The SIMS 3

Just got mine in the mail. Anyone else a fellow fan?

The town of Twintopia lives once again! 8)

Does it have ceiling fans and can you finally change womens bust or do I have to wait for mods.

I never could get in to The Sims. I tried the original some years back, and after a short period was quite bored with it, even when I tried a bunch of user made content. I think part of the problem is the game is too open for my tastes. Spore, which I am continuing to love, is much better in my opinion. There are just so many things to do once you reach the space stage.

No to both questions. :frowning:

The lack to change boob size is a major disappointment. It was one of the most commonly requested features. Seeing how you can control muscle mass, the women get their beef cake. Why can’t guys get their hawt babes? :evil:

There’s a lot missing from the game… no cats/dogs for one thing. I know EA is going to milk people into buy more expansions, but still…

On a plus side: the music is simply incredible. I can’t wait for a soundtrack. I’m told they used the Hollywood Studio Symphony, with Steve Jablonsky as the composer. 8)

All said and down however, the technical jump from SIMS 2 to SIMS 3 isn’t that big (not like the jump for SIMS 1 to SIMS 2). Superior graphics… superior sound… but the game engine is just an expanded, cleaner and faster running SIMS 2. The SIMS 2.5 so to speak.

Personality feature is fun though… you can make someone a child hating, neurotic, insane, evil, mean spirited person. Mwa, ha, ha, ha!

No bust change!!! DAMN IT!!!

Now with that out of the way. So how many set of twins have you made narg? You can count on the milking of it.

Hence why I never liked the Sims. That and it can really only be so fun for so long, unless you’re the type that likes to create movies/stories.(I remember way back when my sister and I used to play the first sims. She had an entire story built around her character, who would collect all the children in the town and bury them all in her back yard while living the role of a happy wife to her husband.)

I got my first glimpse at a pal’s place. It looks just like a more High quality version of Sims 2. Bad thing was that my pal downloaded it over isohunt. :frowning:

Basically it’s just The SIMS 2 with an updated engine. However I can see why they couldn’t add these improvements to the old SIMS 2 as an expansion. The way things “work” in SIMS 3 are a lot more efficient and different – they really had to revamp the engine from scratch.

Yea. That’s probably the largest source of complaints for SIMS 3, and I agree with it. It’s like piloting an advanced stealth fighter, and then suddenly you’re flying a biplane again. :expressionless:

To it’s credit though: the new personality trait system adds a HUGE dimension to the gameplay. Individual SIMS can now have unique behavior… that goes a long way in making things more realistic.

In The SIMS 2 my twincest used to act exactly the same… which is cool of course, but kinda limited the kind of twincest I could have. Now in The SIMS 3, I can have twincest that are total opposites like Hisui and Kohaku or very alike with hidden differences like Miho and Maho. 8)

On the week of Halloween, the next expansion will be released, featuring a lot of new things players have been demanding for. To be honest, these are things players were demanding for, when the original The SIMS 3 was in beta testing… but you know EA… gotta milk it up.

Anyways, the new expansion is called Late Night, and will feature vampires and breast sliders.

The vampires will have their own racial subculture, needs, and a set of vampiric powers. According to the podcasts, they won’t die if exposed to sunlight (as what happens in SIMS 2), but will suffer some sort of penalties.

Breast slider is what it sounds like: a way to have women with different cup sizes. So that men can join in on the fun, there will also be a muscle slider so you can manipulate the level of beef cake you want on males.

Rumors point that women SIMS can also use the muscle slider, however male SIMS cannot use the breast the slider: so no man-tits. I’m sure someone will mod that feature in though.

On a disappointing note: there’s no fatty slider. :frowning:

So yea… I’m a Supreme Lord of the Undead… :stuck_out_tongue:

My reason for performing this feat of necromancy, is to ask if anyone has been playing the Generations expansion. I’ve noticed a bug that makes twincest vanish from legacy saves, and wanted to know if anyone else with a household with twins, gets the same issue as me.

On the plus side: Pets expansion in October. No word if werewolves are gonna be the “supernatural creature” - but seeing how it’s the most commonly fan demanded thing since vampires were reintroduced, EA would be idiots to not capitalize on the raving Twilight nuts.

lulz… EA leaked the details about their next major expansion in a bug fix patch by accident. Major damage control soon followed (there were posts of the effects on YouTube, but EA had their lawyers throw their weight around and get it taken down). The leak was so widespread (everyone who got the patch could see this info if they hacked it), EA has given up on keeping a lid on it. They completely validated the rumors, because of the draconian measures pulled.

Werewolves are in the next expansion… so is real magic (the recent Showtime expansion, only has “stage magic” in it).

Links to sites that have torn the code out: … ge#7931530


Next major expansion for The SIMS 3 has… witches… and wizards… and werewolves… and zombies… and more vampires… oh, yea, can’t forget fairies.

So yea. They’re calling it Supernatural. Due out on September 4th. They probably should have tried October 31st, but there’s probably an internal corporate financial reason why they didn’t.

Wow… the Supernatural expansion isn’t even out yet, and EA is already advertising for the expansion after it… Seasons.

It’s out on November 13. :shock: Explains why Supernatural didn’t wait until October 31. :expressionless:

They’re in such a rush right now. You’d think they’d have saved that for next year. My guess is they’re going to announce SIMS 4 in 2013, and wanna get all the SIMS 3 projects out the door now. :roll:

Obviously it will feature seasons, summer/winter sports, and holidays like Halloween. Evidently the green aliens (who’ve been missing since SIMS 2) will also be making their return in this game. Saw a teaser video that ended with a SIM seeing green lights glowing on him from the sky.

I think I saw lightsabers too. Seeing how EA has the Old Republic IP right now, it’s probably a crossover milking effort.

SIMS 3 is just lying there on my system, havent gotten the time or serious motivation to play it right now. When I fist installed it I did clock in quite a few hours. The Supernatural expansion seems promising, maybe I’ll try it out.

Supernatural does seems good anyway I just recently started playing Sims 3 again. Which reminds me I can’t wait for the new Simcity game.

Last of the major SIMS 3 expansions was released today. From here on out, EA will be focused entirely on SIMS 4. The final episode is about going to the future and seeing what actions in the present change the time line.

Went into the future of one game save… was a dystopia apocalypse filled with starving vampires (they out numbered the humans by a significant amount). I guess my household with vampiric twincest spawned more children than I thought. :twisted:

It would appear there’s some MAJOR drama going on with EA and the development of SIMS 4: … mismanaged

There’s been firings, layoffs, and rumblings that the executives in charge are more interested in $$$ than making a good game.

And how is this not typical for EA?

The SIMS 4 is out. Lots of complaints about what got cut in the base game.

Played with the free SIM creator. While EA lets you have same sex marriage, you still can’t have polygamy.


EA can eat shit for not letting me have twincest.