The Koihime Musou Thread

so you can complete 6 sub-heroines in first playthrough? i didn’t know that, i was thinking you don’t have much Camp Interactions , as i just got Sousou to join the party :lol:

With knowing that, i need to know who are the remaining 3 slots are , you mentioned Renfa , which leaves 2 i believe. I guess I gotta figure it out as i play

Yes it is. Specifically against Ensou and Shuyuu. you need Shuri to counter their Ougi’s. Ensou calls 2k troops with her Ougi and you can’t counter or damage enough troops to neutralize it w/o Shuri. Shuyuu’s Ougi will burn about 5k of your troops each time she uses it. She gets 7k troops every couple of rounds when the Royal guard ambushes your army and that can’t be neutralized, which is why you start out that fight with such a huge advantage on troops.

Sui (Bachou) is a good choice but you need to pair her up with a good Strategist Shion (Kouchou) and Aisha (Kan’U) are good picks. If you can find a pattern to the attacks use the formation chart to give your troops a formation advantage.
-If you find yourself losing a bit, and you’re using the right General / Strategist
combo, then look at your troop distribution and what types of Formations you are using.

Formations Descriptions will tell you who is your offensive unit and who is your Defensive unit.
This also helps on whether to use Charge, Intercept, or Fire.
Charge (Attacks with Light Infantry Units)
Intercept (Heavy Infantry)
Fire (Archers)
So if you are using a Formation that has Archers as your Primary Offense, then using Fire would be your best choice.

Apparently the game hit 500 copies sold. Hopefully, we can get the voice patch in a couple of months.

Well, I’ve finished the game without using Shuri as a general OR redeploying troops, so I still disagree. Certain generals can make certain battles much easier, but they’re still not as crucial as other factors (strategists, formations and troops distribution).

EDIT: I’ll specifically mention what I did against Enshou: Bachou as general, Chouhi (yes, Chouhi) as strategist. With Bachou’s Ougi, 60 in Light Infantry and repeatedly using Feint and Ambush, Enshou falls in EIGHT turns, and is only able to call for reinforcements once or twice. Substituting Bachou for another general (any of them, really) also works, because Feint and Ambush with Chouhi’s maxed bonus mows down over 2000 soldiers EVERY TURN even without any Ougi (or Ougi cancelling, as it were).

EDIT2: Shuuyu falls in 9 turns if you use Chouun as a strategist, dump everything you’ve got into Light Infantry, and just alternate between Rotating Charge and Gated Corral. Once again, ANY GENERAL WILL DO. I used Kan’u in this particular case, and I even screwed up a little in the preliminary battle, so my numerical advantage in the second battle could be even greater. It could be even less than 9 turns.

All Right I stand Corrected.

is it true that you can’t get the rinrin or Shuri endings after you complete kanu or can you get their ends without completing aisha

Well, in my first playthrough I completed all Shuri AND Aisha events, and I got a choice (Think about Aisha / Think about Shuri) in the end, so I guess you can get those endings in any order. I picked Aisha though, so I’m only 99% sure.

i walkthrough to get all cg’s/ends … hrough.rtf

i just had the turn 17 crash
on turn 17 the game crashes when ever i try to save

So, on 4/11, Koi Hime reached the 3/8 benchmark. That is 750 copies.

Then today, Kouyruu tweets that the 2/5 benchmark has been achieved. That is 800 copies.

So in 3 weeks (more or less) the game moved approximately 50 copies. At this rate, it will be 3 months before the game reaches the halfway marker, and then another year before it sells 2K copies. If the game gets physical copies, that might help pull that out faster.

Assuming the rate of sales remains constant, which I’d say is pretty unlikely. It may never reach 2K.

Yeah, it’s dropped off quite significantly from its initial release. (Which you would expect, of course.) It’s virtually guaranteed that the game’s sales will continue to dwindle from here.

Anything can happen, of course. Some games get a rare second wind, and if MangaGamer experiences a huge upswing in popularity, Koihime might get a sales lift down the road. Hard to say, and definitely not something to count on.


[color=#0000FF]It’s a lie,SHUFFLE! sells 3 times or more much than Koihime Musou ¬¨¬¨[/color]

I don’t think they mean that it’s their best-selling title, just that it’s a best-selling title. Like ‘bestsellers’ in literature, it doesn’t actually mean anything =P

Actually, a few months ago, they tweeted that Shuffle had finally broken a thousand sales. Koihime getting to 2K with the physical units puts it well in front of anything else, I’m pretty sure.

Well, good! I’m glad to at least see Koihime Musou is beating that kusoge… now if only Kara no Shoujo and Suika were…

I finally got around to playing Koihime Musou recently. I’m pretty disappointed. I played for a few hours but the constant barrage of moe tedium was too much for me. This title has the dubious distinction next to My Girlfriend is the President of being a game I dropped midway through.