Tsuki raffle

If anyone’s interested, there’s a raffle for Tsuki being sponsored by G-Collections here - http://www.animetric.com/contest2.html

cool…has anyone played it? how is it?

Has anyone ever been able to enter any of Animetric’s contests? My mail kept bouncing back everytime I tried to enter their previous contests.

It’s because of the latest influx of virus-ridden junk mails. My mailbox fills up so fast that at times I can’t keep up with the cleaning and I go over my allocation. Anyways I’ve been keeping closer tabs on my mailbox so it shouldn’t be a problem for this particular contest.

Originally posted by hotfire:
cool...has anyone played it? how is it?

There's a thread around here somewhere where we discussed it. A quick search on "Tsuki" should pop it up...

OK, I’ll enter it. What are the odds of winning usually, rowena?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
OK, I'll enter it. What are the odds of winning usually, rowena?

It's different for each game. Usually "pleasant" games like Tokimeki Check-in or Horny Bunnies would get more entries as opposed to darker or more daring games like Sensei 2 or Water Closet.

For Tsuki I could put the estimate to about 1:150.

Originally posted by rowena:
It's different for each game. Usually "pleasant" games like Tokimeki Check-in or Horny Bunnies would get more entries as opposed to darker or more daring games like Sensei 2 or Water Closet.

For Tsuki I could put the estimate to about 1:150.

I thought it was the other way around, Tsuki is the darker game if given a choice between Tsuki and Sensei 2? At least that was the impression from the contributions of my reviewers?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I thought it was the other way around, Tsuki is the darker game if given a choice between Tsuki and Sensei 2? At least that was the impression from the contributions of my reviewers?

For me Sensei 2 and Tsuki are equally dark. I kind of liked Tsuki a bit better because of the artwork though.

Originally posted by rowena:
For me Sensei 2 and Tsuki are equally dark. I kind of liked Tsuki a bit better because of the artwork though.

... and I liked Tsuki less than Sensei2 because the story and character development is by far weaker IMHO. So, the annoucement of G-Collections that they are going to release Shukketsu Bo was for me a slap into my face. I think you understand what I mean if you look here for a few stamements about it (and in particular what they are especially proud about in this game).

However, because Tsuki is sold out at himeya, I understand that they made this decision based on the game's commercial success, but I certainly don't want a Tsuki-II directors cut in my collection.
Instead, I still look forward to Crecendo and Brave Soul.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-24-2003).]

Can’t fault them for selling what people want to play. Well. I mean, you can, but it’s kind of stupid, unless you’re in favor of censorship. Certainly I have no problem with titles like ‘Grand Theft Auto 3’, I just probably will never play it.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Can't fault them for selling what people want to play.

Agreed, because that's the way the market works.

However, if the market entirely switches into this direction in the long run, I'll have to say "byebye" to english bishoujo gaming then. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think you understand what I mean if you look here for a few stamements about it (and in particular what they are especially proud about in this game).

Hmm, I knew the title sounded familiar. And yeah, I did remember that little line at the end of that entry. *sigh* Oh well...

Originally posted by ekylo:
And yeah, I did remember that little line at the end of that entry.

Well, even if Spec-san managed to turn me towards the dark side a bit in our playing-sessions together, I am pretty certain that I don't want to know that...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, even if Spec-san managed to turn me towards the dark side a bit in our playing-sessions together, I am pretty certain that I don't want to know that...

See? I warned you guys in the IRC channel about SB and playing bgames with him :P

Originally posted by Lamuness:
See? I warned you guys in the IRC channel about SB and playing bgames with him :P

Great! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]
And why didn't you warn me outside of the IRC-channel? Because of corporate firewalls, I can't join in there.
Now, it's too late... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/eek.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Agreed, because that's the way the market works.

However, if the market entirely switches into this direction in the long run, I'll have to say "byebye" to english bishoujo gaming then. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

I share your sentiment, but don't think there's anything to be concerned about judging by what G-Collections has released since Tsuki; Horny Bunnies, Come See Me Tonight and Kango 2 (not sure about Secret Wives Club content, not a fan of "training" sims) with Crescendo and Tsukushite Agechau 4 to come. It could be argued that we were due a game like this, I suppose.

That quote on the GamelexGS made me cringe though. I'm not sure it's the sort of image that bishojo gaming really needs, even if it does sell games.

Originally posted by Interzone:
That quote on the GamelexGS made me cringe though. I'm not sure it's the sort of image that bishojo gaming really needs, even if it does sell games.

I looked for this alleged quote, and I couldn't find it. Where is it hiding?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I looked for this alleged quote, and I couldn't find it. Where is it hiding?

It's not exactly a "quote", more a statement. My bad. Anyway, if you go to the Shukketsu-Bo page, check out the last line of the product description (the second paragraph is quite a hum-dinger too).

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I looked for this alleged quote, and I couldn't find it. Where is it hiding?

I meant:

Originally posted in gamelexgs's shukketsu bo-conspectus:
You won't know what a true 'raping game' is without playing this title!

So you see, this game is really proud of being the rapefest (or worse) that you thought another of this year's releases would be.

It will probably fulfill your darkest fears and even shatter most of your eeeeeeeevil plans.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-25-2003).]