Things I wish eroge would do:
[]Develop a standard for storing certain configuration information in a well-defined location and format so that, when I install a new eroge, I can have it pick up configuration settings I know and like. This is partly because there are certain settings common to almost all eroge I change each time (like setting the reading speed to maximum/no wait, setting voices to continue after I click if the next line is unvoiced and lowering or raising the background volume to something sensible that I can hear but doesn’t drown out the voices) and other less common settings that occasionally have bad defaults (e.g. defaulting to turning male / protagonist voices off. They went to the expense of recording those and now I don’t even know they exist unless I happen to dig that deep into the settings menu?) For reference, GIGA already does this with their titles. I wish the companies would get together and agree on a standard so EVERY eroge can ask me if I want to import config information when I install it.[/]
[]Allow me to configure, in settings, whether or not the game goes completely silent or not when I minimise it. I know people have different preferences when it comes to this issue (I prefer my eroges to silence themselves so I don’t have to do it myself if I want to watch a video or something) but that’s precisely why it should be a setting![/]
[]Start voicing protagonists and/or male characters / minor characters more. The reason for the and/or is that I find it especially unpleasant when an otherwise voiced eroge has exchanges between unvoiced characters (in other words, lengthy exchanges of dialogue with no voicing at all.) At least when one person is voiced it still feels like a conversation.[/]
[]More eroges should store all notable events, not just H scenes, in the game’s recollection mode. There are some particular scenes that, because of my tastes in writing, I definitely want to see again (and I often made save games to do exactly this.) There’s a few games I’ve finished that I occasionally pick up, load one particular save from, watch the scene and then close. Yet most eroges tend to assume the only thing we’d ever want to see again are the H scenes. Preferably accompany each event recollection with a CG thumbnail (or, if no CGs are involved, a screenshot) and a description.[/]
[]More eroges should let me label/relabel save games. I like to write down which route I’m on, as well as any other short notes I want to associate with the save. I also like to write down the save number if I’m using a kouryaku (most of them have stuff like ‘save 1’ ‘save 2’ ‘continue from save 1’ etc). Show the label on the save’s ‘tile’; I don’t want to have to click on it or mouseover it in order to find save 4![/]
[]Doesn’t need to be said as much nowadays, but give me at least a hundred save slots. Preferably more if the game is long.[/]
[]More eroges should have built-in flowcharts. Preferably ones I can click on to jump to any point I’ve already visited. Although I get that titles that use variables/‘love points’ and/or have a trunk that periodically diverges and merges back with implications for later divergence points can’t use a flowchart. But on that matter:[/]
[]Unless you’re really clever about it, ease up on the choices. The ratio of choices:endings that you see in a full playthrough should be 4:1 or less. Triangle Heart has a ratio of ~125:1 (1249 choices and 10 endings, and it’s even higher if you play the original version!), though that is admittedly an extreme example. The point is that choices interrupt the story and you pretty much have to worry about whether it’s important enough to save, whether it will take you down the right path, if it actually matters at all etc. Keep choices to the few important ones (unless you use them particularly well, and some eroges do this)[/]
[]Retire this plotline: the protagonist has to help find X members for a particular school club by a certain date or the club will have to be closed / can’t be formed. It’s overused and I wouldn’t mind never seeing it again.[/]
[]Retire this plotline: the protagonist promises to marry one or more of the heroines as a child, and although he’s forgotten the promise, she hasn’t. Nowadays only permissable if you reverse it (i.e. the heroine has forgotten about the promise but the protagonist still remembers.)[/]
[]Retire this plotline: the school has 7 mysteries, protagonist and heroines and possibly the hilarious male sidekick character(s) end up exploring the school (possibly at night) to find them all. Unless you use it REALLY really well. As a sidenote, the exploring-the-school-at-night test of courage plotline can also go. Plenty of other reasons to visit the school at night that can better fit into a story, tests of courage are lame and not really appropriate for 18±we-promise-“gakuen”-students.[/][/list]
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