This might be a strange question to ask on a ero board

If there were more eroge translated around the world, people would LOVE reading :smiley:

I think itā€™s your only option.

PS : I looked at the Singapourā€™s page on wikipedia and there are a lot of things that are prohibited in your country.
In particular things you see all the time in eroge lol :slight_smile: (I donā€™t think youā€™ll see cat girls alliance in a store in Singapour).

Hahaā€¦ you serious?

Then again, they could do it the Jane Jensen way. Sheā€™s Queen of Western adventure games and what she did was create lots of casual games(not my type) which sorta hooked quite a few people into non-casual adventure games.

Perhaps visual novels could go that way: create some really casual stuff and see how it goes. Casual as in: not so much reading, just a bit of gaming here and there. Then, get them hooked on the experience and then, hopefully, at least a few will go for the longer stuff like eroge, or whatever the games are called(Iā€™m still on my first full-length VN so I dunno).

Mmm, yesā€¦ thatā€™s probably my only choice.

Itā€™s terribleā€¦ ne. If and when a ban is lifted, the gov will make a huge fuss about how ā€œopen-mindedā€ they are and spend time hyping things up to the people whoā€™ll buy their stories.

They did that for Mass Effect 'cos their ban already caused Singapore to look even more backwards internationally. Though, I donā€™t think theyā€™re going to drop their Victorian laws regarding homosexuality anytime soon. :roll: Still, Iā€™d take a harmless romance game over some of those really vicious tv dramas weā€™ve got: by the time the final season has ended, almost the entire cast has died, killed or maimed themselves/one another. Some wholesome family education that is.

WHile I have way too much to do to try this within the next couple of years, one of the possibilities Iā€™m considering for another VN/Adventure is to put more of the game in an NVL-style and present a whole page of text at once, rather than requiring so much clicking. All the click-click-click really wears casual players out. (Heck, it wears me out - I already adapt the style a lot, trying to cut back on ā€˜ā€¦ā€™ and calibrating auto-play and putting in activities every now and then to give your eyes and hands a breakā€¦)

On the other hand, some fans definitely did like the game I already made, and changing the game design to try and appease people who hated it and might not like the idea even with changes may not work that well. Dunno. As I said, I have too many games that need to be completed first.

Hmmmā€¦ a whole page like a novel, huh? Hmmmā€¦ how about ā€¦ the text shows up line by line or two lines at once until the whole page is filled out? Personally, I think the auto message mode in VNs is okay but not so good 'cos sometimes, the sentences are REALLY complicated and the voice-actors talk like machine guns. And even if thereā€™s no voice acting, some sentences can take a while to understand.

Oh and waitā€¦ youā€™re Papillon from Adventuregamers forum. Hello from Lucifiel. waves :slight_smile: Yeah, Iā€™ll get Fatal Hearts after a whileā€¦ just kinda bankrupt right now. :smiley:

Depends upon where you go. If you look around you can get it for $200. Usually $250-300

Wellā€¦thereā€™s 2 problems with whole page:

  1. It might not reduce clicking unless you display all the text at onceā€¦
  2. ā€¦and if you do it makes it kind of hard to have surprises come up, text-wise, for dramatic moments without obviously disrupting the continuity.

ā€¦ ā€¦ Thatā€™s still incredibly pricey. Oh well, Iā€™ll pass on it. :slight_smile:

Personally, I consider a well-told story its own reward. Iā€™m also willing to bet that Ever17 would keep you up till all-hours, even without ero content. Then again, itā€™s one of the best visuals novels ever made, so it might be an exception to a rule. :smiley:

I probably wouldnā€™t do whole screens for the entire game - conversations with other characters, at least, would need to switch back into the more familiar sprite-and-dialog-box in order to do facial expressions. But background information, descriptions, viewpoint character musing to herselfā€¦ all sorts of non-talking things can be done like an illustrated storybook. Text would appear either the whole page at once or letter-by-letter until the page is full (this would be an option for the player to set) but without clicking until the end of page, unless itā€™s really, really important for drama purposes.

Iā€™d have to prototype it to see how this would work, and as mentioned, I just donā€™t have time at the moment. It would make pacing different certainly but thatā€™s not necessarily bad.

It is. But for a computer/video game collector like me, itā€™s probably worth it. I donā€™t see Type-Moon releasing an updated version of Tsukihime (theyā€™ve said theyā€™ve moved beyond it, though they have also not ruled out a sequel). Thus the rarity and cult fascination will likely keep or inflate the price.

If I bought it, it would only be Tsukibako.

Ooh thatā€™s true, you would really want it, huh? Yup, definitely sounds like a good collection provided said item is in great condition. :slight_smile:

Think so? Iā€™m always happy to hear recommendations from people. Iā€™ve found most of my favorite games that way.

I can back that up. Ever17 is my first commercial VN game that Iā€™m playingā€¦ itā€™s really good. :slight_smile: Thereā€™re so many whys and whats that youā€™d be kept pondering about them and trying to figure them out. And btw, the various details, etc. flow more smoothly than some other games Iā€™ve tried: which struggled to heap together various details by piling on book after book or having text-dump dialogues that revolve around repeating the same concept for over 20 lines.

I understand your take. However, I can no longer enjoy a product without having paid for it first. :?

Meh, stillā€¦ for me, Iā€™d feel a little pissed if a bit of sex and violence was cut but I can imagine it myself.

Btw, I think that terms like ā€œbestā€ and ā€œqualityā€ are subjective and depend on your likes and dislikes. And some have stated that they felt FSN to be far better than Tsuki but who knows, eh?That saidā€¦ Iā€™ve got about 2000 or more hours of gaming time ahead of me so I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get to this game right now. :lol: I still have Witcher(need to wait for extended version), Eschalon(need to finish this), Ever17 andā€¦ everything else I just ordered: Piece of wonder, animamundi, yo jin bo, hourglass of summer, phantom of inferno, simon the sorceror 1 and 2, etc., etc. And oh the stuff I promised to order: Fatal hearts and a few more titles.

Meaning itā€™d likely be somwhere next year or something before Iā€™m done. That is: if I quit my job and become a full-time otaku. :lol:

ā€¦However, I still donā€™t understand HOW someone can pay $6250 for an used, Limited Edition release of this stuff :shock: :roll: .

It must be a virus :stuck_out_tongue: .

Iā€™m assuming you left out a decimal point there, because $6,250 would be mind-boggling. Thatā€™s practically my entire yearly income!

Yup. Iā€™m disabled and on Social Security. The government doesnā€™t pay much, but I do get some food stamps, rental assistance, and my medical bills are covered. I have about $50 to spend on fun stuff every month, but thatā€™s it.

Omgā€¦ I just got the Tsugumi - Sora bad endingā€¦ wahhhhhā€¦ they really know how to toy with your heart. :cry: ;__;

Oh I just ordered it and hope it reaches my house soon. From what I know, 'cos some notorious 9/11 related terrorist escaped from prisonā€¦ so not sure how flights will be affected since all mail is sent by plane, no?

Btw, anyone knows how much of Higurashi has been translated? Iā€™m willing to buy the original game cds as long as thereā€™s a patch somewhere.