Transfer Student?

Yeah, i heard that this month was coming out, dont know whats happening tough but i have preorder it for almost year and half.

They will probably release it sometime during 2006. I’ve had it one pre-order since Feburary, at that time it was due out in March. Apparently, it’s something to do with last minute programming…

i don’t mind the wait if the compatibility for both MacOS and Windows are going to be phenomenal. JAST USA has been pretty good about compatibility issues in the past. In other news, a Doom III is in the works (Yawn! Wake me when something interesting happens).

A new Doom game? That’s weird, I seem to remember buying Final Doom some years ago. Still, I won’t be complaining if they release a new Doom game.

I suppose I won’t either, especially not if they decide to give it a total overhaul like they did with Wolfenstein 3D (transforming it into the impressive Return to Castle Wolfenstein).

I would expect Transfer Student to be out soon…well, hopefully before the summer ends.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 05-07-2002).]

From an e-mail I got yesterday (5/7) from Peter Payne regarding Transfer Student:

"Thanks! We are almost done. I am doing final testing on the game now
on the PC side, and then all we need is the Mac version."

Hope he doesn’t mind me printing this here.

I doubt it since many of us here have ordered Transfer Student and are awaiting it’s arrival. It’s just another way to get the word out.

I’m not to big on preordering games, but I hope it comes out soon. It loks to be a great title. I have thought about picking up the japanese version a few times, but I would rather wait and play it in a language I can fully understand =].

As for Doom 3, the game looks amazing, and they are gloating that it will have some of the most realistic graphics to date, but for a lot of use out there, that means the game will run like a slide show on our computers >_< I do love Bishoujo, but there is always room in my heart for another DOOOOOOOOOM sequel.

One day before its release date. That’s my preordering protocol. Its strictly financial.

I grew tired of FPS, I can’t be impressed by better graphics when they don’t have stories. Quake and Quake 2 was snooze fest for me, give me Marathon anyday. Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D was a lot of fun if one is a big fan of action films and action film parodies though. Who can forget Lo Wang’s ‘It’s all in the reflexes.’ from “Big Trouble in Little China”, '‘Be Proud Mr. [John] Woo!’ when he whips out two Uzis.

You even play FPS games for their story? Personally, if I’m playing a FPS, I really want it to be nothing more than mindless action and a test of skill, like early arcade games. I guess I just don’t like to mix story-oriented and skill-oriented games, 'cause most end up being typical action style movie-games. I did grow tired of FPS a few years back, that is, until Serious Sam was released.

We have prayed that Transfer Student will release soon than delay again. I reserved summer 2000, I think.

Originally posted by TurricaN:
You even play FPS games for their story? Personally, if I'm playing a FPS, I really want it to be nothing more than mindless action and a test of skill, like early arcade games. I guess I just don't like to mix story-oriented and skill-oriented games, 'cause most end up being typical action style movie-games. I did grow tired of FPS a few years back, that is, until Serious Sam was released.

For you fans of FPS Jedi Outcast is a great game. Personally, I'm still waiting for Neverwinter Nights.

Well, Marathon had stories AND strategies in spades. Strategy alone just doesn’t cut it for me if the environment doesn’t feel immersive. Oni’s not a first person but that was kick ass too with the Anime story and the most fun of beating people up. I’m a huge SNK fanatic and the idea of being able to run around with 360 degrees of freedom while pulling off specials that look impossible and cool was just too much to pass up. Needless to say, I’m eagerly anticipating the launch of King of Fighters Online. :slight_smile:

Boy it’s been relatively quiet on the boards, must be finals time…

Just a note for those of you who don’t get the J-List update (and why aren’t you getting it? Huh? Huh? Sorry, too much sugar this morning… ) Peter says they’re on target to ship in a “few weeks”, so it looks like June most likely for Transfer Student.

Yeah, but you do realise that come June, the release date will be “next month” or “in a few weeks”. That’s what has happened every other time so I see no reason to expect any different this time.

Originally posted by TurricaN:
Yeah, but you do realise that come June, the release date will be "next month" or "in a few weeks". That's what has happened every other time so I see no reason to expect any different this time.

Heh, yeah I know but I'm trying to be optimistic. If I wanted to be pessimistic, I'd attend more staff meetings at work... [img][/img]

Yeah, right.
But how optimistic can you be after…I don’t know how long I waited for Transfer Student. Must now be 2-3 years.
And every time they say its beta testing and its shipping soon I waited for it.
If you recognize at the begining of this year they said it will come 1.quater at the same time with CriticalPoint. But at that time I posted a reply that it will be June or July before its going to ship.
But now I think it will be end of August before they ship it…if they ship it…I’m not absolutly sure about this after a dozen delays.

So how can you be optimistic you have no choice but to be pesimistic…and don’t say it will be better…thats just a excuse good for nothing.I don’t feel better when I said this to me.


How can I be optimistic? Easily. I’ve had games I’ve waited years for, through delay after delay, and then they were cancelled so they never came out at all! But Transfer Student, I believe will come out. When? Beats the heck out of me. Yes, it’s frustrating and irritating but I’ve had similar stuff happen before so I’m not going to worry overmuch about it. Besides, even though it’s a sacriligeous thought for this board, the fate of one game, no matter how anticipated, isn’t exactly the top priority in life. So why spend any time being pissed when I can choose to be highly amused instead?