The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno (ENGLISH

Now that I’ve gotten this working (next time I’ll read the sites faq) I’ll let you know what I think.

You can download it here

It’s my first review so sorry if please be gentle.

The English translation is very good, up there with Peach Princess’s stuff. While the main menu’s are in Japanese as soon as you put your mouse over it it shows in small mouse over like help which one is for new games, which is the load menu, which is the Gallery and Config Menu. All other Menu’s and Config files are in perfect English and is really easy to use.
Once your finished it has a gallery and scene recollections to go back to.

The story has way better english than DLsite does. The pictures are great, there’s something for those who like them to look young, your childhood friend (it says they’re over 18, and I’m sure despite the descriptions and the fact that she’s in school that she is, after all lots of Japanese women are short and have small breasts), one who’s supposed to be his teacher who I think is in her mid 20’s, and an older sexy woman who’s the teachers and a sexy older woman who is your childhood friends mother. They get them in various costumes like a school girl costume and a wedding dress, plus tied up as well, but not hardcore bondage thankfully. There is mosaic censorship but it’s not much of a big deal as you can pretty much get the idea, and lets face it we all know what the male organ looks like.

Spoiler warning below:

The story goes that your childhood friends step father has died, one day when you went to see her you get knocked out, and when you come too she’s having sex with you. Once you’re finished you find the step father wasn’t very nice at all, and since she couldn’t get her revenge on him she wants revenge on the rest of her family who did nothing while her step father abused her. She’s very unbalanced, and says if you don’t help her that she’d get her revenge by killing them. So in a way you’re not raping them because you’re a nasty person, you have to or they’ll die.

My favourite part of it is that she also wants further revenge by you getting them pregnant when you cum inside them. I may be the only one with this fetish and have been waiting a long time for a game that caters for this.

The only bad part about it is it’s rather short. I wouldn’t want to pay much more than what they’re charging. Threre’s not not many choices in the game, the first time through the only choice was an ending where you and the childhood friend together rape the sister in the wedding dress or the mother. Once I got both those endings (didn’t really like the way they ended), you could run through it again and it shows what the step father had done to her to make her like this. This involves one on one rape, enemas, gangbangs etc. It gives an extra choice which can lead you convincing her not to rape them and there’s a nice romantic scene between them for a third ending.

I hope if this is successful that they’ll be willing to translate more like this for the English market. I’m guessing if it’s downloaded from Japan it has to be censored, but maybe if they made a deal with with Peach Princess to host it here they could sell it uncensored.

As I understand, uncensoring the games is often as hard as translating the games. Unless the censoring is just an added filter (which seems rare, especially for 2-D games), the original cg’s have to be requested from the mother company, or even redrawn.

On a different note, the sheer directness of their synopsis for this game is rather startling. Rape them, rape them all! o.O

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-03-2006).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
As I understand, uncensoring the games is often as hard as translating the games. Unless the censoring is just an added filter (which seems rare, especially for 2-D games), the original cg's have to be requested from the mother company, or even redrawn.

On a different note, the sheer directness of their synopsis for this game is rather startling. Rape them, rape them all! o.O

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-03-2006).]

Well PP has Slave Pageant & Gibo for all your dark needs. I don't think they sell that well as they have a good deal on that pair of games.

New reviews are always welcome , although, for Posterity’s sake , the Review Forum is more appropriate (maybe Lamuness can help here … ).
On a side note, it was time that a native English-speaking Netsurfer posted a review. Lately I’ve seen very few of these rare guys in the Review Forum, and I’m still awaiting some kind soul to give me an answer to my Inglisc&Engrish Dilemma

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well PP has Slave Pageant & Gibo for all your dark needs. I don't think they sell that well as they have a good deal on that pair of games.

The game doesn't even sound very dark though. It's the way the synopsis invites you to be the rapist that startles me, and maybe somewhat disturbs me. I suppose it's something that's generally tacitly implied, but it's still kind of jolting to be confronted with it so bluntly.

Originally posted by Baldo:
I'm still awaiting some kind soul to give me an answer to my Inglisc&Engrish Dilemma...

To tell you the truth, I can't really understand more than a word here or there of her English. But that's really no surprise, since many of the lyrics in American songs are mostly incomprehensible as well. So it's hard to judge. But what I can make out doesn't sound terrible, anyway.

Revision: After listening to it repeatedly, I'm making out a bit more. The pronunciation isn't too bad, but the phrases themselves don't necessarily make even grammatical sense, ex: I have dream, stay with the person. On the other hand, American songs tend to make grammatical but not communicative sense, but that's another rant entirely...

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-03-2006).]

Sorry for not puting this in the review forum, I thought it belonged here because the name implies that was for Japanese games and this one is an English game.

Dark_Shiki it’s not invited to be the more blackmailed. At first in his mind he’s sorry because if I don’t she’ll kill you, but at the same time he is having sex so is enjoying it too.

It does get pretty damn dark with the flashbacks of what the step father was doing, and the endings are very dark. I think dlsite could have come up with a better description than rape them all though, made it sound like someone on a big rape rampage. I’d compare it more to Tusuki Possesion or Sensei 2 than than Slave Padgent though as Slave Padgent has him stopping the slavery and living happily ever after with whomever you chose.

My understanding was the darker games did sell well. Someone ought to put a list ranking the top selling games to avoid any confusion as to which ones sold the best somewhere. It’d probably help people decide what to buy (you might actually have one but I can’t go look right now).

It’s a demo, or full version? Plus, any info on purchase methodics?

It’s the full version. To purchase it simple go here
Verify you are over 18 then click the Add to Cart button, Go to Checkout and pay with your credit card. Once you do that the link is available straight away.

The demo available is actually mpg movie of some of the scenes.

Originally posted by pchrgt:
I think dlsite could have come up with a better description than rape them all though, made it sound like someone on a big rape rampage.

That's more what I'm getting at. Rephrasing what I was saying, the synopses of most dark H-games invite you to participate in a story of rape, while this one invites you, the player, to rape people (or characters, if you will). It's the difference between, for example, watching a scene (from a movie) of a guy ripping the heart from another guy's chest and enjoying it, and imagining oneself in the role of ripping that guy's heart out and enjoying it. Perhaps I'm overanalyzing, but it seems more than just crude--it's affronting.

Thank you very much, Dark_Shiki! If your old Hotcom address is still valid, I’ve a little something for you .

I just reactivated it. You’re welcome. ^^


That is…odd…

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

This game too is inviting you to participate in a story too, like Sensei 2, Tsuki Possession and Gibo. It’s kind of like a Choose your own adventure book really. If you’re saying this is different to those games I can tell you now it’s not. It’s not like Biko where you are actively stalking someone.

If your comments were about dark games in general and you find all of them affronting I can understand, those games aren’t for everyone. I find it ironic the double standard people have when it comes to sexual games, that they’re against these games but would have no problem with a game like Moral Combat that invites you to be a murderer and where you are the one ripping someone’s heart out or a first person shooter shooting your friends in the head…

I’m not implying Dark_Shiki doesn’t find these affronting too, for all I know he/she might, but I’m talking about people in general. In Australia they were at first completely fine with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas which in Incredibly violent, but then they found out about the sexual content and boom it was gone. And yet movies with the same or worse sexual content they are perfectly fine with, go figure.

I’m just talking about the synopsis and how it’s written; obviously I haven’t played the game so I can’t comment on its actual content. I’m not trying to imply that game is crude because the synopsis is crude. You could say I’m appalled at how the game is being marketed.

Personally, I find the sexual aspect of dark games (often fetish-oriented) disgusting, but the psychology behind them is often fairly interesting (if it’s done well). I do find the combination of sex and violence much more of a turn-off than violence alone (obviously anime-style sex at least doesn’t bother me at all). Many dark H-games involve torture, which I can’t stomach alone either.

Here’s an argument for people that aren’t bothered by violence but are bothered by sex, the so-called double standard (I’m not saying I agree with it, but I find it interesting). Let us start by labeling sexual desire and violent desire (the desire to be violent) as bad or taboo (because they represent a base animalistic side of humans), as American society has done. The drive to have sex is an intrinsic part of human nature. On the other hand, humans aren’t intrinsically driven to commit acts of violence. They may do so to achieve selfish ends, but in general violent acts aren’t performed for their own sake. So, when you watch a violent movie, it’s probably safe to say that you aren’t imagining yourself murdering people, and that you don’t derive some base enjoyment from people being murdered in general. However, when you watch a porn flick, it’s not much of a leap to assume that you are indeed imagining yourself having sex with the characters, either during or after the film. Also, it’s likely safe to assume you did get base sexual gratification from watching the film. So, the reasoning goes, violent media is ok because (in general) no (personal) violent desire is actually being satisfied, but sexual media is bad because it satisfies sexual desire. Satisfying base desires is bad; we should instead focus on suppressing such desires if we’d like to think of ourselves as rational beings and above simple animal instincts. If we knew violent desires were also being satisfied by violent media (in general and not just in a small percentage of deranged individuals), then we’d be just as likely to condemn violent media, if not moreso because of fear that the violent media would inspire crime.

BTW, I’m a he.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-06-2006).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
That's more what I'm getting at. Rephrasing what I was saying, the synopses of most dark H-games invite you to participate in a story of rape, while this one invites you, the player, to rape people (or characters, if you will). It's the difference between, for example, watching a scene (from a movie) of a guy ripping the heart from another guy's chest and enjoying it, and imagining oneself in the role of ripping that guy's heart out and enjoying it. Perhaps I'm overanalyzing, but it seems more than just crude--it's affronting.

This right here sort of gets to the reason I can't get into dark games at all. Even though they invite you to view a story about rape, they expect you to get off on that part. And I'm just not going to do that.