
Been a long time since you last played it eh?
Anyone know anything about that tsukihime 2 rumor?

Tsukihime 2 is still rumors.

The only creditable info, is found in the Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Encyclopedia. According to that, the plot will focus around Dead Apostle #18 and Shiki - who is protecting Arc. Evidently Shiki is also dying because of his Death Eyes going crazy.

Still… Type-Moon is being tight-lipped about the whole thing… and it’s still not clear if the plot is just “in the works” or anywhere near completion or just a pipe dream.

By the way, can you tell me who the hell is Kishima Kouma? That man bothers me.

The Kishima are a branch of the Tohno clan. Their bloodline either was born from stronger demons than the Tohno, or it’s less “polluted” with human blood. Either way, they are stronger than the Tohno, and Kouma is the most powerful member of that family. Controls fire like Akiha - only with more intensity.

Pretty much he is Shiki’s worst nightmare: Kouma is the one who murdered everyone in the Nanaya clan and left Shiki alive for reasons that Kouma keeps mostly to himself.

Shiki is scared shitless of him. Kouma doesn’t really care or hate Shiki. Truth be told, he’s probably amused by the boy. If there’s anyone who could kill Shiki in a straight on match - even in “Nanaya-mode” - it would be him.

Really not much else to say about the character… one of those “kept vague to be mysterious” dudes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thx, at first I messed him up with Akiha’s father (who somehow came back from the dead, or have been remade by Waracia:P). So that animal is still alive… how come he didn’t invert, or he did?

I played it with the English patch it was pretty cool except for the censoring.

I cant wait for the new Melty Blood (Actress Again), they’re going to make Roa into a playable character. I’m going to wreck major vengence on his ass.

Big Question Number One-Two:
-Who is your favorite girl?
-Who do you hate most?

Sadly… We’ve yet to play Tsukihime:frowning:
Our only reference is “MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza” and the Re Act version…
So…base on that…

-Who is your favorite girl?

—> We can not decide who’s our most favorite from these three…

  1. Arcrueid Brunestud
  2. Kohaku& Hisui
  3. Tohno Akiha

In that order…! :smiley:

“…San desu ne…?”

-Who do you hate most?

None in particular… :roll:

“…Sou desu ne…?”

Well, that is just how it is…for now…

“…S-sou ne…”

#1: Hisui & Kohaku
#2: Sacchin
#3: Seven

Speaking of Kohaku. In the Melty Blood setting, has anyone ever wondered what her daily routine must be like? I mean consider this (not in this order):

Watch anime, play video games, hide tv/games from Akiha, make food (at least 3 times a day), make tea (whenever Akiha wants it), scheme evil things, plant mutant plants, built more Mecha Hisui and/or improve the Master Unit, formulate experimental drugs, hide schemes/plants/mecha/drugs from Akiha, lust over Hisui, lust over Shiki, lust over Shiki AND Hisui, get lusted over by Akiha, practice Iaido swordsmanship with swordcane broom, screw with Shiki, screw with Akiha, screw with Shiki AND Akiha, spend quality time with Hisui, sleep, eat, shit, repeat

I mean what does Arc do all day in comparison? Sleep, visit Shiki, watch people live their lives, and screw with Ciel? Hisui is a busy half of twincest! :smiley:

[ 12-21-2007, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

True, true…

My favorites:

  1. Len
  2. Hisui&Kohaku ( :smiley: )
  3. Arc


  1. Roa (bastard is the root of everyones problems [except Kohaku’s])

Len having a threesome with the maids… happy thought.

By the way is Vermilion Akiha evil?