The Sagara Family

I have bought The Sagara Family, It got delivered this morning (i am writing on the other side of the atlantic) and just installed it on my computer, it works nice. This game are promising, the kind of light hearted bishjou games that i like. I hope anybody who likes this game or dislikes it tell me their opinion. I also liked Come See Me Tonight 1 & 2, Pick Me Honey, Kango 1, and Brave Soul. I disliked Virgin Roster.

Sell me virgin roster then . Its one of the only zyx games I dont have.

Sorry, sold it to a friend who likes the more darker games a couple of month ago.

Yeah I liked sagara family too. There’s a nice variety of story from light to a little dark to cosplay. something for everyone title here

Cosplay?!! It looks funny.

Note to myself: add SAGARA FAMILY to my Next-to-Buy list.

Best game I bought next to Crescendo

The cosplay storyline is the weakest story in the game

(from the man formely know as Peter)

Yeah, the Sagara Family is one of the better b-games I’ve played in the last year or so. I can’t place my finger on exactly what it was about the game that made it stick out as so much better than some of the others, but definately its one of my favorites.

It’s interesting that it had a light hearted touch even when dealing with some serious issues and it also helps that the protaganist isn’t either a complete wimp or a sadistic rapist (i sometimes REALLY don’t get the japanese).

I’m going to have to agree with the above poster that Emiru had the weakest story arc - even then its probably because the other arcs are so much better.

I didn’t particularly care for the Ruruka arc either, but then again loli’s do nothing for me, so your milage may vary :stuck_out_tongue: However, the “grown up” Ruruka was pretty damn fine Too bad she only apears in one CG (and fully clothed to boot!)

Definately, I think the stars of this game are Arisa and Sanae, although Maria’s arc isn’t that bad either - however its hindered by the fact that you need to start it at the beginning of the game, and then resume it towards the end after dealing with a bunch of basically non-related decisions involving the other girls.

Out of all of the story arcs I think I liked Sanaes the best, which is actually pretty funny because I generally hate that type of character. For instance, I wanted to throttle Naru in Love Hina (anime) every time she came on the screen. I don’t want to spoil the game for everyone, but when they do the voice overs from Arisa/Sanaes perspective during certain parts of the game I just can’t help myself from feeling sorry for Sanae. She really is a good girl deep inside :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I really like this game alot and recommend it to anyone who likes b-games. It’s one of the few b-games that I will occasionally replay at all (most of them I just play through once and delete). I think its because all the characters (with the exception of Emiru who could be deleted and not missed) are really well thought out. Infact, after getting each individual girls endings, when I got the multi-girl or harem ending I really felt kind of like I had done something bad to these poor women. I was ashamed :stuck_out_tongue: haha

Definately a good game.

Hello. First of all, WELCOME BOARD! b

Yeah, the Sagara Family is one of the better b-games I’ve played in the last year or so. I can’t place my finger on exactly what it was about the game that made it stick out as so much better than some of the others, but definately its one of my favorites.

Wow! Someone talking good thinks about a Zyx game?!! That’s really unusual…
Anyway, i will give a try for sure.


Out of all of the story arcs I think I liked Sanaes the best, which is actually pretty funny because I generally hate that type of character. For instance, I wanted to throttle Naru in Love Hina (anime) every time she came on the screen. I don’t want to spoil the game for everyone, but when they do the voice overs from Arisa/Sanaes perspective during certain parts of the game I just can’t help myself from feeling sorry for Sanae. She really is a good girl deep inside :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand how you feel. I too dislike too much violent, abbusive-type girls.

I tend to dislike dark-themed h-shows, but i swear, if someday they release a doushinji anime or manga featuring Ranma Saotome raping Akane Tendo really hard, i will buy it for sure…

Didn’t Zyx also release Chain? That’s a pretty good game as well even if its more of a digital novel than a b-game. I do have to admit that the other games of theirs I have played (Bunnies 1&2, Virgin Roster, Tsuki) were kind of weak. Although Bunnies 2 wasn’t quite that bad. Still, yeah - The Sagara Family is head and shoulders above that title. I really can’t compare it well to Chain since they seem like really two different things to me.

Right now I’m looking at the upcomming english releases in the pipe line from various companies and it doesn’t really look like there is anything that I’m going to want to buy, atleast within the next couple of months.

Yeah they did chain. And I agree chain was also a good game that was made by zyx. it was also my first bishoujo game that actually had some parts animated (even if it was crudely)

I also liked Chain, and yes it was ZYX. It was one of the first games i bought, and it helped to introduce me in to bishjou gaming.

Chain is your first animated bgame? You never played old Himeya games like IMMORAL STUDY 1&2, DESIRE and EVE BURST ERROR? They are animated, too.

Chain is a classic, and arguably ZyX’s best English translated title.

I loved Chain, it’s one of my favorites :slight_smile: I wanna get the Sagara Family eventually… you know after I get caught up with everything else.

But I did just buy my first bishoujo games in a long time! So I’m finally back on the horse.

Yes Chain was my first that i bought, i have a past where i pirated some games like Cobra Mission, Knights of Xentar and Dividead. Then i found out how i could buy them by internet and Chain was my first. Then i went totally legal to mend my ways. And now i only play games that i can buy.

I haven’t ever pirated anything… I’ve just been spending all my money on anime DVDs instead of buying B-games.

Originally posted by Faust:
I haven't ever pirated anything... I've just been spending all my money on anime DVDs instead of buying B-games.
I know that feeling. 3 more DVDs next month for me.