
I waswondering if anyone could give a little more detailed impression of tsuki…we got a few initial impressions a while back, but there has been no elaboration yet…and i could really use a few things elaborated for me so i can decide if i want to buy this gameo r not…for example:

is there any consentual sex?
is there an ending where the main character overcomes his dark side?

these things are important for me to know before i can decide one way or the other…

so those who havep layed it in depth, step forward and give your opinions and impressions please!

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:

is there any consentual sex?
is there an ending where the main character overcomes his dark side?


1)Yes and no (You would have to play it to understand what I mean)

2)Yes, in all the endings not listed as bad and there's one for each girl.

For the most part three of the paths are logical (Ryoko, Shizuka, Mitsuki) which is basically denying your dark side and not doing the worse of the two selections.
The other two (Takami and Keiko) are almost just the opposite, yet you still expel your dark side in their good endings. (Keiko probably has the best good ending, IMHO.)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 03-09-2003).]

Originally posted by Doug:
The other two (Takami and Keiko) are almost just the opposite, yet you still expel your dark side in their good endings. (Keiko probably has the best good ending, IMHO.)

Actually, I sort of the understand the logic behind those two paths. Still sorting out a few bits and pieces though. It's tough. It really involves getting into the head of Yosuke in his addled state and it's not a pleasant experience.

Originally posted by ekylo:
It really involves getting into the head of Yosuke in his addled state and it's not a pleasant experience.

I see.
Well, yesterday I played through the paths of the Yukino-scenario in Dokusen and that wasn't pleasent either: Watching from inside of a person how she breaks!
In fact, I think playing Yosuke would be much easier, since I'd compare it to playing Kaoru in Dokusen: also not very pleasent, but not as painful (rather disgusting, at least in the rape-scenes) as being the victim.

I sent you a email with a fairly detailed review. If you didn’t get it let me know.

Tsuki is good game. I got all endings.

Tsuki is better and less dark than Sensei 2. Excuse me… back to play Horny Bunnies

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I see.
Well, yesterday I played through the paths of the Yukino-scenario in Dokusen and that wasn't pleasent either: Watching from inside of a person how she breaks!
In fact, I think playing Yosuke would be much easier, since I'd compare it to playing Kaoru in Dokusen: also not very pleasent, but not as painful (rather disgusting, at least in the rape-scenes) as being the victim.

In a way, I think you could say that Dokusen is rather "fair" in that way. Rather than just letting the player "enjoy" being the master, the slave trainer, the one who (in msot cases) is the one who gets all the "fun", so to say, who least of all the characters has to suffer, if he suffers at all, the game also let the palyer play from the perespective of the one who is being trained, so that the player may feel her hate, pain and disgust at being "trained" and used.