This might be a strange question to ask on a ero board

The premium edition of Ever 17 (the one Hirameki released) added the swimsuit pictures (and maybe a few other CGs?), along with some of the other bonus materials - but definitely no H content. Ever 17 couldn’t really be an eroge, as the characters are given clear ages, most of which are under 18.

For their other titles that I’m familiar with, Animamundi (originally non-eroge) was edited a fair bit - I think a few of the guro shots were removed or darkened, and a few of the more sexual CGs were cropped. Maybe these cuts were ostensibly to avoid an AO rating, but having seen the full uncut CG set, I don’t think the game needed to be edited.

Yo-Jin-Bo looks like it was unedited (and it’s quite a good title as well - it’s a bit short and could do with a few more CGs, but the translation/humour (not entirely literal), voice acting, and the soundtrack are all very good (including 15 vocal tracks!)).

I think the version of Hourglass of Summer Hirameki released was the original PS2 one (hopefully without any edits) - there was a PC version of Hourglass produced which added a H-scene for all the winnable characters. Unfortunately, the Hirameki version is in the horrible animeplay DVD format.

I’m not sure if Piece of Wonder got edited at all - I haven’t really gotten that far into it yet.

Thanks for all your recommendations! hanako games looks promising.

Yeah I played it first w/o the patch to see if I missed any story. The patched version is what I gave to my friends.

Yeah if it comes down to the market not having any non-ero games, than I might do that. =)

Don’t worry, I understand everyone has different taste and opinions so I’m not offended and yeah, Tsukihime didn’t change my mind what I already believe in already.

I know I’am =). I did buy Riviera and Phoenix Wright, great games.

As long as the story is good, I don’t mind too much.

Ya know, i cant believe that Casual Club Romance hasnt come up in this conversation, it has nudity yes… and with all the girls, but if you know how, you can skip alot of the scenes and concentrate on the story.

I know thats not really what your looking for, just adding another name to the conversation of ideas here

I’m perfectly aware that Ever 17 isn’t an eroge at all, but from what I can see, Hirameki has also edited games that did not have any ero content to begin with. For this reason, I need to know if they did made any alterations to this game.

[ 12-13-2007, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: B173 M3 ]

I’ve never heard of anything being removed, and that’s the best answer I can give, since I don’t speak fluent Japanese and don’t own a Japanese copy. It doesn’t play like anything was removed, which I already said.

If you can find the update, which was removed, Gadget Trial has a fan-translated version and it’s non-H. It requires the update though, and the company’s website removed it because they said it didn’t fix the problem it was intended to fix. The fan-translation site doesn’t have it either. However, the net is a vast place…

[ 12-13-2007, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

Don’t they have the patch here?

If you don’t buy it, it’s your loss. All the other discussion is moot.

And on a side note: WOOHOO for 15 year old scotch!!!

it was removed…atleast the patch required for the english version. If a patch is up, it’s likely a new version as it was retracted with a statement saying it didn’t do what they wanted. However i believe they said they were working on another patch at the time.

Actually, it’d be THEIR loss, since as a business, Hirameki would not get any money from me should I chose not to buy it, and there are lots of other games that I’d like to get my hands on. This isn’t the only potentially good game in the world, and it’s no skin off my nose when I decide to turn down a product if I don’t find it suitable for a purchase. I can just turn to the other games on this site.

Hell, it WOULD be my loss if I bought it when I didn’t want to or I bought it only to find out that they did something to it that I didn’t want them to do. Doing either would be a waste of money for me, since they don’t offer refunds for opened software.

Besides, the other poster already said that there were no alterations. I’m trying to do more research on this game to confirm it.

This is what’s referred to as being an informed customer.

[ 12-16-2007, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: B173 M3 ]

Either way, alterations or not, it would be YOUR loss to miss such an excellent written story with wonderful characters, great music and artwork, and loads of extra content.

To turn your nose up at a game simply because it MAY have been altered in someway, is pretty foolish. You will miss out on some really great games.

Personally, I hope you buy it and enjoy it as much as I did. But it’s “no skin off my nose” either, if you don’t. Cheers :slight_smile:

Whatever, man. It really does bother you that I’m cautious about purchasing E17, doesn’t it? That’s too bad, because Hirameki has screwed me over one too many times. Had it not had the Hirameki label, I’d have probably bought it without second thought, considering the game’s reputation. But because it is, and because Hirameki has become known for editing their games, I’m trying to research for any instances of editing in Ever 17. If I confirm that there isn’t any, I’ll buy the game; I’m just taking my time and looking around.

Also, don’t give me that “buy with alterations or not” bullshit. I can’t stand paying money for a product when a company does this sort of crap to it, and I’d rather not encourage them to do it any further by giving them more money for the edited product. I’m not the only one on this board who shares the same sentiment. It may be my loss for missing out on what is supposedly a great game, but it’s not like buying it means I’m going to get what I want if the game is edited anyway. If I find out for sure that that’s the case with Ever 17, I’d rather spend money on something else that does get me what I want from a game.

Fanboyism is the cancer that is killing the gaming community. Don’t tell me that I’m foolish just because I’m not blindly purchasing it. I have a limited budget. Since the other posters recommended me the game, I’m not hell bent on avoiding this one; I’m just poking around before buying it. I’m glad you’re enjoying your game, but I’d like to look around to see if it really has what I want.

[ 12-18-2007, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: B173 M3 ]


Well I haven’t dug up anything on it, and I don’t plan on getting the game, but Hirameki seems to really have a bad reputation… Why not try asking the people who played it if they have found anything wrong or particularly choppy? It may help. I doubt there are any H-scenes in this one.

Yeah, I’m doing that tommorow with the guys on the Hirameki boards. I just wish their BBS was easier to navigate.

Their BBS is closed :frowning: . A user started torrent spamming the Hirameki board a few months ago, and after quite a big delay, they closed it down for a week or two, and blocked any new registrations. Unfortunately, the torrent spammer had another account on the BBS and started spamming again, which caused Hirameki to shut down the boards again (and they haven’t been opened since). If Hirameki were prepared to moderate their BBS, none of these problems would have happened.

Ever17 is too good of a game to not buy. I’ve never found anything in playing it to make me believe that it has been edited. It’s my second (a very close second) favorite game of all time (behind The Longest Journey) in all genres.

There’s a long discussion of the game on the AnimeSuki Forum: Ever17

[ 12-18-2007, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: OrcAttack ]