The state of the h-game market

I’m worried about the h-game market. How are G-Collections and PP doing finacially… I wouldnt want you guys to go bankrupt or to stop selling your titles in USA.

So whats goin on? Are there new companies coming? Does PP and G-Collections have a stable financial status so they can keep releasing games?

Originally posted by Absurdist:
I'm worried about the h-game market. How are G-Collections and PP doing finacially... I wouldnt want you guys to go bankrupt or to stop selling your titles in USA.

So whats goin on? Are there new companies coming? Does PP and G-Collections have a stable financial status so they can keep releasing games?

Gee, that was a lot of questions, and I'm not sure that I'm the bes tone to answer them. But I'll try anyway:

The econoimcal status of PP and G-collections: Judging from how things are, I'd say that PP and G-collections might be making enough to stay afloat... but if it is "afloat" or "barley afloat", I don't know. However, because of things like piraticy of their games and other factors, it is difficult for PP & G-collections to expand the market. Also, I except the production to go kind of slow... Perhaps not for g-collections, for they have better resources, but as for PP... I don't know if PP makes very mucgh money, but I don't think so, and that'd mean that it will take PP quite a lot of time to finish the games they're working on now, since they can't employ more personel to be able to finish the titles faster. Also, it might mean that it'll be hard for PP to buy the rights to new games. A company that isn't very successfull in terms of sales is doomed to fail, that I know well, and if the Japanese comapnies thinks thatt hey aren't successfull enough, they'll refuse to let PP release more titles. In any case, even if things aren't allt hat bad for PP right now, PP has not reached it's full strenght yet.

Kumiko said once, that if the market were more succcessful, we'd be able to see a new game each month from PP. Right now, knowing that as most, PP ususally just releases 2-3 titles each year, that seems like an impossible dream, but it's still a dream I'd like to see come true someday. We've seen what G-collections plans to do, so at least we know that it wouldn't be impossble to make something like that. However, G-collections are, I think, far better "equipmented" than PP.

As for G-collections, I don't really know about them. They are a new player int his game, and are apparently very eager to try and get out at the english market. It remains to see whenever they'll think that the english market is something they should try their hands at or not. Who knows, in half a year, G-collections might even be gone because that they think that they didn't sell enough titles here in the west, and that the english market is too much of a risk to try their hands at. we'll see...

As for new companies, don't except any new bishoujo company to pop up anytime soon. We've often gotten told that because of the economical situation in Japan, most japanese bishoujo gmae companies don't even dare to think of about trying their hands at the english market. Fromt heir point of view, the english market is too much of a risk; compared to Japan, there's very few bishoujo game fans here, so there's not much money to be made, and then we have this matter or piraticy... that scares away the Japanese companies. I suppose that some japanese companies might be watching G-collections and see how things are working out for them. So if G-collections does well, then there's a chance that other adult bishoujo game companies in Japan will try their hands at the english market. It remains to see, through... But should G-collections fail, then that will create yet another "bad example" of why no japanese adult bishoujo game company should try their hands at the english market.

I think bad economy in the states will also have a hand in preventing any new Bishoujo game ventures to come here for a while, what we see is what we get for the time being. Notice how most of the movies in the theatres now, at least the big ticket fares, are sequels? Because they are playing it safe as they can’t afford to lose money in this tight economy.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Mind you since I have been watching japanese anime more I have come to the conclusion for a good story you need a longer time frame than 2 1/2 hours to really
know your characters and get a feel for true story.

That's true, but most producers backs away at the throught of making a movie longer than 1¬Ω hour. Don't know why, through, but I can guess splenty of reasons.

Very few movies have really amazed me recently too. Although I think there have been some very good ones since 1998, Gladiator, Family Man, Lord of the Rings, and Matrix to name a few off the top of my head .

Originally posted by woodelf:
Mind you since I have been watching japanese anime more I have come to the conclusion for a good story you need a longer time frame than 2 1/2 hours to really
know your characters and get a feel for true story.

Go watch The Ring (and I do NOT mean LotR) and say that again.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Go watch The Ring (and I do NOT mean LotR) and say that again.

And if you're lucky (or well-connected) enough, go watch the original Japanese movie (preferably sub-titled or dubbed in a language you can understand). It simply blows the Dreamworks version out of the water, and it does it in twenty minutes less too.

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey (edited 12-21-2002).]

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
[B] And if you're lucky (or well-connected) enough, go watch the original Japanese movie (preferably sub-titled or dubbed in a language you can understand). It simply blows the Dreamworks version out of the water, and it does it in twenty minutes less too.

I have the Dreamcast game based on it, do I get cool points? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Asutaru:
I have the Dreamcast game based on it, do I get cool points? [img][/img]

Coolness is never determined by a point factor, It is a state of being that is as ephemeral as a puff of smoke, and as tangible as a reflection on water. Only the great masters of coolness ever achieve this state.

-It is pretty cool that you do own the game based on the original movie.

Originally posted by Doug:
Coolness is never determined by a point factor, It is a state of being that is as ephemeral as a puff of smoke, and as tangible as a reflection on water. Only the great masters of coolness ever achieve this state.

-It is pretty cool that you do own the game based on the original movie.

So, how many cool points is that worth?

Originally posted by Doug:
Coolness is never determined by a point factor, It is a state of being that is as ephemeral as a puff of smoke, and as tangible as a reflection on water. Only the great masters of coolness ever achieve this state.

[img][/img] The Master speaks!

Originally posted by Asutaru:
I have the Dreamcast game based on it, do I get cool points? [img][/img]

Er, you get brownie points. Not quite sure what the brownie points:cool points exchange rate is, though

Originally posted by Doug:
It is pretty cool that you do own the game based on the original movie.

Well, is not so cool when the game is so dumb and boring, imagine the worst Resident evil clone and then multiply it 3 times, that's how bad it is, it actually gave me a headache, urghh

But hey, I'll take the brownie points [img][/img]