Trample on Schatten ~kagefumi no uta~ Discussion

Till an official thread is posted, JAST just confirmed this at AX mere minutes ago.


(Note, the originals website is dead but the uncensored versions website is still available) is the site for REVOLUTION+, under the correct brand (tailwind is now nonsugar etc.)

Are we getting the Revolution+ version with the additional scenario?

According to the livefeed its the original, not Revolution+

If they just used the wrong name or not i dunno. But that’s what I’ve gone by.

Here’s a review for the game in case anyone’s interested: … 9E-review/

I can say I’m very interested in this game and can’t wait for its release, whenever that may be

I’m not even going to pretend I’m sorry for this one. Someone’s gotta do it.

Well, Schatt!

Not particularly happy with some of its VNDB tags (coughrapecough), but not discounting it because of that.

I’m not a big fan of rape either, but we’ll see.

Lots of good games contain it; you’ll miss out on a lot if that’s a deal breaker. YU-NO, Ayakashibito, Subarashiki Hibi, Eien no Aselia, Sengoku Rance, BALDR SKY and many other very good titles. Surely it shouldn’t be that much of a problem if it’s used for storytelling rather than fetish fuel.

Yeah, I know neither of you said it’s a deal breaker, but still…

Nah, I’ll play anything with a good story, rape or no. But the very fact (and some less than encouraging CGs on VNDB) still bothers me a little.

Looks good. Kinda reminds me of Princess Waltz. Hope it will be better though… ~_~

We’ll be doing the added content from Revolution+. Forgot to specify that.

Thanks! You guys rock!! :smiley:

I don’t have a problem with rape being used in the storyline. Hell, some of the scenes in Eve Burst Error would probably have been rape in the original (if they hadn’t been written out; it’s not always easy to tell). And I really like Soul Link, and it has some stuff in that department as well. There’s some pretty kinky stuff in Demonbane too, and that game is awesome. I generally have two issues:

  1. An h-scene is (at least theoretically) supposed to be erotic. I don’t really find such scenes erotic, and this can create a disconnect between me and the game (which will often want it to be).

  2. Games with most of the h as rape have as a major selling point something I don’t like, and don’t really want.

So games like Queen and Princess are your Rewards, I would generally find intolerable.

Yeah, I disagree, and I’m pretty sure some eroge creators would disagree as well. While plenty of them do treat H scenes as something formulaic they need to include in the package, other writers use them in more interesting ways. Sometimes you’re supposed to finish a H scene feeling dead inside. Not necessarily a rape scene, either; the first H scene in StarTRain also comes to mind. ONE also has a couple that might qualify.

I should, however, make it clear; I’d rather read ten of the latter category of H scene than one that wasn’t story-necessary. Erotic or not, H scenes that don’t fit in the context do nothing for me at all and my response is either going to be to hit the ctrl key or click that little X in the top right hand corner.

Then I think we actually more or less agree :slight_smile:

A rape scene that’s used in that way, I don’t have any real problem with. Hell, that’s one of the things about Berserk that’s so fucked up, is the rape scene in the Eclipse. And that’s also what makes Thomas Covenant so interesting, he rapes somebody in the first 75 pages of the book and yet doesn’t come across as a bad guy, in the end.

But generally, hgames don’t use the scenes that way - and if this game does, then I’m in. Generally an h-scene is there because people bought an h-game so they want to enjoy the h-scenes. Sometimes yeah, they do that, but often when something like that actually happens they’ll cut away, even in an h-game. Take Demonbane for example - when Tiberius goes through the base, raping people, then killing them and turning them into his zombie army you see him walk into a room full of people, then make false promises that he’ll be gentle while the random civilians quake in terror … But then it cuts away, you don’t actually see him raping and murdering everyone with his own rotting intestines.

And then there’s games like Raidy - which I haven’t played, and I don’t think ever will. But I am given to understand that like 80-plus percent of the scenes are “punishment” for dying to a boss. To me that says it’s rape being used for titillation. Then there are games like the old GC releases Possession or Sensei 2.

Well according to moogy, the game’s translator most of the rape scenes are random occurences so I assume that means most of them involve random characters.

So it’s kind of like Ataraxia’s way of saving, very convenient.

So first, question: what’s this new scenario of Revolution+ supposed to be? Is it for a specfic heroine?

Hmmm… on the whole rape thing… Is Trample on Schatten classified a tentacle rape eroge? I mean, you don’t expect to make apple juice out of an orange after all.

From what I played of the demo, it seems fun. Got quite a sci-fi feel to it.