Thoughts after my first game and any suggestions

I just recently bought Gibo: Stepmother’s Sin, and I have to say I REALLY enjoyed the game, even if the endings seemed unrealistic. Considering that this was my first bishoujo game I was hoping anyone would have any suggestions for my next buy. I plan on buying some more bishoujo games this week. I was looking to buy either Horny Bunnnies 2 or The Sagara Family(I wanna try a game with some animation). I also want to try a game that focuses on the story I thought Hitomi My Stepsister would fall into this category. Any Suggestions would be very helpful.

Do you prefer dark games? If not, I’d recommend Kana or Crescendo over Hitomi for the story-heavy category. That said, I’ve heard that Hitomi is similar to Gibo, but better. I wouldn’t buy a game just for the animation; you’re bound to be disappointed. If you don’t mind the lack of H-content, I’d also recommend Hourglass of Summer as another great story-heavy title. If you really want a Zyx game for the animation, people here have been saying that Sagara Family boasts a better story than the usual Zyx fare.

G-collection’s latest games, including Sagara Family and Hitomi, use the anti-piracy/anti-resell system Virtual-Mate. If you haven’t read up on the system yet, I’d suggest doing so before making a purchase.

Here’s a link to my Virtual-Mate FAQ:

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-13-2005).]

Ahhh…Thanks a bunch for your help!

Bebopper, it depends a lot on what kind of mood you want. Different people like different things, but if you were considering Horny Bunnies 2 then I assume you’re not against light-hearted scam-fests that consist mostly of chasing after a bunch of nubile wenches?

The absolute best of this type in my opinion is “Tokimeki Check In!”, hands down. I may be biased because that was the first B-game I played, but there’s something magic about that game - great music; the characters each had their own personality rather than being just cardboard cutouts of each other; great changing moods and a fun setting (a ryokan - or is it onsen?)

I played Do You Like Horny Bunnies after that, and was generally bored to tears - I didn’t think hanging out at work (a restaurant) was much fun. Tottemo Pheremone is the best scam-a-thon one I’ve played since (despite the fact that it too takes place at a food shop,) but Tokimeki is still my fave of the hot-girl-smorgasbord games.

If you want great plot, graphics and music, go for Chain - a cool detective story. The only drawback is that Chain is basically a linear interactive novel so there’s no real puzzle element. Your choices don’t effect the outcome, they just give you the feel of being a part of the story. The plot is good enough and the interactivity is laid out in an interesting enough way to where you won’t really miss the puzzle element though. Chain is a toss-up with Tokimeki as my favorite game so far.

Critical Point is good in that it’s a sci-fi story set on a Moon base, but I thought it was a little too easy. Worthwhile entertainment though.

The only other one I’d mention is Kango Shicyauzo - Voice Plus! Again, for some reason games set in the workplace bore me a little, but this one is better than Horny Bunnies - it takes place at a nursing school/hospital and you play a doctor…

I haven’t yet played Little My Maid but that promises to be interesting too - great graphics, from what I remember of the demo.

Yeah without really knowing what you like it’ll be a bit hard to suggest some good games for you. That said if you want a dark game like Gibo then Hitomi would be a good choice.

Honestly Little My Maid hasn’t got as much story as it appeared it would.

I’m surprised that no one has recommended Crescendo yet. If you’re looking for a game with story, you can’t go wrong with that game; it’s got the best writing I’ve seen yet.

odd…CP(Critical Point) Dark game also… not that dark as Gibo but it is good game^^; I have censorned and uncendorned version…in the US version lol

Thanks to everyone’s input I’ve decided to buy Critical Point and Sagara Family this week. Next paycheck I’ll probrably buy Tokimeki Check-In, again thanks for your help! ^_-

Originally posted by Bebopper:
Thanks to everyone's input I've decided to buy Critical Point and Sagara Family this week. Next paycheck I'll probrably buy Tokimeki Check-In, again thanks for your help! ^_-

Hope they work out for you then. Critical Point and Tokimeki Check-In are two often recommended titles with a lot of H that also have decent stories. They should serve you well. [img][/img]