Thoughts on new XC2 page

If you notice, they list the school as a “private school” instead of a “junior college” like part 1. I guess with the main characters being 18, they could drop the pretense.

I think we went through this with the age post a few weeks back. Everyone here is already in the know, and since it doesn’t come into game play at all, why bother noticing?

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Really, what thread?

I think he means this thread:

Or at least that’s one of the latest ones where we went over the whole age related issues. It is one of the topics that tends to pop up here every so often. You can probably do a search on “age” or something and pull up quite a bit.

Hmm, didn’t really see anything discussing the fact that the name of the school had been changed from “junior college” to “private school” in X-Change 2 in the thread you linked, or any other for that matter.

I guess Made in DNA was talking out his ass.

Shh. Ass talking is well respected around these here parts.

Ass groping is much more respectable.

Who gives a f’n shit about that. I can’t stand it anymore. Go play the friggan japanese version if you wanna see junior high instead of school or whatever the friggan hell you are "noticing"

I feel much better now =]

Originally posted by ZEN:
Hmm, didn't really see anything discussing the fact that the name of the school had been changed from "junior college" to "private school" in X-Change 2 in the thread you linked, or any other for that matter.

He was refering to the age issue you pseudo-referenced in your second sentence, not specifically about how schools were referenced. Hmm, there was another thread as well where we started talking about how they don't put that "all characters depicted are 18 and older" type of message because of a law change, he may have also meant that thread but I didn't find it immediately. (Plus, this is me guessing what he was refering to, it's not like I know exactly what he was thinking.)

The whole thing about the pretense of a "junior college" falls under that discussion. Just anything in general where they could have gotten into legal issues in the past because of the perceived chracter ages. I should also point out that they couldn't just drop the "pretense" because the main character is 18. After all, a lot of these games usually contain a character who's at least a year younger that the main character ends up getting "involved" with.
But next time Made in DNA-san comes on, maybe he can go over what exactly he meant instead of me trying to guess at it.


I guess Made in DNA was talking out his ass.

And that's a very disturbing image, please don't do that.

Originally posted by ZEN:
Hmm, didn't really see anything discussing the fact that the name of the school had been changed from "junior college" to "private school" in X-Change 2 in the thread you linked, or any other for that matter.

I guess Made in DNA was talking out his ass.

Well, for a company man like myself to "talk out my ass" as you so eloquently put, would not do. What I was refering to, and I'll grant you, it may have been a bit vague, is that of course we changed "private school", "junior college", ages, and the like.

To revamp really quick, no matter how legal, we still feel more comfortable changing the ages of the characters to reflect responsible, consenting adults.

Now, with that more clearly on the table, my ass and I will get back to the other ass duties I have: writing out my ass, walking on my ass, and chatting with Ace Ventura's ass by the water cooler.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
Now, with that more clearly on the table, my ass and I will get back to the other ass duties I have: writing out my ass, walking on my ass, and chatting with Ace Ventura's ass by the water cooler.

Again, very disturbing images. This is the only place I know of that within a month or two of showing up, one's ass becauses a topic of conversation...

anyway, enough of the ass and more about XC2 :wink:

i think the page is good for what it’s meant for; to provide information about the game. it’s interesting that there are 23 possible endings but my concern is that if most of those endings are achieved when you ‘branch’ very, very late in the game. i hope i am wrong and we have a very challenging (but not frustrating) time exploring all possible story paths. it would be great if the story was almost totally different depending on the decisions you make very, very near the beginning.

I think it will depend alot on earlier choices, since you have options like which job to take etc. that should majorly effect the outcome of the game. I doubt it will be a one choice at the end decides the ending.

yeah, hopefully the entire flow the game will depend very heavily on the decisions you make very early on. in XC1, it felt as if every new game was the identical for about the first one-third and about three-quarters into the game one decision drove the story to its conclusion. i could be wrong about this, but it sure felt like it. XC1 was the first bishoujo game i ever played so maybe i’m expecting too much or something that is not typical of the genre.

Originally posted by aeiou:

yeah, hopefully the entire flow the game will depend very heavily on the decisions you make very early on. in XC1, it felt as if every new game was the identical for about the first one-third and about three-quarters into the game one decision drove the story to its conclusion. i could be wrong about this, but it sure felt like it. XC1 was the first bishoujo game i ever played so maybe i'm expecting too much or something that is not typical of the genre.

No, your assessment is fairly accurate. And if you've never played anything other than XChange 1...

*takes deep breaths* (Let's not frighten the new guy...)

I personally hated XC 1, for several reasons. But let's not get into that here, that's a completely different (read: long) debate.

But you're right. The first XChange is unusually short, and it's also very simple. (This is in fact one of the reasons I don't like it.) So the answer to your question is no, most bishoujo games are not like that. You should try Snow Drop or Tokimeki Checkin! if you want to see what most bishoujo games are like in that respect.

(Be warned, neither game is exactly easy.)

Originally posted by ekylo:
Again, very disturbing images. This is the only place I know of that within a month or two of showing up, one's ass becauses a topic of conversation...

Well, if the jeans fit...

Originally posted by aeiou:

anyway, enough of the ass and more about XC2 ;-)

i think the page is good for what it's meant for; to provide information about the game. it's interesting that there are 23 possible endings but my concern is that if most of those endings are achieved when you 'branch' very, very late in the game. i hope i am wrong and we have a very challenging (but not frustrating) time exploring all possible story paths. it would be great if the story was almost totally different depending on the decisions you make very, very near the beginning.

To be honest with you, I think the branches occur all throughout the story. I played a good 8 to 9 endings and there are little places I didn't get to go because of choices in a myriad of different places. Should be fun for all.

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by Bigdog:
I think it will depend alot on earlier choices, since you have options like which job to take etc. that should majorly effect the outcome of the game. I doubt it will be a one choice at the end decides the ending.

You are quite right.
Getting one of the good endings is a lot more difficult in XChange2 than it ever was in Tokimeki CheckIn!. It depends on a lot of decisions that can be either right or wrong, depending on which girl you currently pursue.

I still just wonder what they did with the questions in the CROWD-quiz that relate to games that are never going to be released around here (Kyoushi in particular).

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-12-2003).]

Just a quick update for those not on J-list’s (who appear to be handling pre-orders) mailing list, no word on X-Change 2 in the Wednesday update, so it’s apparently still at the replicators. Hopefully word on Friday.

So wait… because I ordered the game 6 months ago i have to pay a extra penny?

lol im just kiddng! just thought it would be funny to say.