Thoughts on V-Mate

Well that certainly isn’t good.

Originally posted by Billybob:
Well that certainly isn't good.

... but not all unexpected.
Particularly not after that desperate move with V-Mate.

On the upside:
If V-Mate now proved not being able to save G-Collections, it became at least less likely that Peach Princess would use the same kind of system.

Originally posted by Unicorn:

On the upside:
If V-Mate now proved not being able to save G-Collections, it became at least less likely that Peach Princess would use the same kind of system.

Well that's great and all...but if true, then there's no GC! The release of H-games in English would slow from around 15 a year to around 2-3. That's terrible. It might not matter to you so much, since you have some degree of Japanese literacy, and you can't play V-mate games anyway, but this would be a crushing blow to the rest of us. Add to that that I only find myself particularly interested in around 1/3 titles anyway, and the situation begins to look pretty grim...

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-05-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Well that's great and all...but if true, now there's no GC!

That's the point: IF it is true.
... and in that case, it should at least be possible for Peter and/or Lamuness to confirm this statement officially.

The same goes for Vaga42bond, who would still know best.
It is also possible that GC now just takes a creative break and ponders over their next moves.

... or waits for the delayed income from the plenty of people who want to try and enjoy their new system. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Velspie:
Honestly, is anyone actually enjoying V-Mate like GC said you would? No accept it, but actually get enjoyment out of the system itself?

Of course not out the system itself, but at least out of one thing they intentionally mixed into the invention of the system in order to increase its acceptability:
The lowered price.

I suppose at least this is a thing that people who are able to play V-Mate-games should be able to enjoy and appreciate.

I presume, nobody ever got really those other services (online-support, newsletter...) they wanted to offer via V-Mate so far, right? I just ask because this might have been enjoyable about the system too.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 04-04-2005).]

Theoretically, they could still send newsletters, etc. to all registered email accounts w/ VM. But I would have assumed Vagabond (when he was still w/ GC) would be the one writing them up.

If this true(which it looks like to me, since they haven’t updated the page at all and also shut down their message board), then the english b-game market is dead. Peach Princess’s one game a year deal sucks. In the end, I would understand and agree that v-mate was a bad idea. I still supported them to the end buying all their games, including pick me honey and sagara family, mostly because I don’t understand japanese. One funny thing is, while those two games were really bad about crashing on my system, FOH so far hasn’t crashed even once on my system, without using the bypass. Funny, they go bankrupt as soon as they at least get v-mate to work correctly. Too little too late I suppose. I mean, the fact is, I really know very little japanese. Even then, with the kind of b-games that g-collections was translating at least, It would seem to me that learning to read japanese would be more useful, and I know less about that. I guess the people that understand japanese are fine, but I’m pretty well screwed. I’ll continue buying peach princess’s games, and I guess all I can hope for now is maybe someday they’ll pick up the pace a bit. It’s almost as bad as waiting for dark horse to release 4 volumes of berserk per year.

Originally posted by shadowlord26:
Funny, they go bankrupt as soon as they at least get v-mate to work correctly.

You know, we still have no official confirmation of that.

But IF it's true, I wonder for how long Interlex will continue to service the accounts for G-Collection's games and thus the V-Mate-games remain playable.

After all, there probably is a contracted period of time for continuing to do so, but...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 04-07-2005).]

Originally posted by shadowlord26:
If this true(which it looks like to me, since they haven't updated the page at all and also shut down their message board), then the english b-game market is dead.

Yeah looks like that... [img][/img]
That would be a disaster for the B-market.


I'm pretty well screwed.

Same here [img][/img]
Really hope this is a rumour thats not true

Hi, obviously we’re following all the rumors carefully. We’ll be making a post about this soon, but never fear, no games are going to go unplayable and G-Collections is going to continue.

Really!? Contiune to exist selling the games they have already made? Or, are they actually going to continue to provide new games for us? Come on Peter, give us the scoop!

Cool I hope G-coll stays in business. Though I’m still miffed they haven’t sent me my game yet, it’s been a week already dammit

Well, that’s decidedly better news than anything else I’ve heard lately. I hope to see an update about this in the future, since news of this type seems to come along only so rarely.