Touhou games on Steam

I think it would be amazing if JAST could bring the Touhou games to Steam, while I know that most of them are already fan translated I would still prefer to have a official English version. Also by bringing them to Steam new people can discover them more easily. So what do you think everyone ?

I would love to see this as well. Because having an official English version would make it easier for many people to support Touhou and Team Shanghai Alice. (And I’d personally like to play more Touhou games)

From what I understand, JAST may be able to get the rights to sell Touhou through J-List though I think they have to go through ZUN to get the greenlight to sell them on Steam. Perhaps if it’s not possible to get on Steam at this time, JAST could arrange to setup selling digital copies of Touhou from the main JAST website. Though I’m not sure if JAST is able to do this or not.

I would love it if they added touhou games to steam too there isn’t enough bullet hell games on steam and would be cool to see all the achievements and badges for them ^-^

I don’t think JAST has worked with any doujin companies in the past. Working with doujin companies presents unique challenges, as MangaGamer discovered with the Higurashi series. You’d probably be better off asking Sekai Project about this one.

Well I personally wouldn’t like to see it in Sekais hands, too much bad experience with them. It would be awesome if JAST could do it, but if they cant then I rather things stay as they are.

@Aldra said:
Well I personally wouldn’t like to see it in Sekais hands, too much bad experience with them. It would be awesome if JAST could do it, but if they cant then I rather things stay as they are.

I agree. I would hate to see Sekai translate anything else, really. It would be amazing to see JAST get this though. I would have a high interest in buying them!

Also it may be a good Idea to localize some Touhou fan games too, not sure what it would take to do that but it seems possible as both NIS America and XSEED started doing it.

I would suggest going for Gensou Shoujo Taisen as its gameplay is fun, it covers the officially Touhou story and most of the characters.

Touhou games on Steam would be a nice idea, having play a few of the fan games myself. It will also spread the popularity of Touhou games to the west even more, which is a good thing imo. The more people playing it the better~