Trustworthy Online Importer(s) for Eroge

Quite awhile ago, my favorite online eroge importer had closed shop (Himeya/ErogeShop). I didn’t care at the time, because I didn’t need a vendor to mail me stuff to the US. Now I’ve got some upcoming vaction time and a looooong list of Japanese eroge I want to play, but no where to get them from.

Who are you guys and gals importing your hard copy (disc, goodies, preorders) Japanese ero from? Overpricing isn’t as much a concern to me, as trustworthiness and shipping confidence are.

paletweb and dankedanke (as an intermediary)

I’m sad about erogeshop closing too, because they really were quite great.

I’ll second paletweb. I haven’t had any problems with them since erogeshop closed.

I order from and use Tenso as a middle-man. It’s worked perfectly for me!

Mandarake(My poor tsukihime ;_:wink: and paletweb…

Wasn’t Erogeshop supposed to open back up?

Paletweb. Haven’t had any problems with them. I’ve also used dankedanke for purchasing cheap second-hand eroges that paletweb doesn’t have, although generally (if the option is available), I prefer to buy eroges from one of the dl sales sites.

I have used DankeDanke to purchase eroge before from AmazonJP. It works pretty well; the overall price including DankeDanke fees and shipping come out to approximately the MSRP of the game in question, since Amazon often offers discounts.

Erogeshop claimed they were going to open back up, but when you “temporarily” close down your site and stop accepting orders, you have a VERY short window to re-open them. Zero cash incoming means you’ll go broke relatively quickly.

Their website completely disappeared. Domain doesn’t resolve. If the people behind erogeshop do eventualy re-open, it will have to be a brand-new store.

Nothing to see here … mysterious accidental double post FAIL :slight_smile:


It was a twincest post. Bad Nande! BAD!!!

Paletweb’s started a campaign, where they offer a 5% discount on an eroge if you preorder it 8 days or more before its release date.

Does anyone know if this book+dvd combo is available for overseas sale somewhere?
I can’t find it in (and they never replied to my questions), and I lack time to search in every japanese site selling this book.
Do I need a middleman (FDJP, for example)?