The Love Drops Japanese demo how to get it to work

How do I get them to work? I downloaded Love Drops Demo and I can’t seem to get it working.Is it a lost cause to get it working on US computers?

What have you tried? Usually these games require a Japanese locale.

0_o Maybe that’s what I’m missing or something. It was easy to download, but installing it it quit with some kind of warning or something. I don’t really know. T_T

Or How do you get any import game to play on a system, wheter Computers, or Ps2, Xbox, NGC? Or do you have to buy a Japan region systems??? Y_Y I’m up a creek, without a boat aren’t I? T_T Any info about this will be useful for me, in the future… Thanks.

When i play imported games, sometimes i use Applocale, on other games i have to reboot my computer in Japanese settings. I usually try Applocale first. You can DL Applocale free from M$ homepage.

_ XD Thank you!!!

I played import games with my American consoles.

Playstation 2- mod chip or swap disk
Gamecube- Action Replay (w/ Freeloader)
Xbox- mod chip

I think that I will not post mod chip website on this topic. Because it is illegal.


I forgot about new consoles, and GBA.

GBA to GBA SP/DS- region free
PSP- region free
Playstation 3- unknown, I will check it later. Rumor about PS3 is region free.
Wii- Gamecube’s Action Replay/Freeloader did work. Wii’s Action Replay/Freeloader is not coming out yet. Datel tried to work on.
Xbox 360- unknown, it might be region locked.

[ 02-10-2007, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: RonXE ]

Thanks, you don’t have to post the mod chips websites, I can find them on my own. :smiley:

[ 02-10-2007, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

360 I’m pretty sure is region locked. PS3 is not.

[list][]In general, portable systems are not region-locked.[/][]Cartridge-based home consoles need a special cartridge to bypass the region protection.[/][]The Sega Saturn is a CD-based system, but I don’t know of any boot disc. The Action Replay 4 IN 1 cartridge is generally used.[/][]Dreamcast: DCX boot disc. Or you can use one of these “Dreamcast Magazine Ultimate Cheats Collection CD Volume 2” discs that Dreamcast Magazine had with one of their issues, which secretly can be used as a boot disc as well.[/][]PSX: I think they used an Action Replay cartridge for this as well.[/][]PS2: mod chip, or the Swap Magic set[/][]GameCube: FreeLoader disc (you don’t need Action Replay)[/][]XBox: mod chip, I think[/][]The XBox 360 and the PS3 are region free in the sense that the console doesn’t enforce region locking. However, publishers can enforce a region lock if they want. Use a mod chip to bypass this.[/][/list]

rmr34, ty

I like also, all boys and Noi.

Many video game stores do not sell Gamecube’s Freeloader disc. I bought second Gamecube’s Action Replay from Circuit City for $10, last summer. I lost first Gamecube’s AR card. I own modded Playstation. It uses either mod chip or PSX-Change. Goldfinger Device (old Action Replay/Gameshark device) allowed to play any import game with old model Playstation (parallel port). I own PS1’s Action Replay, too but it could not play any import game.

I own consoles-

Coleco Adam (hybrid Colecovision, and home computer), Intellivision III, NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega CD, Gameboy (original), Gameboy Color, Playstation, Saturn, N64, Dreamcast, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Playstation 2, GBA SP, Gamecube, and Nintendo DS.

I plan to get Wii, Playstation 3, Nintendo DS Lite, third GBA SP (I lost my first Flame GBA SP, then I bought my second Graphite GBA SP), and PSP.

Kya! XD thanks for all the info!! It will help me. I also forgot to mention I’ve got a Wonderswn Color! And I have a Dreamcast also. I even still got my old GB, too. It works, but I am missing the battery cover. I like the Otome dating games out in Japan, but I also like other games aswell. From Mario, to Resident Evil 4, XD My fave, I have played quite alot of games, from oldies, to newer ones. Ever seen I was, when did Atari 2600 came out?, hmm, I think since I was 6 or 7, I can’t really recall, but I have played alot. Right now, I am playing, KH2, Castlevania Loi, Harvest moon MM, Paper Mario, ok alot more! XD.

Thanks again!! X3

Atari 2600 came out in October 1977. I did play my first-time home console- Pong at my uncle’s neighbor in 1975 or 1976.

I remember playing another Atari, but i can’t remember excatly, what it was. 7800? or something. My uncle had that, but its long since gone, I wished I had asked to keep it, I played Pole Postion on it, and a couple more old games.

The one I have, I played Astroids, Donky Kong. But,I don’t have it hooked up right now, cause I lost the power supply for it T-T.

[ 02-11-2007, 05:36 AM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

Pole Position came out to Atari 5200, and 7800. >.>

thinks myself as video game otaku


Hmm, It might’ve been 5200, I can’t remeber.

lol, I’m in the same boat as you on that thought, and more, Anime/Manga/video games/Horror movies. :slight_smile: Be proud, I am!! :smiley: :wink: