To Heart and Boy's Be anime picked up for R1

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
So how do you like that? The To Heart anime was picked up this year after all. I was thinking that To Heart or Kanon might get picked up this year, but to see it actually happen is still nice. ^_^

I'm going to have to take it off my "Most likely ren'ai game anime to get picked up" list.

I think Rightstuf has an interesting reason to pick up To Heart after all: Comic Party! (Those who have seen the intro of ComiPa will understand). As for Kanon, whoever picks it up, I hope they will also get Kanon: Kazahana.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
I think To Heart and Boy's Be will be only the second and third ren'ai game non-adult real-life drama anime to ever get picked up for R1 release. Woo-hoo! \\(^_^)/\\(^_^)/

I will safely assume that the "first" one was Sentimental Journey (which, BTW, will be released on September 14th!!!!)

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
This makes it me more hopeful for the Kanon and Kimi Ga Nozomu Ein anime. Those two are certainly popular enough. To Heart and Popotan already got taken out. I've got to find where I put that list.

Although I am sure that Kanon will get licensed eventually, I am not sure about KGNE. It is kinda too melodramatic and having a character like "Bakayuki" does not help.


Which would be the next ren'ai anime that will be licensed? Kakyuusei OVA|TV? D.C.?

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 07-04-2004).]

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
It was announced at Anime Expo that Right Stuf picked up the To Heart and Boy's Be anime for R1 release. The Yumeria anime was picked up by ADV.

Have they given an estimated release time?

To Heart distinguishes itself more as one of the earliest bishoujo anime than its entertainment value. I fell asleep after ep 5 and my “clean” copy sat in the cd case ever since.

I’m interested in Kanon, a much more highly acclaimed series. I want to get a better version of what I currently have (@#4! anime.fin).

Overall I’m not impressed with the new releases announced in AX this week. I am glad no on mess around with the new series this summer - Operation Sanctury and Wind A Breath of Heart. In the meantime, I’m waiting for the new episodes of Last Exile, Wolf’s Rain, and Azumanga to be available in the public domain.


Sorry to dissapoint, but Wolf’s Rain is a real flop. It’s such a beautiful anime and it had so much potential but it really goes nowhere. I would have loved to see the plot go somewhere because I liked the characters and the artwork so much. As for anime that’s being released right now, I’d recommend Saishu Heiki Kanojo. It’s my all time favorite. I’m glad that it finally got released there. The R2s had english subs, and I had to get them.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
It's my all time favorite. I'm glad that it finally got released there.
Glad to see your recommendation for Saikano. I ordered the first volume from the TRSI's in-stock sale sight unseen and was keeping my fingers crossed. Sounds like it won't disappoint.
Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Sorry to dissapoint, but Wolf's Rain is a real flop. It's such a beautiful anime and it had so much potential but it really goes nowhere. I would have loved to see the plot go somewhere because I liked the characters and the artwork so much.

Yeah, I know. I watched the first couple of episodes and just never kept watching. Of course it didn't help that my professional translator friend said that the fansub "translators" were literally wholly incompetent. I decided to wait for his version to come out, then decided to forget it entirely. It just ... went nowhere; they took a great idea that should have rocked and basically managed to be boring with it, at least in the first few episodes.

Originally posted by perigee:

Glad to see your recommendation for Saikano. I ordered the first volume from the TRSI's in-stock sale sight unseen and was keeping my fingers crossed. Sounds like it won't disappoint.[/B][/QUOTE]

Oh, there's no way it can dissapoint. Not to any fan of ren ai games anyway. The series is so touching. The only people who might be dissapointed are people who expect DBZ style fights out of this title since it translates to "My Girlfriend, the Ultimate weapon" or "She, the ultimate weapon." You don't clearly see much combat in this anime even though it's there. It's mostly off screen and it's intended to be that way. As long as you don't expect a lot of fighting action, you're going to love it.

Saikano is okay, but I thought all the heartstring tugging was a little to heavy-handed… and mechanical. It was alright I suppose, and I’ll pick it up to support it’s release.

Not much else has been picked up so far that’s really interested me. Planetes maybe.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Decent shot: 1. Happy Lesson Advance

Agreed, though it depends a lot on the success of Happy Lesson.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Fairly Likely: 2. Comic Party Revolution

Same as Happy Lesson.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Possible or Maybe Next Year:

5. Kanon
6. Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
7. Da Capo

I would say "quite likely" to the three of them (I still have a grudge with KNGE...)

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Not As Likely (since SisPrin is not even out yet): 8. Sister Princess RePure

I guess they will wait to see how SisPri does first.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Quite Unlikely:

9. Triangle Hearts second OVA
10. Pia Carrot 2 DX
11. Green Green TV series

Pia Carrot might be unlikely as people might get confused with PinPai's Pia Carrot. Not sure about Toraha, though. And as for Green Green, it might get licensed because of it's echiness.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Very Unlikely, But Not Impossible:

12. Moekan
13. Pia Carrot 3 Movie
14. Natsuiro no Sunadokei
15. Raimuiro Senkitan OVA
16. Kita e ~ Diamond Dust Drops

I would say that it depends how well Senti does for these ones to have a chance to be licensed.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Extremely Unlikely (maybe I'm just EXTREMELY pessimistic for these):

17. Refrain Blue
18. Mizuiro second OVA
19. Elf version Kakyuusei OVA
20. Kakyuusei TV series
21. Tokimeki Memorial

I will agree with you on Refrain Blue and Kakyuusei OVA|TV due to NuTech's and PinPai deal (or rather, the lack of details on which titles they actually "licensed")

As for Mizuiro and Tokimemo, well.... I guess it would depend, again on Senti...

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
No Way:

24. Graduation 1-2
25. One first OVA

Not sure about Graduation.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Utterly Hopeless:

26. Debut
27. Doukyuusei 2 Special
28. First Kiss Story

I have certain hopes with Doukyuusei 2.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
They all seem to have extremely few fans and extremely few people rallying for their defense (maybe they're all on MegaTokyo [img][/img] ). They don't seem like they'll ever be able to build up fanbase either.

I guess everything boils down to how Senti, ComiPa, Boys Be and To Heart do. If they manage to have even some sucess, they will eventually get the rest.

I think I’m missing something, are these guesses for the games that spawned anime or the anime itself as to what might be released next?

If it is the anime, personally one of the next two that I think is most likely to be announced from those listed will be:

Happy Lesson Advance or Comic Party Revolution, if both of the first versions are doing as well as various sites claim them to be doing at present. Either one of those are ones that I would like to see, since both series are ones that leave me wanting more, though perhaps because of where it is so far Comic Party Revolution would be the one I would like to see released first.

Speaking of these what ever happened to the Happy Lesson manga? It’s like Gate Keepers only one volume less, yet still leaves us with a “To Be Continued” ending with no sign it ever will be continued.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-06-2004).]

Cool, I have been checking various sites but none seem to give a general time frame for when to look for To Heart, nevertheless it is one that despite some so-so reviews I am looking forward to seeing for myself.

I have knowledge?? Who knew Anyway it’s a good list you go there Sakamoto, I’m too lazy to do my own so I’ll just comment on some of yours

Happy Lesson Advance- is the one I’d bank on getting liscensed if I was a betting man. The tv and ova is already released by ADV and most people who’ve seen it like it.

Comic party Revolution- probably but not for a while. It’s an ova that I’m not sure is even finished in Japan(only 2 episodes out so far).

Raimuiro/Limerio Senkitan - good luck, from what I hear the dvd release was borderline hentai, with the OVAs even moreso. And if a company get’s the tv release without the hentai you know the Otaku will have their heads. Maybe geneon will take a chance with it.

Kanon- damn I wish someone would liscense this already. But there’s still otakon

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (KGNE) - Well there’s a rabid cult following for this title, and from the bits I saw it’s an awesome show. Lotta drama and angst so maybe ADV will get it to supliment EVA

Da Capo- Wasn’t it liscensed? Oh wait that’s popotan. Well if Popotan can be liscensed then Da Capo can as well.

Sis Princess Repure- have to wait to see how well it does for ADV. I’m pretty sure they would have the option for this one.

Oh well I commented on half the list that’s good enough for me.

Originally posted by Faust:
Not much else has been picked up so far that's really interested me. Planetes maybe.

Avoid the Planetes anime. The manga is FAR superior.