned that language by myself, and discovered the wonders of programming.
That knowledge is handy even today, with Visual Basic class.

Those “Houses of the future” are just stupid technologic achievements. It wouldn’t be healthy to do everything by computer, that the air would be ‘cleaned’ air, and that little robots or systems take care of the everyday shores. We weren’t made to sit on our ass all our lives.
All this technology is making us weak.

Yes but remember this house at least was still back in the day (mid 1980’s) when what we are doing now would be near impossible, and computers were still thought to be wondrous things that would ease workloads and make life easier.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Yes but remember this house at least was still back in the day (mid 1980's) when what we are doing now would be near impossible, and computers were still thought to be wondrous things that would ease workloads and make life easier.

Look at all the spare time we have...
NO wait we have less spare time, as it is all spent playing B-games.
PS. I just ordered Take-out chicken and it came to $25. $75 is a typical game ( Candian $$'s). So if you give up a little greasy food now and then you can get B-games.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Look at all the spare time we have...
NO wait we have less spare time, as it is all spent playing B-games.
PS. I just ordered Take-out chicken and it came to $25. $75 is a typical game ( Candian $$'s). So if you give up a little greasy food now and then you can get B-games.

As you hinted at what time? The faster the computer the more work there is to do and the better the games to play on them it seems to me.

Yeah for me it is about a weeks worth of groceries about 50 dollars (US $) in exchange for one of the B-games.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
As you hinted at what time? The faster the computer the more work there is to do and the better the games to play on them it seems to me.

Yeah for me it is about a weeks worth of groceries about 50 dollars (US $) in exchange for one of the B-games.

Well I am slow eater, so the time for me to finish is just about now. Oh wait I need room for the apple turn-over!
But One game ( unless you live in a poor nation ) every other month seems resonable.

You know what else I do not remember as much growing up? The mass use of leaf blowers, people actually used rakes instead of using very noisy and ineffective blowers to blow leaves into the street only to have them blown back on the laws with the next gust of much quiter wind. Does anyone else notice an increase of these blowers and see them being used perhaps too much?

We still use rakes.

As for buying bishoujo games… I still live at home, so I have my own pocket money to spend on what I like. :stuck_out_tongue:
And occasionally I’ll buy a bishoujo game. But I can’t really judge my shedule now, since I’m still rather new.

I pirated just about every G-Collections game and some of the Peach Princess games after I got my first broadband connection in 2002 (part of my “don’t pay for porn” policy, I guess). I felt rater bad about it after I learned how the industry was struggling, so I ended up buying all the games I had pirated. As such, I don’t know about how often I would usually get games, since I bought most of them within the same amount of time.

With the exception of DYLHB 2 (which I can’t afford until next month), I buy just about every English ero-game the same day they get released. So I guess my buying schedule now is the same as the companies’ release schedule.

It looks like Jewel Knights - Crusaders won’t make it for April, so I guess G-Collections’ “one game per month” streak is finally over.

As for Peach Princess, I’m unsure as to whether I’ll get Gibo or not. If it has a better story than Shukketsubo (which shouldn’t be all that hard) to back up the darker elements, it’s worth getting. And I’ve already had Little My Maid on preorder since… forever, I think, I can’t even remember when I ordered it anymore.

Above all, the game I wanted to see the most was SAKIGAKE (which I preordered at the same time as LMM). A game that would hopefully help shatter the stereotypical view of ero-games created by the AVGs that usually get translated. No such luck, I guess. Which reminds me, since Hobibox closed down, and the fate of SAKIGAKE is very uncertain, what happened to the pre-orders that were already made? Since Peach Princess hasn’t removed SAKIGAKE from their website, I assume they haven’t made a definite decision to drop it, at least not yet.

Crap, I got way off topic here…

Well… ummm… I remember the time when kids actually played outside, before Nintendo came and ruined the children of the world, me included. I spent so much time playing Zelda, Mega Man 2, Double Dragon 2 and Super Mario Bros 3, that I almost never got any homework done. Lucky for me that Norwegian schools don’t give grades the first 6 years of education, so you can screw up without ruining your future. Or at least, you don’t get a paper with grades telling the whole world, especially your parents, that you’ve screwed up your future…

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 04-20-2004).]