Try to get Fye to sell B-games

You know, this conversation has totally confused me. Are we talking about Fry’s Electronics or For Your Entertainment (FYE)? I mean, it sounds like we’re talking about both interchangably and I know they aren’t…

i started it and i was talking about FYE which is based here in NY, were i want people to send in letters but doesn’t look like it workering, i have no idea what Fry is

conversation has been about both. Fry’s entered into the conversation when Peter said he was going to push to get them to carry the games.

Yeah that’s the only reason why I mentioned frys since peter mentioned trying to get them there. Didn’t know Fry’s used to be a grocery store. Course now it looks like they are going back to being a grocery store with the cafe in the industry frys, and all the junk food they sell.

Given the current trends in this nation I think a grocery store is a much more stable choice for them, ashame if they go back to that and lose the electronics.

How goes the fight, either fight, by the way?

Sorry for the confusion. Never heard of FYE. I just assumed FRY was the same as FYE, they sounded similar, so I just assumed they were the same stores and that some of the guys just spelled it different but I couldn’t understand why.

Well, the store I was refering to was Fry’s. Don’t know anything about FYE.

Sorry, I never heard of FYE. I just assumed that Fry and FYE where the same, since they sounded similar… the funny thing was, I just couldn’t figure out why some spelled it differently that the others… Guess I was way off… ha-ha-ha (laughing at myself…).

It seems those of us further toward the East Coast or on the East Coast have been unlikely to hearof Fry’s and those on the West Coast have been unlikely to hear of FYE, guess they are fairly regional even for ‘national stores’. Will getting one to sell the games start a larger trend then?

Okay, I don’t feel that bad anymore. Oddly enough, I have travelled just enough that I’ve been two both stores. That’s why I knew they were two different chains, but the way some people were using them interchangeably was getting me confused…

I’ve been to both in California.

Well if Peter get’s any of his games at fry’s I’ll let you guy’s know as I practically live at frys considering how often I end up going there

hmm should write letters to both that would be an idea. oh well

Fry’s is kind of a sad place. The WalMart of tech. Every time I go there I feel like I need to take a shower. And yet, they have everything there, it’s really nice having all that stuff in one place. But what’s up with their $30 DVD prices? They’re living in a dreamworld.

Yeah. Which is why I’m glad that there’s a CompUSA and a PC Club nearby for most of my computing needs. Although, the PC Club in Manhattan Beach is rather small, compared to say, the small one in Thousand Oaks. So, whenever PC Club or CompUSA doesn’t have something, then I’ll go to Fry’s. They have some pretty good sales, I’ll admit. Terrible, terrible service. But good deals. But for now, I am off to the LA computer fair. Yay. Now there’s a place that has everything. The Pomona one, anyway. It’s all small vendor types of people though, so you have to be wary of who you buy from. And when I say everything, I mean everything. From keyboards to speakers. Pocket knives to the adult dvd section in the corner. Everything.

And I’ve been rambling too much again…

精神 の 神

It sounds like Fry’s is a lot more, trying to think of a ‘nice’ way to say it (my Alma Mater is fighting Wal-Mart’s attempt to move in the middle of a farm so it’s hard to think nice of Wal-Mart at the moment), into moneymaking then customer service then? That is kind of sad since it sounds like it is one that has almost anything you can ask for in a tech sense.

Yeah CS is pretty lousy at Frys but hey you can’t beat some of the sale items. Plus they have a huge video game section Their Anime section is retail but they used to have good deals on new release mainstream dvds, used to go there to buy my mainstream dvds.

I used to go to PC club alot but their CS sucks just as bad as Frys if not worse. And
I stopped going to the computer fair at Pomona a while ago after I got burned a couple of times buying some parts. But yeah that show has everything under the sun computer related.