Time to buy games agian! ::big smile::

Every year I buy 4 English Bishoujo games at Christmas Time. It’s sort of like my yearly tradition. So, here comes my post again this year and again I’m seeking recommendations.

What’s important to me?
Four things.

1) Storyline… for me that is the most important. I’m one of those players who could do without sex if the story was superb.

2) Music is also important to me. Private Nurse, Crescendo, and Kana all got huge marks there from me and as such, have etched their way into my top 5.

3) Length… I like games that are longer and cover a longer period of time in the character’s lives… Think Season of the Sakura, Kana, Private Nurse and to some degree Crescendo.

4) Character Development: If the character’s aren’t growing or expanding I’m usually disappointed. This also means that I tend to frown upon stereotypical characters. There are exceptions…

Keep in mind:

1) When it comes to sex I like a little kink… some spanking, bdsm, and so forth. I’m not really into rape though.

2) Romance prevails over sex anytime and every time.

3) I can’t stand linear novels/games either… so please avoid those in your recommendations.

Listed below are the games I own. I’d like to hear what you’d recommend, keeping in mind that if I already own it, I obviously won’t be buying it a second time ::grin::.

Both old and Newer titles are acceptable, as long as I can buy it from somewhere. It’s frustrating to hear about a game that I can’t get my hands on any longer. ::grins::

Owned: Crescendo, Season of the Sakura, Private Nurse, Phantom Inferno, May Club,
Nocturnal Illusion, Casual Romance Club, Heart de Room-mate, TCI, Snow Drop, Kana, Three Maid Story, Graduation II, Amusement Park, Brave Soul

Try Figures of Happiness ^^

Definitely get Critical Point, you won’t regret it.

Interesting and funny sci-fi story. Good kinky sex, lots of endings, lots of replayability. There’s a decent bit of Romance, too.

Two that I would recommend, even though I haven’t played them yet, are Divi-dead and Hourglass of Summer. Each has a solid storyline, atmospheric music, developed characters and are plenty long.

Length and complexity are two of the reasons I’ve been saving them. They require lots of time to complete. Hourglass is an AnimePlay game that I want to play on a PC player to get around some the inherent problems like big decision trees and limited random access. I’m not sure about the H-scenes in Divi-Dead, but there is nothing explicit in Hourglass.

I recommend “Figures of Happiness” from G-Collections and “Hourglass of Summer” from Hirameki.

I second the Figures recommendation.

Also nobody mentioned Hitomi. I like the music in that one (the title menu theme is a pretty piano piece that’s a little creepy) and it’s got some kinkyness to it.

Dividead is also quite good atmosphere-, music-, and story-wise, and it’s a somewhat spooky game (if you can find it, that is, I’ve had my copy for several years).

Hope this helps!

Originally posted by Nameless Mofo:
Dividead is also quite good atmosphere-, music-, and story-wise, and it's a somewhat spooky game (if you can find it, that is, I've had my copy for several years).
Himeya, the original producer of Divi-Dead, carries the title in their online store. I think it's been discontinued most other places.

Divi-Dead yahe i own a cd ^^ it a cool game and somehow a little wired, becasue of the confusing storyline ^^

The people qho played Divi-Dead and gained all ending knwo whats i mean ^^

Incidentally, we’ve been in “rapid reprint mode” for the last couple of months, and will have the rest of the games that are backordered now, back in print very soon. We just got Crescendo back in, I am happy about that!

Knights of Xantar? That’s one of my favs. No sex scenes if memory serves, just nudey scene. The characters are really funny though. The main character wakes up one morning and realizes his sword, armor, and even his freaking clothes are missing!

KoX was a cool game! I’d buy it again if I knew where to get a copy at. (The uncut version that is)… I somehow lost my copy when I moved from Missouri to Florida.

Scorpio, you have got to get “Tokimeki Check-In!” It’s been something like three years since I got it, it was the very first bishoujo game I played, and it still ranks the best by far of any I’ve played since.

I’m still trying to puzzle out whether my enthusiasm for it is only because it was my first trip into ecchi-land and therefore has sentimental baggage, or if it’s the game’s attributes themselves.

I’m fairly certain it’s the latter, because every new b-game I get is another exciting plunge into Japanese pop culture (reward enough in itself,) but compared with Tokimeki they’re always a bit of a letdown. Tokimeki Check-in! is just bursting with a kind of otherworldly enthusiasm for life - for me a distillation of the best elements of Japanese pop culture, and everything about it just rocks.

Using your priorities:

1 - The story is pretty standard, the scenario of “Single young dude is suddenly surrounded by insanely beautiful, unattached women, and his sole purpose in life is to, ermm, enjoy life to its fullest.” But the setting alone is what sets Tokimeki apart. It takes place in an onzen or ryokan* - a hot springs spa/resort in the country. For the player it’s like being on an extended work visa as manager of an estrogen-drenched Japanese hot springs resort;

2 - The music in this game is just great, one of the most vivid things about the game and simply the best music I’ve heard in any b-game I’ve played. Lots of songs, every single one of them is unique, and some serious thought and effort was put into their composition and execution;

3 - You won’t get a big chunk of Yamano’s life developed in this game, just a summer of serious flings as he operates the resort his parents have left in his care. But then there’s a lot to be said for reliving a brief but vivid summer of romance, passion and heady sex through an excellently-designed game;

4 - This game has incredible variety in its characters, both visually and in terms of backstory, and phenomenal voice acting all around - some of the best in any game I’ve played. This isn’t just the same face and body with different colored hair and clothing, but consciously-crafted individuals. A couple of them are WYSIWYG, but all the rest are women with initially-hidden backgrounds that motivate them to act the way they do, which are revealed if you reach the best endings with them. On this point you’ll be very, very pleased.

The “Keep in minds”:

1 - For kink, there’s not a whole lot in Tokimeki other than a scene where you have the option of whether or not to force yourself on a girl (a decision point in that context being essential IMO, if that kind of scene “must” be part of the mix - I have a high tolerance for healthy debauchery, but “Virgin Roster” pissed me off so much I just snapped the damned thing in half and tossed it in a dumpster.) There’s also a scene where you see two sleazebags trying to rape a girl and you’re given the choice of putting a stop to it or not. Though it’s not particularly kinky, there’s a very cool game of midnight ping-pong with a pair of hotties clad only in skimpy yukatas that is well worth the trip, also a cook named Makoto who digs you but basically attacks you with a knife every time she sees you;

2 - Romance? What can I say - I fell in love with every single one of this game’s dozen lusty females, and that’s pretty much the what the game’s designers intended. I’d say they succeeded in spades;

3 - Tokimeki Check-In! has something like 17 endings and a bewildering number of branch points. It’s also different in that even minor choices affect the outcome of the game, so you basically never know what’s going to happen. Some reviewers criticize on this point, saying that there’s no logic to why choosing to “Sweep the front yard” over “Clean the bath” later on gets you laid while the opposite gets you nowhere with anyone. But that’s one of the things I liked - there’s absolutely no predictability to this game, which means it always seems fresh, always a crapshoot. Great for replayability too.

You have got to check this game out - or rather, check-in!

Oh, did I mention that I love this game? Hard to tell, huh? Well I do - every last detail of it, even that entrancing “Ku-rah-oo-deh” (Crowd) in the title sequence. It demands a sequel, but I’m afraid Tokimeki Check-In! is going to remain one of those one-off flashes of brilliance. I think it richly deserves some sort of bishoujo game award like a bishoujo Emmy or something. It’s flat-out phenomenal.

'Guess you could call this a rave review - sorry for getting so long-winded guys, but I love this game!!

[* I don’t understand the distinction between the two terms “onzen” and “ryokan” - can someone clarify? Thanx…]

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

Edit: D’OH! I just noticed “TCI” in the lead post. Does that mean what I think it means? Ack! Oh well, it squeezed a review out of me - maybe another uninitiated b-gamer looking for suggestions will surf in here…

[This message has been edited by Gromit (edited 09-09-2005).]

Originally posted by Gromit:
[* I don't understand the distinction between the two terms "onzen" and "ryokan" - can someone clarify? Thanx...]

Onsen = hot spring
Ryokan = traditional japanese inn

The Yamano-inn has its own hot spring, and that isn't a mandatory thing for a Ryokan!

I loved the review! It was a great one! I think you should do other similar reviews

Thanks for clarifying, Unicorn - I’d kinda gathered that but it was always hazy and I haven’t started any kind of study of Japanese.

Glad you liked it Scorpio. I did detailed review of Virgin Roster right after I got the game (which I bought without clueing into what it was about, naive fool that I am,) but I was a tad heavy-handed with it. It was actually a very well-done game in terms of graphics and production - it’s just that the whole storyline and ethical setup were contemptible.

I’ve been taking notes on every b-game I’ve played since, but haven’t sat down to hammer out reviews yet. All of us should take notes - reviews are always instructive, and as the number of available games increases, there’ll be more need to pick & choose and the impressions of others will be useful. At least five have been released since I bought my last one but the available time for playing PC games is scarce these days.

I don’t want to divert people away from this site, but if you’re curious I’ve posted some reviews on a friend’s Horror movie page. It’s at:

Mine are under the moniker “Zaphod B. Goode” and they’re easy to spot because as usual they’re long-winded as hell… (If you’re curious just go there, bookmark and return. This is about bishoujo, not horror movies and I don’t want to be accused of hijacking a good thread.)

“In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.” - Ronnie Montrose