This might be a strange question to ask on a ero board

But is there any non-ero games that were released or at least have a patch or option to turn off the ero scenes?

I know Hirameki has a few games but I just recently bought all their games that interested me.

Some reasons that I want some non-ero games is that personally ero scenes doesn’t interest me and I like to show friends my interests. Well thanks for reading and responding to this message.

Assuming that you actually don’t mind fan-service (scantilly clad characters) but really don’t want to have sex-scenes included, you may want to take a look at:

[list][]EVE Burst Error [C’S][/][]Hourglass of Summer [Hirameki] (DVDPG, not a PC-game,though)[/][]Phantom of Inferno [Hirameki] (DVDPG, too)[/][]Graduation (still available via TRSI)[/][/list]

Thanks for the recommendations. I bought most of Hirameki stuff so i’m good with them. I’ll look into EVE Burst Error and the other one.

yeah I don’t mind fanservice etc. Just nudity/hentai. I also heard that kana little sister had a censored version too. I looked on G collection’s site but unfortunately, the new version is uncensored. Any recommendations on finding the censored version?

[ 12-12-2007, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: nhat ]

Whats the problem with ero-scenes?
If they make a fuss it just means that they’re not mature enough.

I don’t care if other people like them or not, I personally don’t care for them either, especially after playing Tsukihime.

Tsukihime had such a great story but the ero-scenes made parts of the story worse, especially in Akiha’s scenes.

And like I said before, I like sharing my hobbies with other people. These people are normal people so having them see ero scenes will freak them out.

In the end, I just want recommendations for non-ero games. I wasn’t trying to make a political stand on how the evils of ero and stuff.

If I offended you in some way Nero about your beliefs of ero content, than I don’t know what else to say because I wasn’t trying to do that in the first place.

[ 12-12-2007, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: nhat ]

Welcome board, Nhat! :slight_smile:

That, or buy more story-focused ero-bgames and simply skip all the (few) erotic content.

[ 12-12-2007, 06:28 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Gore Screaming Show lets you cut off the gore: does that count? :wink:

10% of the total gore? lol

You know there’s an english patch to remove the ero scenes for Tsukihime.

The original version of Kana Little Sister that G-Collections released was censored with mosaics over the genital areas. The ero scenes were still included in the gameplay.

If you’d like a non-ero renai style game, I’d play Ar Tonelico for the PS2, and Riviera for the GBA or PSP.

I’d recommend avoiding Hirameki at all costs though. Even for games that had no ero content to begin with, they have a nasty habit of making non-sensical edits/censors for practically all of the games they localize. I like to refer to them as the 4kids of anime-style games.

Still, you’re missing out on a lot of good eroge though.

[ 12-12-2007, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: B173 M3 ]

For other renai style games, here’s what else you can get:
Vanguard Bandits (tactical giant robot rpg with three story paths and three winnable girls. You may have to do quite a bit of searching for this as it’s a PS1 game and Working Designs is no more)
Growlanser Generations (really Growlanser 2 and 3, also a tactical rpg that I really enjoyed. You may have to look around for this one too as that’s also from Working Designs but for the PS2)

One thing, though, now please do not take offense at this as I am merely pointing out a good point by B173 M3. Please do not knock over eroge based just on Tsukihime . The ero scenes for that…well even some fans admit you’re not missing out on too much if you play it without the ero scenes (sounds to me that you probably should stay away from the dark section (no offense to fans of dark themed eroge (thanks to Narg-san I’ve actually started to try a few). I reccomend playing Crescendo and see if that changes your viewpoint on ero content in renai games. Trust me, the stories for each scenario are not ruined by the ero scenes. It’s your choice though, I’m just saying…

Fatal Hearts is non-H, but the lead character is female, which might not be what you’re into.

I’ve seen Persona 3 for the playstation mentioned as having dating elements, and I expect many other RPGs do as well.

Buy Ever 17, and THEN avoid Hirameki. Buy Ever 17 first. :slight_smile:

Persona 3 is not very well written though, and there is little to no closure to each relationship. The end of the various paths results in a “you are now best buds with this person” dialogue after maxing out the s-links.

Plus, one would certainly need to dungeon grind and explore the fusion system to advance the s-links as well. Good JRPG though.

Unfortunately, you’d expect wrongly. Well, I mean, if you’re going to import Japanese titles that’s different, but translated into English?

(It’s unlikely that’s what the original poster meant, as otherwise this question would be on a Japanese PS2 board somewhere about all the PS2 cut versions of eroge.)

enh. pity. I haven’t played it myself. I suppose I’m simply too optimistic. :slight_smile:

It’s still a nice game, if you like the SMT series then it’s a “must own”. But as “dating” sims go, it’s well…just NOT one. The mechancs are there, but the relationships are not deep.

I can’t trust them. Did they edit/tone down anything of violent or sexual nature in Ever 17? Did they cut off any parts of the story or take massive liberties with the script? I need an outside guarantee that nothing has been screwed around with. Considering them, I can’t take any chances without an A-OK confirmation from someone else.

To the best of my knowledge there never was much of sexual nature within Ever 17, since it was originally a non-H game, as opposed to an H-game that they chopped up into nonsense like some of the ones they’re selling…

Since some anti-Hirameki people grumped that they must have cut the sex scenes (although I couldn’t think of places where sex scenes would GO) I did some research, and the best that I can tell is that one small scene was added when it was made into a PC game instead of console - it’s not a sex scene, it just has a girl in a swimsuit. And that is in the Hirameki version.

I’ll let those with more expert knowledge weigh in, though.

It’s my understanding it was not a eroge title. It has some innuendo, but that’s all. It sort of parodies eroge cliches in several scenes.