The people who translate these games

I was wondering. Is there like a company in the U.S that translate these? or is it only Japan based? Like G-Collections, are they a U.S company? I’m asking because in the future I would LOVE to work on/create these, and some early experience is nice =)

from Peter Payne:

We are Japan based (in that I am in Japan right now) but have an operation in San Diego that does shipping. But in general, I imagine it’d be hard to run a company like this from anywhere but Japan.

If you have large amounts of money to invest, you can come help me create games… (Okay, I’m not in the US either, but I’m closer than Japan!)

well I know about his business. i was wondering about the game translaters mostly.

exactly. for a job sometime in the future i would love to translate games from japan like G collections and such

I wouldn’t mind doing something like that…and I believe Peter Payne’s operation is pretty much semi Japan/American based in a way. Translations from Britain and Europe sound quite good.

Speaking of that, if this year I finally manage to graduate from the University of Asian Culture, I’d love too to work for such a company, once I finally have a piece of paper stating that I can speak japanese in my hands. But I don’t think it’ll be that easy to do. Speaking that I do not even am american and this one seems to be an american company.