Translation project

We’re planning on trying a new concept, if European fans are willing to help: we want to translate a bunch of our games into German (currently) and eventually French and Italian, as a service to fans to allow them to enjoy the games in other languages, and hopefully help us grow the market in those countries. We’re hoping to come up with a way of doing “open source” translations that fans can download freely after they’ve bought the game.

I’d like to get input from fans who might be willing to help with this. Especially in these three countries, where we’re trying to find partners who can help us make the games available in these countries. Well, let us know your thoughts.

Although, in my case, this is unnecessary (I can read English very well), I approve any idea that can publicize the hobby, but, regarding the Italian market, why don’t use your (apparently) strong connection with GX ( ) for a formal announcement/request through a fairly popular printed magazine (I doubt that most Italian fans even know of this BBS)?

I used to know someone who did the English-to-German translation for some role-playing game sourcebooks, but I haven’t heard from her in years… I’m not sure how she’d feel about working on adult games, but if I find her I can mention it to her.

My french is just about good enough to understand it written, but not good enough to translate English into French that the french won’t laugh at.

I think that’s a good idear, if you can make it, but I’ve afraid that I can’t help more than buying ganes.
Do GX magazine always exist in french?

Originally posted by Peter:
I can translate french to English and vice versa, my first language is French. I'm trilingual. If only I can remeber my spanish

JAJAJA! Yo si hablo espaÒol!! [img][/img]
I'm learning Esperanto, let's see what happens...
I wonder if we would ever see a b-game in esperanto? :S :S :S


Now that i remember, i worked on a English-spanish text for a b-game... (Season of Sakura), but i left it about 50% done, then some things happened and i stoped.
(one of the thing that happened were that we weren't getting well with each other in therms of "translation"... I.E: For "Underwear" he wanted to use something like "Braguitas" (word that I HATE -and, if i'm not mistaken, only refers to the panties and not the WHOLE underwear-) and i wanted to use "ropa interior" wich is the literal translation.)

Just to make it clear, i never released this patch, it was only to show it to some ppl who couldn't understand english that b-games can be really good, but the only thing i got in return were "ASSHOLE!" - "SICK MAN!" and things like that -_-'''''''''''''''.
Can you now get why i stopped the patch AND speaking with those people?

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 04-24-2005).]

Well, this would be something we’d be asking fans to do to help us out – and it’d be a fun “open source” project to get more fans into b-games. I doubt if Swedes need a Swedish version, that would be rather funny :slight_smile: The main langauges we’re looking to port would be Italian, French and German, the “Axis of Bishoujo” in Europe.

I have to agree with Velspie. Especially countries like France are a pain.

Shenmue for Dreamcast came out in Europe. It was translated in several languages, however the voices remained in English. This is understandable, since there is A LOT of voice acting, and it was already pretty hard and long to do it in English.

Guess what?

The French COMPLAINED that the voices were in English, and not in French!

Selfish people…

But since it’s about bishoujo games, I wouldn’t mind helping out. French is my primary language, and I am very good at English. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Well, this would be something we'd be asking fans to do to help us out -- and it'd be a fun "open source" project to get more fans into b-games. I doubt if Swedes need a Swedish version, that would be rather funny ^_^ The main langauges we're looking to port would be Italian, French and German, the "Axis of Bishoujo" in Europe.

As the Swedish Chef would put it, "Vhet's vrung veet Svedeesh?" (Joke) (Real)

I agree, i speak and read english fairly well, i can’t belive i will enjoy a bishjou game in swedish. Perhaps there is somebody out there who will but he is a small minoroty. I play almost all my games in english, and a bishjou game in swedish will not feel right.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well the real B-game needs to be in Japanese but how many swedish people know that. I think more langauges the better. Now lets get them translated into Klingon and High Elfen too. [img][/img]

Well I'll nominate woodelf to translate high elfen since he's an elf [img][/img] Do we have any klingons here [img][/img]

I would be glad to help you too ^^
In fact, I’m willing to do anything as long as it helps the B-game market to develop ^__-
I can translate English to French (and French to English of course, but I don’t think it does really matter =D).

It’s really a great idea. With this, it will be even more interesting to be a “Friend of J-list program”…
I guess I’m going to create a website so that French people may know a bit more about these wonderful games cough cough

I’d be interested in seeing a Hindi translation :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Velspie:
Actually, I'd like to do a Swedish translation for a game. Not cause it's needed but cause it would indeed be funny. ^^;

Voice over of the Swedish Chef from Sesame Street dancing through my head. Ah, I'm scared for life.