this Q has been eating away at my brain for some while now Whats is TokiMemo? is it a game or anime series or could it be both??
this Q has been eating away at my brain for some while now Whats is TokiMemo? is it a game or anime series or could it be both??
This was a Super NES game, correct?
At least, I’ve just found (and am currently download) a SNES ROM by the name of Tokimeki Memorial… hmm… I would have expected that it would have been a PC game.
[This message has been edited by TurricaN (edited 02-14-2002).]
Originally a PC-Engine game. Was ported to SNES, PSX and Saturn. Have many English pages dedicaced to it (for instance, start from Wavehawk’s homepage and browse the links if you need more info), a ML (to which you can subscribe by sending an email to and post at and 2 Yahoo! Clubs ( and ). You can ask there for more help if you want to.
is the game english or japanese?
Japanese, if the game were in English, it would be in my collection To bad tho, i saw the OAV and it was pretty nice. But i think you need to play the game to really understand it properly even tho the OAV story different from the game, if i remember correctly.
hmmm that sux! well when i get my P4 back i’ll go out huntin 4 the OAV (P4 has the Bigger HDD that my Celleron 400) cant the game be translated into english?
There used to be a petition floating around on a Tokimemo fansite that wanted Konami to port it over here to the US and translate it, but many acknowledge that it’s probably a lost cause.
There is also a live action movie which only shares two similar things: the name and the legendary tree. (Story is almost totally unrelated to the game). However, there is a small cameo of Shiori.
Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Also, do not download cracked games, please. Tokimeki Memorial is certainly still available, no question - it was put on every single system that existed, including PC and PSX.
PC?! First time I heard about a PC version... Have to ask in the ML/BBS...