The thing that shouldn't have happened

Well i’m sorry to say people but it seems like the mainstream pirate crowd has “finaly” caught on to bishouju gaming.
Critical Point is now announced as “offcially” released on
I never thought this would really happen as most mainstream pirates usually loathes “porn games” and isonews has never ever before announced an adult game on the release list :confused:

Well, if you check the info file for critical point they have on the site they list snow drop, tokimeki check in, critical point, and water closet on the list of programs they’ve ripped, so they’re almost singlehandedly responsible for throwing our games at the pirates. Its sad, because they’re sitting here, bragging about the stuff they’ve released illigally to the public, and we can’t do a damn thing.


Well the other games have atleast not yet been posted on the release list which means that the distributors most probably won’t have their hands on them. (or atleast the majority of distributors)

Why can nothing be done?

If something could be done none of these groups would exist =P
Alot of groups have existed since the late 80’s and I don’t think they will just dissapear =P
But these guys are new though

Gah, sounds like really bad news

If they are engaging in illegal activity they should be able to be shut down. No one thought Napster could be shut down, but it was. Admittedly more will spring up, but this shouldn’t stop the effort.

But the shutdown of Napster was backed up by the big music companies and others too.

These groups are ripping more than PeaPri games. They are likely affecting some of the big software companies as well.

Also if its illegal, aren’t there government agencys that investigate all this activity. In the USA I believe its the FBI

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 09-03-2002).]

Originally posted by ksarchet:
These groups are ripping more than PeaPri games. They are likely affecting some of the big software companies as well.

Hmm, yes... Well, perhaps if they were reported to the right person, they could become shut down. FBI could at least have the right resources to shut it down if they wanted to.

Well the problem is exactly “HOW” are they supposed to shut down a group?
It’s not easy and you would need some really heavy contacts to even know about the leaders of a group I tell you =P
And the FBI doesn’t do that much,they make about 1 raid per year against pirates on the net (and thats only so the software companies will be happy and think that they are doing something).
Though I think they actually took down atleast 1 big group in this years raid =)

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Well the problem is exactly "HOW" are they supposed to shut down a group?

Oh, it's not much of a problem. We'll jsut send some vampiric lemons after them. We'll place thme in a fruit basket, send'em to the leaders (whose names and adresses we'll find out by using bishoujo ninjas), they'll take it as an innocent present, and then, at night... CHOMP! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Well the problem is exactly "HOW" are they supposed to shut down a group?

Depends on if you're trying legal or illegal means.


It's not easy and you would need some really heavy contacts to even know about the leaders of a group I tell you =P
And the FBI doesn't do that much,they make about 1 raid per year against pirates on the net (and thats only so the software companies will be happy and think that they are doing something).
Though I think they actually took down atleast 1 big group in this years raid =)

Well, for the most part is that for the FBI to actually do something, they have to get overwhelming evidence usually. It's the "beyond a reasonable doubt" that gets them alot. It's not the most perfect system but it's better than some. And I think it was the Warez group or something that gotten taken down this year.

What is ironic is that at the bottom of (what I assume to be) their .nfo file is this statement…

≥ If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support! ≥

Some people like to justify their gulity minds. Messages like are common. Rememeber seeing these messages back in the old days. (My Amiga days) I guess they are still doing these days.

Originally posted by Master Pivot:
What is ironic is that at the bottom of (what I assume to be) their .nfo file is this statement...

≥ If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support! ≥

Its kinda funny, because I wouldn't be here right now if it wern't for those messages. I found tokimeki by accident on usenet, came here, learned about the plight about the bishoujo industry, bought the game. Now I'm a supporter of the industry. Wierd the way that works.

Speaking of usenet, its really annoying, because thats where lots of this gets distributed, usenet and IRC. Hell, a two second check shows that Water Closet is currently up on usenet. These services offer anonymity, and can't be shut down like html pages. Thats why they're prefered by pirates. Its no group thats doing the distribution on these networks, its a large number of individuals taking and giving, which is why the fbi can't stop it. The only way such things are going to stop is if theres a large anti-piracy movement, and that isn't going to happen any time soon. Can someone honestly tell me, that they don't have a single piece of pirated software, OS, or single song they've downloaded off the net? Until everyday people start saying yes to that, then the 'people' arn't going to do a thing about it.


(EDIT: Wow, I didn't realize how negative my post was until I read it through today. Sorry bout that guys, I feel almost like kumiko and her ranting *shivers*)

[This message has been edited by Doddler (edited 09-04-2002).]

Everything on my computer is now legitamate. I started making it so in February when it hit me how bad piracy was.

Now im not trying to defend the pirating industry or anything… But, like others have said… if something could be done it would have already, but these guys make their money doing this… they spend day and night ripping, and every time a company comes out with a new safedisc type program they have it hacked in a matter of hours…

And not to mention that when napster went down the next day every radio station in america announced 5-6 differnt places to get music from, so even when 1 falls another takes its place, The only real cure for this is dedicated fans… if someone likes your product enough to buy it… thats the audience you target.

I mean in all honesty if someone wants a game bad enough they can go to their local walmart and take it (and i use to work at one, its not hard to do at least 10 times a day we found stuff stolen)…

So we as fans of this industry need to keep supporting peachprincess and others (because damnit i want brave soul!!!)(preordered it last month) and damnit i want it now!! hehe

I heard that starforce cd protection still hasn’t been overcome yet…