Time (travel)

The relationship topic isn’t for science.

Please continue here. :smiley:

Yes that would happen long before (to the outside timeflow at least), though to be considered “matter” would not necessarily be accurate as your atomic structure would be ripped apart, possibly sub-atomic even. At the same time, it would be compressed upon itself as it came closer to the center in away if you could imagine everything having no width, height or depth, thus your entire body would eventually take up almost nothing as it would all be occupying the same space-time.

I’m time-travelling every instant.

…present time travel.

I can have flashbacks :slight_smile:

For the record, Im of the opinion that wormhole collapses as soon as it forms making time travel impossible.

I think Time is a term invented by people to describe decay.

That’s cause people tend to get the distinction of time as a philosophy and science mixed up. The perception of time as a state of mind is purely opinion based, however as a mathematical component, it is the cornerstone of science for determining things like velocity and sequential events.

Time travel combines the philosophy with the math… and those don’t mix too well. For my part, I don’t think time travel is possible: it just spits in the face of the concept of time. Nevermind mentioning Occam’s razor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Only time travel that is possible when we are dead or doing everyday activity. If is possible to go back in time the farthest back you can go is the point when you go back in time. Cause to me if you go more than a few minutes past the time you went back, you’ll become stuck since time travel did not happen at that time. Making that you not exist cause there was no you at that time
only at the point of going back. The you that existed when you went back would be an after image or copy, now what happens to that copy well that’s for another topic. That copy or image would be gone since you took its place, so there has to be a copy/image for you to take its place without getting stuck. Now for going far ahead in time will no one can tell what will happen
at that time to the smallest detail.

Now if that did not make sense what so ever I’ll just have to talk to you in person for it to make since. Though in any case
it’ll probably still not make sense.

Narg, you’re the best. 8)

I didn’t know how to describe it.

But just for fun: If time travel would be possible and you would change history, I think you would create a whole new timeline which exists next to the original one.

That would fall under the “many-worlds interpretation”.

Where do you get all this stuff? :smiley:

It’s called being a [insert insulting term for an intelligent person here]. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course we have no idea what would happen with your consciousness, let alone if it’s possible to travel to alternate realities/dimensions. There is conflicting data on that.

pity really because time travel could settle alot of questions philosophical , scientific, and religious.

We don’t really need time travel to do that, just a way to look back in time without having the extraordinary distances that are involved in the cases of stars and galaxies.

To look at distant objects, yes, but the closer you get to oneself the less back in time you can see. While you can derive data to from more distant objects about that, you can’t see excatly. Instead you would have to travel equally as far away from the sun and do so faster than the speed of light to see exactly what happened, something we don’t know if it’s possible and even if it were, we don’t have the means to do it.

I’ve traveled many different spiritual realms. Knowledge of them is reserved only to those who they allow access to, however. No, I’m not kidding.

This ought to give people here a few chuckles:

