True Gamers! Rawr!

Heh… VG Cats has a funny strip about hardcore gamers and the new generation of asstards:

:shock: :stuck_out_tongue: 8) :lol:

Woah … he started putting up new comics again?

Sad thing is… He’s right. I don’t mind having an easy mode available, but dang sometimes even hard core is easy on some games. (As far as the AI is concerned) Soul Calibur IV is a really good example. The supposive Hard Mode, while definitely a bit more challenging than normal mode , was lacking. I had my custom character go to town on hard mode and mostly consistently would get rated A to S+ every once in awhile I’d get a B. Still I suck @ fighting games, I don’t want hard mode impossible to beat but I’d like it to be more of a challenge.

That’s because Namco got bitched at for the AI in SC3. On the higher difficulty levels, the computer directly read your controller inputs and reacted accordingly. It basically became like fighting a psychic opponent. :lol:

“Put your controller on the floor …”

[pause for player to go ‘huh?’]


[pause for player to put controller on floor]

“I will move your controller with my mind

Related RPGFan editorial with a somewhat different perspective:

Guess the definition of “gamer” is starting to really blur. :roll:

Someone once said I wasn’t a gamer because I rarely do 10-hour marathons of fps games on versus-mode. This same person called himself a tabletop rpg gamer because he played a watered down DnD-ish game once.

On a side note, this should be interesting to some of you.

Yes! It’s the great paradox! Actually though I think its more than mainstream press gives passes the more popular a game is. Not just FF, but any game…unless the gameplay just plain sucks.

It’s not elitism if you’re right, after all.

lol… lol… lol…

Star Trek reboot is in the same boat.

I love it. Rawr!

That they didn’t have any debates about policy is probably the most disappointing thing, but then again I’d expect that more in a series where it fits better as you can focus on it more. A movie of this kind is suppose to be more action-oriented.

I haven’t seen the movie, and I’m not a Trekkie (a fan, yes, but I’m not obsessed with the series), but last I heard the biggest issue with this film wasn’t that it was fun or action packed or entertaining or even shallow. It was that they had the gall to mess with the back story of one of the most beloved characters - Spock. Last I had heard, they had made him a full Vulcan instead of a half-Vulcan, which completely eliminates a good portion of the internal conflict of the character (not to mention completely screws up established lore, since the movie is supposed to take place before the original series last I heard). Gene Roddenberry is probably rolling in his grave over this.

Spock is still half Vulcan half Human. The movie also has a lot of action in it. :slight_smile:


[spoiler]The entire Star Trek timeline has been rebooted and thrown away: The planet Vulcan is destroyed for example (only 10000 of them left). Kirk never knew his father. The crew of the Enterprise has been assembled at a MUCH younger age than they were before (Chekhov is only 17). Sulu jokes that he knows fencing (like the TOS version), but is actually a katana badass). And Lots, lots, lots more.

Basically everything that happened in TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, etc… took place in another timeline. This Star Trek is an alternate dimension. It’s a clean slate.

I like this version better. More up-to-date with the times. The old Star Trek was getting stale. It was built on a model that worked decades ago… but not anymore.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Well it was kinda had problems already since Enterprise. The rebooting probably did need to be done. A lot of people were getting tired of the current timeline. TNG and to a lesser extent DS9 were the golden age of that timeline. It started slipping after that.

A reboot is fine. Hell, they’ve already shown other universes.[/spoiler]

I have talked to a lot of my ST fans and all of them, and all their ST fans they know liked the movie. Yes, a lot of them had gripes or nitpicks, but that just goes to show you how much they liked it if they are finding small faults to it.