Time Spiral...!

Say… if you accidentally found a time machine…and you went to the past… :smiley: ) or the entire lot of B-games may not even exist yet…so you can meet the very 1st guy or girl who invented and mass produce the very prototype of the games we have today…
Have fun changing Ero-game history… :wink:


Damn you 13th… I was going to make a similar thread like this one in the primary forum around here !!

Nevermind… I’ll start that thread, and see if they emrge it…


WHat would I change ?

I would get those idiots who made Leisure SUit Larry to actually make the ENglish version of bishoujo games, that’s what I’d do in the past. Then, at least a cult following would ensure an udnerground movement of western dating sims, where, today, there is a complete lack of them.

If I were to change other things… I;d get Sega to release Sakura Taisen in AMerica.

Oh, and for the Galaxy ANgel DVD release in AMerica, it must ciome with a full translated version of the dating sim variant FREE, for the first 1000 buyers (this one’s for Jinnai)

But we can’t change histroy. Like Nietzsche would believe,wmost of us are doomed to the eternal returns, but ony the Ubermensch can thwart this…

Like Ryo Sasaki.

:slight_smile: :smiley:

“I could see in the other man’s eyes that he’d thought if it too. Then it became a race to exploit the knowledge first.”

Only that… I won this round… :stuck_out_tongue:

I said… IF…!

‘If’, eh ?

Well, as a believer in the noumenon… hey, why not ?

I dolize many great men. Asimov. Einstein, Nietzsche. Shaw. Chesterton. Tolkien. Ryo Sasaki.

Wait, wait, what ?!!

Well, it also includes Torg, Gabriel SYme, SImon (Lord of the Flies), Excel Excel, Luffy… (and so on)


And 13th… we still got many more rounds to go. As O.C. Marsh and COoper had their great Bone Wars in the discovery for dinosaur bones, so shall I have rounds with ye here.

Ready for round two…?

Before that…
Ever wonder why noone else wants to change change something…even though…they have alot of comments regarding recent and/or previuos B-games…?

Just reviving this thread… :slight_smile:
The 2nd thing I’d change is the fact that the japanese must out mosaics on thier games… They must removed them or simply not put them there in the first place…and for them to create games with outstanding graphics and an amazing plot with some cool gameplay features…instead.

That’s my change of history plan…
How I will do it is absolutely up to me…since, I’ve got this time machina… :cool:

Not all the games have mosaics, 13th, and even if they didn’t… I dunno. For some games, maybe, but for a game like Kana, which was reliant more on story then sex, and with few partners, I prefer the moasics. However, for Crescendo, I don’t mind the mosaics.

I’m sure a western B-game would come out, one hell of an OEL visual novel, that would revolutionize the way we view things. SOmethign that’d make Planetarian look like a small step, even if necessary.

Yeah…in the case of Kana…I would prefer no H-scenes than mosaics…for if they just change those scene for more story focused ones, then in my opinion, it’ll be more enjoyable…one that will really make you feel that you are part of the whole story…, and in my case, I’m the all seeing, all knowing “Watcher”…and besides, it can still be somewhat ecchi even if they do not appear nude…
I do’nt want them to add mosaics for most of their games, though…

As for western style B-games…
I really wish that it will come out soon…

[ 12-18-2006, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Please clarify your sentence. :confused:

Well, essentially, censorship. Sex is usually censored in these games (Kanon, Tsukihime and Kana are all examples), and for the ones where story is the focus, and the sex is really required, I’m fine with the moasics. Howeer, for a story like Crescendo, where sex is essential to the story and yet, the story is very strong, it shouldn’t be censored.

You didn’t notice how you said you didn’t mind mosaics for both in what I quoted?

To be truthful, (and without sounding curt), I don’t exactly know what you mean. I said I didn’t mind mosaics in Kana, but I ratehr eb without them in Crescendo.

You said that you prefer the mosaics in Kana, and then say that you don’t mind them in Crescendo. Not minding something means you aren’t against them, that you think it’s fine. So you’re not saying that you’d rather be without them in Crescendo in your previous post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops… busted ! :stuck_out_tongue:

We all make mistakes.

But yeah… I’d have mosaics in Kana, but not Crescendo.

Hmmm…it has been some time now…and yet…no one else is stating what they want to change…
(Looks at own clock)
Oh my! :slight_smile:

hmmm…on a game that I currently play w/c is Private Nurse, game control system, hehe, like a hands-free mode would be alright if its added. for the story arcs, maybe another or a different ending for the Ayano-Hiroki relationship would be good like we see them get married, well, the After Diary is a good filler anyway. ehehe… :slight_smile:

I wonder what’s the next game that AngelSmile is developing now…

I’ll go buy probably next month or so Heart de Roommate, am kinda been a fan of AngelSmile company.


[ 02-04-2007, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: rollchan ]


That’s neat, RonXE! Edited it yourself? :slight_smile:

rollchan, Angel Smile is no more. :frowning: They went under about a year ago, if not longer.