The next BlazBlue (there's a new Boobie Lady)

BlazBlue has one of those stories that starts with a crapsack hell world, and no matter what the heroes do, it’s only getting worst. So how much worst can it get? We’ll know in 2012 with the next installment! :twisted:

Bullet has more boobies than the Boobie Lady. :shock: I’m sure Taokaka’s mind is gonna get blown away when she sees 'em. :o

Also there’s a Trap now. Everything is complete. 8)

And before anyone asks, no, Platinum the Trinity is not a trap. Platinum is a girl’s body, and Sena admits it’s not “his” and brings about questions if it’s Luna’s… thus making it belong to Trinity. They appear to be “borrowing” it for whatever unexplained reasons, and Trinity hasn’t been able to maintain long term control.

Well, new opening for the game is out: … g-streamed

More character screenshots: … -fighters/

BTW, does Kagura’s weapon make anyone besides me think of Ukyo from Ranma 1/2?

If you like Persona at all, then if you haven’t done it already, you might want to check out Persona 4 Arena. The makers of BlazBlue designed the game, while the Persona guys wrote the story.

Just got around to playing it last week; I didn’t buy it at first, and didn’t play it right away either, since I was kind of on the fence about it. The story mode at least is awesome (at least if you played P3 and P4). I’m not really a fighting game person so I really appreciate the way story mode is balanced to be a cakewalk. (I mean, I’m no fool. It’s obvious.)

Looks like there’s some sort of VN spinoff of BlazBlue coming out, looks interesting: … de-embryo/

Considering the popularity of the main series (wonder who’s going to license the upcoming anime series) and how Aksys has localized VN’s before (and still does) we may stand a good chance of getting this in english.

Hmmm… VN and anime. I think everyone already knows how all Blazeblu plots end: Hazama wins.

Funny, alot of doujinshi for the Blazblue series that I’ve read end that way too :twisted:

Oh, but I kid…Arakune wins alot in doujinshi too :lol: :twisted:

More info on Xblaze: … ng-events/

That silouette sure has me interested in how this ties in with the BB series…I mean why is Tao cosplaying as Ragna? :lol: … per-meter/

Yes. The man is patron God of Trolls. 8)

Some more info on the spinoff Xblaze: … s-outcome/

An interview reveals a little more info on Chronophantasma: … r-tidbits/

Here’s a trailer for the anime

Guess who’s going to be playable :smiley: : … character/

Well I’ve watched the first episode of the anime and it’s okay so far. Seems to be rushing things a little but the only real nitpicks I have is the OP is a bit weaker than the games’; maybe it’s because I think there’s a little too much engrish in it. Also when it comes to the character designs for the anime, they’re good so far with the only exception being Hazama,who in several scenes has a chin comparable to Jay Leno. Hope it gets better.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Please give a few minutes of silence as we mourn the loss of an important person.


Showing just how badass he is, Hakumen kills Terumi… for real and across all timelines. And it’s the official canon ending for him. :shock:

Looks like Chrono Phantasma’s doing well in Japan: … nt-launch/

Something else to look forward to in March besides my birthday: … march-2014

Grab some Blazblue (and Muramasa) stuff to support the typhoon victims in the Phillipines: … n-victims/

We’re getting the prequel VN :smiley: … de-embryo/